Freitag, 28. Februar 2014
Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014
#Ukraine - MP #Moskal: Ppl chanting #Maidan Slogans R looting city & raping women - #EuroMaidan #Nazis #Coup #Syria #Libya
Translation by Brian Souter
Batkivshina Party parliament deputy Gennady Moskal says that there is high activitiy of armed gangs, who are committing robbery and looting hiding behind Maidan slogans.
This information was reported by Moskal’s press-service.
According to the MP’s information the armed mob call themselves “centurios” of Eurmaidan or other public organizations, which took part in the revolution.
“However, their actions today are no different and sometimes are even worse than what the previous regime was doing. I demand that the acting Minister of Interior Arsen Avakov immediately take measures to protect Ukrainian citizens from the outrage of armed criminals” Moskal said.
According to his information, 31st and 33rd Euromaidan self-defense centuries are the most obnoxious of all.
“Sasha Bunker is the head of the 31st century, and 33rd century is armed with 10 AK rifles. Besides that an unknown organization called UPA Specnaz emerged, which is armed with almost 20 sawn-off shotguns and 9 AK rifles.” Moslak states.
He also informs that one of the active units of 31st and 33rd centuries is moving around using AA 0019 VR number plate.
“At night these people initiate shooting in towns, their behavior is obnoxious and inadequate. During the whole day I have been receiving constant calls from people from different parts of the country, who were asking for one thing only – save them from these armed criminals. That’s because the law enforcement authorities, whose responsibility is to protect the law and order, do not react to the victims’ calls and don’t send any investigation groups out” Moskal said.
Moskal also told that people armed with firearms like AK rifles, pistols, grenades and sawn-off shotguns attack residential properties of the former officials, who are no longer respected.
“Hiding behind the revolutionary slogans these groups are robbing abandoned houses, embezzle jewelry and valuable items, together with alcohol, which they drink right on the spot, after which they start shooting, set the buildings on fire using Molotov cocktails and even rape women and girls, who have not managed to escape” Moskal asserted.
He also informed that these groups of masked men with bates, firearms and cold steel arms are freely moving around Kiev and other regions of Ukraine.
“They have tried stopping the airport, started intimidating the passengers demanding money – supposedly to support the revolution” Moskal noted.
Batkivshina Party parliament deputy Gennady Moskal says that there is high activitiy of armed gangs, who are committing robbery and looting hiding behind Maidan slogans.
This information was reported by Moskal’s press-service.
According to the MP’s information the armed mob call themselves “centurios” of Eurmaidan or other public organizations, which took part in the revolution.
“However, their actions today are no different and sometimes are even worse than what the previous regime was doing. I demand that the acting Minister of Interior Arsen Avakov immediately take measures to protect Ukrainian citizens from the outrage of armed criminals” Moskal said.
According to his information, 31st and 33rd Euromaidan self-defense centuries are the most obnoxious of all.
“Sasha Bunker is the head of the 31st century, and 33rd century is armed with 10 AK rifles. Besides that an unknown organization called UPA Specnaz emerged, which is armed with almost 20 sawn-off shotguns and 9 AK rifles.” Moslak states.
He also informs that one of the active units of 31st and 33rd centuries is moving around using AA 0019 VR number plate.
“At night these people initiate shooting in towns, their behavior is obnoxious and inadequate. During the whole day I have been receiving constant calls from people from different parts of the country, who were asking for one thing only – save them from these armed criminals. That’s because the law enforcement authorities, whose responsibility is to protect the law and order, do not react to the victims’ calls and don’t send any investigation groups out” Moskal said.
Moskal also told that people armed with firearms like AK rifles, pistols, grenades and sawn-off shotguns attack residential properties of the former officials, who are no longer respected.
“Hiding behind the revolutionary slogans these groups are robbing abandoned houses, embezzle jewelry and valuable items, together with alcohol, which they drink right on the spot, after which they start shooting, set the buildings on fire using Molotov cocktails and even rape women and girls, who have not managed to escape” Moskal asserted.
He also informed that these groups of masked men with bates, firearms and cold steel arms are freely moving around Kiev and other regions of Ukraine.
“They have tried stopping the airport, started intimidating the passengers demanding money – supposedly to support the revolution” Moskal noted.
Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014
#Ukraine - Wundersame Stimmenvermehrung für die #Euromaidan-#Faschisten - #EU #US #Rada #Nazis
by Frank Hagen
Das ist die neue Demokratie in der Ukraine, welche im Westen Begeisterungsstimmung auf kommen lässt - erst werden Abgeordnete der "Partei der Regionen" und der "Kommunisten" aus dem Parlament geprügelt, und dann wird mit deren Abstimmungskarten abgestimmt.
