Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

#Libya, news: The crash СЃconsequences at the #Sabha sewage plant. 30-12-2012

The crash СЃconsequences at the Sabha sewage plant.

According to eyewitnesses, the sewage plant was damaged by NATO bombing and shelling of the city by rats in 2011.

The occupation regime did not try to repair it, At the end of the last night, they are partially destroyed, sewage formed a stinking lake near the town of Sabha, the roads and the lands around are polluted.

These are direct consequences of the coming to power of the people, which do not care about the state, but only their own profit. These people come to power, under slogans of freedom, democracy and much better life, but in act they are invaders for own country and people.



Source: Green Committees Russia

Competition Leads to Concentration and Monopoly

1,000 Dead #Taliban In #Syria - #RealSyria #Pakistan #Afghanistan #FSA #Qatar #KSA

Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2012

Muslim Extremists

Psy Should Not Apologize

#RealSyria - 3 Innocent Foreigners Abducted In #Syria

#Libya - #Rats Plan 2 celebrate 61th anniv. of King Idris I. fake independence in #Sabha

Translated by Konstantyn Sheglikov

December 27, 2012 will be a ceremony celebrating the rats the 61th anniversary of independence (ascension to the throne of King Idris, Libya and receiving formal independence) at the Higher Institute of Sabha. So, we decided that we will not allow rats to celebrate their own holidays easy. We, the grandchildren of Muammar Gaddafi, take part in the celebration in our way.

#Linke #Syrien #Libyen - #RosaLuxemburg, #KarlLiebknecht, #Novemberrevolution & Verrat d #SPD

#RealSyria - #FSA Field Cmdr Tells #Israel TV in #Syria #Sharon is Friend if hes agnst #Bashar

#Libya #GreenLibya - #Sabha - Libyan civil resistance also still active - Allah #Muamar Libya wa bas!

Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012

أسرى الحرية يواصلون معركة الكرامة Prisoners of Freedom - #Libya

#Libya before 1969 - #GreenLibya #GNC #TNC #NATO #Gaddafi

#Real Syria #Syria : Syrian army kills terrorists Free Army " #FSA " , during the execution of the attack

#Africa - Renamed to Negro, but You Are A Rich People

From The Desk of AfriSynergy - December 24, 2012

Strength through adversity ! - #Palestine

December 22, 2012

Every morning at four o‘clock, I get up from bed, before starting university, to fulfill, with as much patience and perseverance as I can bring to life, the task I have assigned myself. I feel obligated to let the world know about the suffering of ordinary people where I live, here in Gaza. Recently, on a beautiful day, I was given the opportunity to meet the wife and children of one of Gaza’s martyrs.

I phoned her beforehand to get her permission. I was concerned she might not want to see anybody, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. With a friendly smile, she welcomed me to her humble home. As I sat down beside her, I said: “I am Rana, and I am here to tell the world your story and to describe how you live after the ugly crime you witnessed. I will also do what I can to share your message.”


>>read more at rana319's blog

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012



#Syria #RealSyria - #FSA Using Children For Executions

#Syria News 20.12.2012, #Putin: Syrians Are to Determine Their Future

#Farrakhan on #US #NATO backed #war 2 overthrow #Syria Government

#RealSyria - #Tunisia Ex Jihadist Tells why he Stopped Fighting Alongside #FSA in #Syria

#RealSyria: Residents of #Palestine #Yarmouk Camp in rally against #FSA

Sandy Hook Shooting Exposed As a Fraud

Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2012

#RealSyria - #Tunisia Jihadi #FSA Fighter returning from #Syria acc. Rats of comm. #warcrimes - #SNC #FreeSyria

Tunisian fought w/ FSA 4 a month. He was handled by dealers in Tunisia & Turkey who delivered him 2 #Syria While in #Syria, he discovered some ugly and despicable practices being practiced by the #FSA e.g. > 124 Libyans & Tunisians were killed and burned in the #Homs operation so that to accuse the #Syria|n Arab Army Also, if you're an Arab fighting in #Syria and you get wounded, you die. Arabs don't get treated in the field hospitals "Those who go to wage jihad in #Syria are the poor and the wretched and those with no future and no hope in life" thx for explanation of video to @sate3

