Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

#Iraq #Resistance bombards #US agents nest in #Baghdad

 May 26, 2012


The "Army Tabi'in", one of the factions of the Iraqi resistance has taken four Katyusha bombardment on 23 May the headquarters of the U.S. occupiers in the "green zone" installed by imperialism Baghdad. This bombing is part of the campaign called "Sky Arrows aim the Green Zone and its criminal" launched by that fraction. Washington's propaganda claims a withdrawal from Iraq. Have actually replaced their regular forces by thousands of heavily armed mercenaries holed up in various databases throughout the country. The Iraqi resistance has identified these bases and constantly harassed until their complete dismantling and final departure of NATO, the USA and all its servile lackeys. The imperialist media ignore this reality to deceive world public opinion. source


Source: Autotranslation from Al Mokawama / Resistancia

China restates opposition to military intervention in Syria

(Reuters) - China on Wednesday reiterated its opposition to military intervention in Syria amid outrage of the massacre of 108 people, nearly half of them children, and called again for all sides to support mediation efforts by peace envoy Kofi Annan.


#US Sends Anti-Tank Weapons to #Syria Rats

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Montag, 28. Mai 2012

#Russia calls for #internet #revolution - #China #UN #Democracy #Media #BRICS #ALBA #AU #SCO

Published: 28 May, 2012, 16:42
AFP Photo/Nikolay Doychinov
AFP Photo/Nikolay Doychinov

Russia backed by China and India is pushing through a takeover of the internet by a UN supranational agency to make the web truly universal. The aim of the plan is to standardize the behavior of countries concerning information and cyberspace.
­Leading emerging economies supported by other United Nations members initiated the discussion around handing over internet regulation to a UN agency. At present it is controlled by private shareholders.
BRICS countries China, Brazil, India and Russia share the belief that the Geneva-based UN agency the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) would do a better job if put in charge of international cyber security, data privacy, technical standards and the global web address system.


Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012

#Syria government denies involvement in #Houla massacre

Houla: A handout picture released by the Syrian opposition's Shaam News Network shows UN observers inspecting the bodies of 92 victims at a hospital morgue before their burial in the central Syrian town of Houla on May 26, 2012 (AFP Photo / Shaam News network)
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TRENDS: Syria unrest

Damascus has refuted accusations of being behind a ruthless attack in Houla where over 90 civilians were killed. Political analyst Ibrahim Alloush told RT those killed were actually Assad loyalists, and the timing is suspicious.
­Friday's attack in the Governorate of Homs has risen already-high tensions in Syria, with many in the international community quick to point fingers at Assad's forces.
Public anxiety was fueled by numerous amateur videos from Houla posted to YouTube showing dozens of bodies, including many women and children.
Although the videos were widely distributed by the media, the source could not be independently verified.
Damascus condemned the attack Saturday, saying it had no involvement in the massacre, and accused “terrorist” groups of being behind it.
The authorities also announced an investigation into the incident.

‘Those killed were loyal to Assad’

Political analyst Ibrahim Alloush told RT that the way the attack was done and its timing “make it obvious” that Damascus is not responsible.
“It would not make sense for the Syrian army to commit these massacres and withdraw, and then just let the rebels come and take photos and make documentaries about them,” he explained.
Alloush believes the crimes were committed “by the armed gangs supported from abroad, from the GCC countries and from the NATO specifically through Turkey.”
The analyst insists that the massacre in Houla was carried out in the context of a broad attack throughout the area.
“They also attacked the national hospital in the region and they set fire to it. Then they turned to civilian houses in some of the neighboring villages and they started killing indiscriminately,” he said, emphasizing that among those killed  were people loyal to Assad.
Alloush also said that the timing of the attack makes it look suspicious.
“These crimes have come at a point when a political solution has slated for the Syrian question, and these people do not want to see a political solution – instead they want to see an armed intervention, an international foreign intervention in Syria under pretext of massacres,” he concluded.

source: Russia Today

Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

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Free "Syrian" Army is bombing Homs with mortar shells

Montag, 7. Mai 2012

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#Libya-n People Must Hold On Until Victory (full) - #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Russia #China #Liberation #LLF #LLA

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مداخلة الحر Afrisynergy فى غرفة الله ومعمر وليبيا وبس

— mit West Thea.

#Libya-n People Must Hold On Until Victory (full) - #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Russia #China #Liberation #LLF #LLA

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مداخلة الحر Afrisynergy فى غرفة الله ومعمر وليبيا وبس

— mit West Thea.

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Libyan People Must Hold On Until Victory is Achieved, 1 of 6

Massenmedien geben offen zu über Syrien zu lügen