Das ist die neue Demokratie in der Ukraine, welche im Westen Begeisterungsstimmung auf kommen lässt - erst werden Abgeordnete der "Partei der Regionen" und der "Kommunisten" aus dem Parlament geprügelt, und dann wird mit deren Abstimmungskarten abgestimmt.
#Ukraine: Eyewitnesses tell about the horrific crimes committed by #US-#EU-#Euromaidan-#Nazis - #Russia #Putin

by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Regimes of USA and EU launch syrian/libyan scenario in Ukraine.
They created fascists who hate others people.
Please read report of eyewitness:
"Ukrainian massacres: witness recount
On Feb.20th eight buses with the legitimate government's supporters from the Crimea were heading back home. Near Korsun, Cherkassy region, the buses were ambushed by fascists.
Ekaterina Solodilova was in one of the buses.
Last Monday we left Simferopol at around 5PM and arrived in Kiev at 7 AM. We stopped in Mariinskiy park for peaceful rally. There were people of all ages among us, until 11 AM that day all was quite, we were just standing there holding the flags. All of the sudden a huge crowed carrying flags of Ukraine, EU, nationalists Bandera groups and Tatars. They started singing their songs and shout at us that we are in the wrong place and standing on the wrong side. Then they threw a Molotov bomb at us.
- Did they throw Molotov cocktails at YOU?!
- Yes, at us. As well as stung grenades, fireworks, sprayed pepper spray. We got separated from them by Berkut police. The Berkut police started burning from the exploding bottles of petrol mix. We called for ambulance, but the crowed wouldn't let them through. The infuriated thugs shouted "you are such a scum , you do not deserve to be treated".
Five rows of Berkut police stood between us and the crowed. We didn't have anything [to defend ourselves] except for tree branches. That aggressive crowed had weapons. People from our side and Berkut police suffered from gas spray. Many of the injured were smuggled out to the ambulances with sever head injuries. Then they started shooting at us from the other side. I saw 5 people gunned down.
From the stung grenades I saw people's skin torn from eye to eye. The extremists with knives were cutting ears off our people. My God, I can't find words to tell you what was happening.
- How did Berkut act?
- Berkut were defending people. That aggressive crowed had fire arms and the Berkut policemen- only pump guns, and only one per each hundred officers. What could they do? The thugs were swinging Molotovs at us, but thanks God, they put them out straight away. I found unexploded firework with tacks taped around it.
The Ukrainian media showed that we, the Crimeans, attacked "those" who carried red and black Bandera flags. This is not true!! How could we have attacked them if we had nothing to defend ourselves. We had to break the benches and use the bio-toilets' door for the shields.
- What happened on the way home?
- On Feb.20 we were on the way back to the Crimea on Kiev-Odessa road. There was trap laid by the armed thugs. They were burning tyres. Our bus column had to change the root several times to avoid militants road blocks, when we approached Korsun it all started.
- What started then?
- There were around 1,500 of extremists. They were masked, armed with baseball bats and Molotovs.
- How did they manage to stop the bus column?
- The first bus was set on fire with Molotovs that's how they stopped the rest of the column. Later that bus burned to ashes. Out of 8 buses only 2 survived. There were Afghan war veterans and Cossacks in the first bus. They got off and tried to defend us. They couldn't push the extremists back, 5 people got shot right away.
- Did you see this?
- I didn't see but later heard from the people who were there. I saw other deaths. They started forcing people off the buses, hands behind their heads, forced them to kneel and sing national anthem. Those who were not singing loud enough got beaten with the baseball bats. Some were stripped naked and made run around naked at the gum point. If someone was moving not fast enough they got beaten.
- Did they strip women as well?
No, they didn't touch women. Women were kneeling begging for mercy. We were begging them. They cursed at us, insulted and threaten with all sorts of tortures. I saw our bus driver got shot in the head with hunting rifle, another man had his hand blown off. One man got shot with hunting rifle right in front of me.
- What were they saying?
-They were shouting: " You are nations traitors! Who are you supporting? We are the people!" There were women among the nazis who were beating up our guys. They were yelling: " You, Crimeans, are the scum of the nation!". Then they searched the busses, turned our belongings upside down, threw them out the windows and burnt them. They took my nicknacks like perfume, phone charger and little cash I had. Some of our guys they urinated on, beat them with helmets, bats and metal pipes. They were threatening us all the time: "Don't come back to Ukraine again! We will come to the Crimea soon ourselves- just wait!"
- How long did it last?
- Between 4pm and 11 PM. We called the police, they came but left saying "We don't wish to deal with the crimeans" and left.
- What happened to the bodies of those they killed?