#Libya occupation regime is hunting #HalaMisrati (Hala Ali) through #Interpol. - #GreenLibya #NATO #NTC

by Konstantin Scheglikov

Libyan occupation regime is hunting Hala Misrati (Hala Ali) through Interpol. She is wanted as a fugitive, so that's a hypocritical statement. From the start of NATO's war against Libya Interpol revealed itself as a weapon against unwanted people for Western regimes. Interpol declared people who fought for Libya, defended their country against militants of local and international gangs, as international criminals. I sincerly wish Interpol gets fooled, and the people helping her are the real heroes

Ливийский оккупационный режим разыскивает Халу Мисрати ( Халу Али) с помощью Интерпола. Она разыскивается, как беглец скрывающийся от правосудия, такая вот лицемерная формулировка. С самого начала войны НАТО против Ливии Интерпол показал себя как орудие против неугодных Западным режимам, он объявлял международными преступниками людей, которые боролись за Ливию,защищали ее от боевиков местных и международных бандформирований. Искренне желаю потерпеть Интерполу неудачу, а люди которые будут помогать ей, будут настоящими героями.

Last News from #Syria, 18.12.2012, Syria Will Remain Strong and Impregnable Thanks to Its People

Dictator #Gaddafi, huh.....????? Muammar & women insulting #Libya #Jamahiriya

On The Alleged Deaths in Stalin's USSR

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012

#Saudi Gov. Giving $100M To #FSA Terrorists - #Syria #KSA #Qatar #NATO

#Syria - #FSA posing #Hitler-Style in Internet.

by Kontantin Sheglikov


SYRIA: "democratic and peaceful rebels" from the FSA, can be recognized by their flags.
This photo shows their true believes.
Salafism in alliance with fascism, which support Western "democracy" and Israel.

When will appear "peaceful
" gas chambers?

СИРИЯ: «Демократических и мирные повстанцы" из ССА, их можно узнать по их флагам.
Эта фотография показывает их истинные убеждения.
Салафизм в союзе с фашизмом, которых поддерживают Западные "демократии" и Израиль.

Когда ждать появления "мирных" газовых камер ?



Declaration of one group of the #Green (Popular) Resistance in southern #Libya - #GreenLibya #NTC #FreeLibya #Gaddafi

Translation by Konstantin Sheglikov


The group "Green Lightning" declares that:

"Any armed group claims that they support the occupation regime, or "revolution," or they do not belong to the forces of Gaddafi, will be a legitimate target for a group Green Lightning".

All of these operations will be carried out in the south of Libya."


We will expect that more and more Libyans going to join that struggle because current regime continues to terrorize population and rob country. In 2011 Libyan Jamahiriya was denied to defend its people from criminal activities od the local and international gangs. We haven't any doubts that occupation regime will try to cease and overpower the Resistance under pretext of "defending" Libya. Now occupation regime closing the country-borders (Egypt and Tunisia are exeptions) because of "struglle against drugtrafficking and weapons saling". But it must be stressed that main trafficks of weapon and drugs are via Tunisia and Egyptian borders.


The theme of Anti-Islamist and Anti-Al-Quaeda struggle also is exploited as the Idea the regime and a Quaida weren't the same entity (2) while it was a Sheikh of al Quaeda who declared to protect the "revolution". In addition, the Al-Qaeda Sheikh stated that al-Qaeda doess not waging jihad against countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Israel. (1)
Their subordination to U.S. allies in the region and involvement in NATO's war against Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, on the invaders side become increasingly clear. Persons who tries to implement the idea that pro-Western puppet regimes struggle against Islamists (Al-Qaeda) clearly lies to us. (3)

Libya continues to struggle against the occupation regime and criminal gangs and "revolutionaries", while many of the rats now are "disillusioned with the revolution". But they are afraid to talk about it to avoid being kidnapped, tortured and abused. Many are afraid to walk the streets alone and being robbed or kidnapped by gangs wearing police or army uniform. This is a natural development of the situation in the country, which was seized by gangs who have received protection and support from the West and now can take the right to commit any crime against the population.

The West is interested in instability and chaos in the country, which could become a driving force for the liberation of Africa from colonial rule of the Western regimes.


Footnotes (added by Translator):

(1) Libya, the message to the media: On the statement of the leader of Al Qaeda in Misrata

(2) Documents: Al-Qaida wielding power in Libya

(3) Real relation between US and Islamist terrorists (Al-Qaeda).

#US Slandering #DPRK Satellite

Freitag, 14. Dezember 2012

The Big Picture, #Africa's #Congo and Western Theft (Playlist)

#Libya WAR CRIMES: Rats without honor, you will pay for your cruelty, you'll pa...