- They told us they were going to burry them at the nearby dumpster. Later the
local people who brought us water confirmed it.
- How did you manage to get home?
- We got saved by the Crimean Berkut returning home the same way. They got stopped as well and traded us for their ammunition. That's how we survived.
I am asking myself: why they hate us so much? Who will punish them for their crimes? These people have gone mad and feel their impunity. What are you doing these days to Ukraine?"
In photo you see one of many humiliations commit by fascists and local brainwashed haters. They forced this young man and many others later to collect the broken glass with bare hands and refer to the luggage compartment of the bus and into the pockets of jackets.
The Nazis themselves recorded videos of their assault, harassments and bullying and posted it to YouTube
Watch a videos of the attack the Nazis, which you have just read.
I remind you, these videos were shot by the Nazis for their own pleasure.
Title: Cherkasy, daytime duty at the dam. February 21
In this video you can to see illegal armed gangs from western Ukraine with some local citizens make the checkpoint on the highway. You see also stones and Molotov cocktails in bottles.
They hunt on people who came back from Kiev, from anti-fascists rally. Another fascists from Kiev gave them information. This action was preplanned as punitive action of people from East and South parts of Ukraine. Because fascists know time and how must look buses, i think NATO gave to their heads in Kiev information from satellites. They also hunt all cars, tracks and buses which they don't like, it is ordinary armed robbing.
Titushki" - fascists use this term to all people, who are against fascists coup in Ukraine. It was created for dehumanizing and demonizing opponents of the fascists. Fascists can do anything with the people, whom they call titushki. Fascists accused "titushki" in all the crimes that the Fascists committed themselves. These techniques have been used in Libya and Syria. Journalists who spread lies about titushki, responsible for the crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis, as accomplices.
Detention of titushki from the Crimea in the city Korsun-Shevchenko, Cherkasy region.
In text below eyewitness told about this case
Title: Titushki were forced to sing the anthem of Ukraine, town Smel, Cherkasy region
Title: Residents of Korsun-Shevchenko district burned three buses with titushki [Cherkasy region].
Title: Capture of buses with titishki from Odessa. Cherkasy region Zvedigorodka
Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014
Montag, 24. Februar 2014
#Crimea will be free from #Ukraine fascists and Muslim extremists who make alliance with fascists
#NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists
#LibyanSyrianscenario #Crimea #Simferopol #Resistance
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
25.02.2014. This afternoon, residents of the city of Simferopol, and other cities and towns of the Crimea, will hold a rally near the walls of the Parliament and Government of the Republic of Crimea.
The main requirement of the protesters is the respect of our rights. We will require local authorities to carry out the will of the people. We will require that local authorities must not follow criminal orders of the fascist regime in Kiev.
If the local authorities refuse to fulfill our requirements, we will make the head of the Crimea another politician or public figure.
#LibyanSyrianscenario #Crimea #Simferopol #Resistance
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
25.02.2014. This afternoon, residents of the city of Simferopol, and other cities and towns of the Crimea, will hold a rally near the walls of the Parliament and Government of the Republic of Crimea.
The main requirement of the protesters is the respect of our rights. We will require local authorities to carry out the will of the people. We will require that local authorities must not follow criminal orders of the fascist regime in Kiev.
If the local authorities refuse to fulfill our requirements, we will make the head of the Crimea another politician or public figure.
#Ukraine #Russia - People of #Sevastopol elect their own mayor for the first time in history of the city.
#NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists
#LibyanSyrianscenario #Crimea #Sevastopol #Resistance
by Konstatin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Yesterday evening, 24.02.2014, in the city Sevastopol, local parliament voted for new mayor, who is citizen of Russia, Alexandr Chaly. Hi was elected as mayor of Sevastopol in people's forum few days ago. Fascists regime of Ukraine wanted to put their puppet there, he was deputy of last mayor of Sevastopol. This puppet even tried to capture building of administration, he called to his masters from Ukrainian fascists regime in the Kiev. To the Sevastopol came group from Security Service and Kiev police in order to kidnap people's mayor Alexandr Chaly. People come to street by appeal of activists and they don't allow fascists servants to kidnap their mayor. People force them to leave city, later people come to police headquarters of the local police and the local prosecutor's office, they swore allegiance to the people. They do not perform criminal orders of the fascist regime in Ukraine more.
Also at evening people come to square near local Parliament, in order to support their mayor, Alexandr Chaly. Local MP's voted for him, 49 MP's from 59 voted for Alexander Chaly.
Until now, mayor of the city of Sevastopol was administered from Kiev , the city of Sevastopol during the Soviet era had a special status and ruled from Moscow. This was associated with the Soviet Black Sea Fleet , which is based there . After the collapse of the USSR Sevastopol was administered from Kiev, president decided who be mayor of this city. Now for the first time, residents of Sevastopol themselves appointed mayor of Sevastopol . Local MP's only legally formalized the appointment.