Ethiopians stage protest in Jerusalem against racism at Knesset and Zion...

#Israel's Ethiopians suffer different 'planned' parenthood - #ZionistCrimes #Sterilisation #Genocide #Racism

The revelation that Israel is sterilizing Ethiopian women adds to a shameful history of abuse of powerless women and communities.

By Efrat Yardai | Dec.12, 2012 | 11:15 PM | 19

(File photo) A televised investigation found that more than 40 women have received injections of the Depo-Provera contraceptive. Photo by Tomer Appelbaum


this story is by
Efrat Yardai
Efrat Yardai

It's hard to believe, but in Israel, in 2012, Ethiopian women are forced to receive injections of the Depo-Provera contraceptive. This injection is not a commonly prescribed means of contraception. It is considered a last resort and is usually given to women who are institutionalized or developmentally disabled. Yet according to an investigation recently aired on the “Vacuum” documentary series hosted by Gal Gabay and shown on Israeli Educational Television, it is also given to many new immigrants from Ethiopia.

This is not the first or only case where the state has interfered in the lives of people who have limited means of resistance. And as in other cases, the system that carried out this policy is extremely sophisticated, so it is hard to find a specific person who is responsible or a signed and written order. But the televised investigation, conducted with researcher Sava Reuven, found that more than 40 women have received the shot.

Depo-Provera has a shameful history. According to a report by the Isha L'Isha organization, the injections were given to women between 1967 and 1978 as part of an experiment that took place in the U.S. state of Georgia on 13,000 impoverished women, half of whom were black. Many of them were unaware that the injections were part of an experiment being conducted on their bodies. Some of the women became sick and a few even died during the experiment.

There are many examples across the world of efforts to reduce birthrates among disadvantaged populations that lack the resources and the capability to resist. During the 1960s, the U.S. was concerned by the increase of the population in Puerto Rico. In 1965, it was reported that 34 percent of Puerto Rican mothers aged 20 to 49 had been sterilized.

The injections given to Ethiopian women are part and parcel of the overall Israeli attitude toward this group of immigrants. During the 1980s and 1990s, thousands of Ethiopian Jews spent months or years in transit camps in Ethiopia and Sudan. Hundreds died en route to Israel simply because a country that is supposed to be a safe haven for Jews decided the time wasn’t right, they couldn’t all be absorbed together or they weren’t Jewish enough – who had heard of black Jews?

In transit camps today, future immigrants enter a horrifying bureaucratic entanglement, which gives them the burden of proving they are worthy of arriving in Israel. As in the past, those who arrive here are not quickly released from the grasp of state institutions. They continue to receive “treatment” in absorption centers, where the children are sent to religious boarding schools and included in special education frameworks, while the parents stay in ghettos and the women continue to receive injections. We are told there is no choice. The repressive, racist and paternalistic policies continue unhindered – policies that are supposedly in the best interests of the immigrants, who don’t know what is best for them.

This policy of total control over their lives, which starts while they are still in Ethiopia, is unique to immigrants from that country and does not allow them to adjust to Israel. Using the excuse that they need to be prepared for a modern country, they are brainwashed and made to remain dependent on the state absorption institutions.

The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee said the claims the women made in the investigation were nonsense. This reminded me of some other women who spoke nonsense, such as the mothers of the kidnapped Yemenite children or the Moroccan women who underwent “treatment” for ringworm. To this day, their words are dismissed as nonsense. If they tried to sterilize me or take my children away, I think I would be talking nonsense too.

The writer is a group instructor for women of Ethiopian origin on behalf of the Achoti – Women in Israel organization and served as a spokeswoman for the Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews.


Source: Haaretz

Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2012

FB Source about #Hama #Syria

Source at Facebook:

That HAMA/AKRAB thing looks only Fishy!
tomorrow there is Morroco Enemyies Meeting!
Maybe thats why , becoz for 2 hours i only saw RATS pages or rats related website smentioning about that , and there is only 2-3 videos 1 lil kid and 1 elder woman talkin in dif videos!

but let's wait , the day light.
Army doing operations there.

Freitag, 7. Dezember 2012

The reality of “ #newLibya ”: "Rats are leaving the sinking ship" ... #Libya #GreenLibya #Gaddafi #NTC #FreeLibya

Even well-known rats could be kidnapped and they leave the country.

by Konstantyn Sheglikov (Green Committees Russia)

The so-called revolution in Libya was nothing else than war and invasion by the West, the goal of this war and the occupation of Libya was the total control of the resources in Libya The West also destroyed an example of a successful socialist state in Africa and the Arab world. Libya could unite Africa and lead the continent on the path to freedom from the western colonization.

The West found greedy and stupid people inside and outside of Libya, there are people like that in any non-Western country, they hate their homeland and their own people. They serve the West, because they want to have the same freedom as their chiefs to commit crimes, even war crimes, and want to remain unpunished as well as the members of the Western regimes.
With the help of international foundations like HRW or Amnesty and others were found local gangs, they were armed and received from the hands of Western officials the freedom to terrorize civilians in Libya. These gangs continue terrorizing civilians in Libya, they are allowed to kill people for money, to rape, torture, kidnap and loot.
The occupation regime of Libya and the countries that have occupied Libya have an interest that this chaos continues, because except natural resources the western regimes make "resources" of the citizens of the occupied country.
They restored slavery and Nazi methods against people. All people who have been kidnapped by gangs from the beginning of this "revolution" would have been sold by the gangs for organs. Girls, women as well as very small children were sent to Europeans or Gulf-States prostitute networks or to the camps of the NATO occupiers of Libya.
Western regimes care about resourses of any occupied country, in the words of one British official of the 19th century after the British seized the oil fields in the Caucasus: " ...let the natives kill each other, it is important for us that the oil fields and the roads to them were under our control".
Gangs which were called "freedom fighters" by global media didn't stop with their criminal "work", and they kidnap not only refuges or poor people.
They kidnap rich Libyans too, a big part of them are rats, greedy people, now they are fleeing from Libya as Magdulien Abaida who had worked before and during the invasion against her own Homeland. She was kidnapped from some conference in Bengazy by “Islamist gang”, but later she was released because she had the support of Amnesty and HRW. Residents from Libya reported that: “she was released after the intervention of Raphael Luzon who is a Mossad officer in the Libyan jewish entity. ”, try to imagine she was released from “Islamists gang” by claim of officer from Mossad).
She was kicked, but compared to many months of torture and humiliation, that tens of thousands of Libyans are suffering because of lies people like her, her own pain is nothing. Criminal who kicked her, was right then called her “whore and bitch”, because she sold own country to greedy corporations. Unfortunately she was not raped as more than 8 000 libyan girls and women - victims of international gangs, local gangs and NATO troops (this information was got from local Human right activist Seham Sergewa, from interview of girl which escaped from prison of Libyan regime and many others sources) , she deserved more for her treachery. She have money and support from the UK, but what about the other Libyan girls and women who can not escape from the chaos, the horrors of torture and rape?
Look to her face, she one of small number of Libyan who sentenced own country to occupation and destruction, who sentenced own people to slaverity. Libya under chaos and lawlessness, corporations buy Libyan oil at a price of $ 25 a barrel, and earn 300 - 400% of the profits. It is the purpose of the human rights defenders such as she and her bosses from Amnesia International and Nato Rights Watch. She is smiling, she in safe… she did her work against Homeland and received money.

( photo 1)

Article about her cost nothing, Western media use old trick, they gived a little part of truth then country which West sentenced to loot already looted. They going to lie about Syria and Iran and want to return influence.
Everyday, number of victims of pro-West puppet regime increases only, people of Libya have right to release own country from this regime and recover Jamahiriya, recover own state for people with direct democracy.

This person on the next photo is a rat, his name is professor Abdulhamid Altubuly, he was one of the first from Tripoli who gave an interview in support of this fake revolution. He was kidnapped in front of his family. I don't care about him. His fate is an example of what is happening in Libya.

( photo 2)

I'm sure that this chaos and lawlessness was created by the West because they wanted to have a reason to conquer Libya as UN peacekeepers.
Or the situation could be compared with that in Somalia, chaos and NATO bases on the territory of Libya. In the coastal waters of Libya immediately after the bombing were fishing boats from Western companies under the flag of various small states, which are engaged in illegal fishing.
From the beginning of the war on the shores of Libya was dumped European garbage.
This is the Western freedom and democracy, which has occupied the territory of Libya. This is the reality of the new Libya, chaos and lawlessness supported by the West after dozens of years of successful development, and peaceful life in the Jamahiriya government for the masses.