#LibyanSyrianscenario #Crimea #Sevastopol #Resistance
by Konstatin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Yesterday evening, 24.02.2014, in the city Sevastopol, local parliament voted for new mayor, who is citizen of Russia, Alexandr Chaly. Hi was elected as mayor of Sevastopol in people's forum few days ago. Fascists regime of Ukraine wanted to put their puppet there, he was deputy of last mayor of Sevastopol. This puppet even tried to capture building of administration, he called to his masters from Ukrainian fascists regime in the Kiev. To the Sevastopol came group from Security Service and Kiev police in order to kidnap people's mayor Alexandr Chaly. People come to street by appeal of activists and they don't allow fascists servants to kidnap their mayor. People force them to leave city, later people come to police headquarters of the local police and the local prosecutor's office, they swore allegiance to the people. They do not perform criminal orders of the fascist regime in Ukraine more.
Also at evening people come to square near local Parliament, in order to support their mayor, Alexandr Chaly. Local MP's voted for him, 49 MP's from 59 voted for Alexander Chaly.
Until now, mayor of the city of Sevastopol was administered from Kiev , the city of Sevastopol during the Soviet era had a special status and ruled from Moscow. This was associated with the Soviet Black Sea Fleet , which is based there . After the collapse of the USSR Sevastopol was administered from Kiev, president decided who be mayor of this city. Now for the first time, residents of Sevastopol themselves appointed mayor of Sevastopol . Local MP's only legally formalized the appointment.
Sonntag, 23. Februar 2014
Western #Ukraine - A Group of #EU-#US-#EuroMaidan-#Nazis beat old woman brutally at #Lenin Monument

by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Somewhere in western part of Ukraine, 2013
Ukrainian fascists beat an elderly woman who brought flowers to a monument of Lenin .
Flags in photo are flags of fascists party "Svoboda". I think it happened somewhere in western Ukraine, it is nest of Ukrainian fascists.
They are people whom EU/USA bring to power in Ukraine.
#Ukraine - #US-#EU-#Euromaidan-#Nazis try to attack, plunder #orthodox #church - #Terrorism #Fascism #Crime
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Yesterday evening, armed groups of fascists of Euromaidan attempted to seize and plunder a monument of world importance - Kiev- Pechersk Lavra and Pochaevo Lavra , these Orthodox sanctuaries were established about 9 - 10 centuries ago.
This is also the monastery, where the monks of the Russian Orthodox Church live and a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians . There are icons and objects of art, priceless for Orthodox Christians. At Sotheby's , they can be estimated in the millions and tens of millions of dollars, icons and church utelities are made of gold , silver and precious stones . Several thousand fascists smashing gates broke into the monastery.
The head of the monastery was forced to ask help from Patriarch Kirill [Russian Ortodox Church] . Further, it became known to the President of Russia, Putin, whom demanded the heads of the EU and the U.S. to stop the robbery by their fascists. Bosses of Euromaidan thugs were forced to give the order to retreat . It is version, I know exatly that head of monastery make phone call about help and after some time fascists retreat, bosses of fascists denied own words .
From an eyewitness:
" At night, the rostrum of the Maidan [ Euromaidan] announced that " the time has come to resolve the issue with the Moscowite Church and to go to the Lavra [Kiev- Pechersk Lavra] now. The speaker suggested to "his brothers " to do the same in Pochaiv [Pochaevo Lavra] " ( I quote from memory , but the gist of it is ) .
In addition, it was said that about five hundred " titushek " [ any person in Ukraine who is against fascists is titushka], "...we must take ' baseball bats..."
It happened late in the evening on February 22. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is called 'Moscow Church by Ukrainian nationalists (fascists).
After the collapse of the Soviet Union corrupt church officials formed the Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate and began to capture temples and monasteries. This illegal and unrecognized church supports the fascist Euromaidan now, along with Catholics and Jesuits .
The whole world watched the photo of 3 monks with crosses and icons between police and fascists. These were monks from Kievs' Pechersk Lavra, the Desyatinna Church and Pochayevskaya Lavra. They are representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, i e representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church which is recognized worldwide .
At the same time, representatives of other churches supported the Nazi's of Euromaidan .
At the moment, Kiev -Pechersk Lavra, the Desyatinna Church and Pochayevskaya Lavra are again under siege . Fascists want to leave the monks without food and deprive them of the opportunity to leave the territory . This is a real blockade , created by the Nazis who came to power . Nazis trained by U.S. and EU call black white , blockade of monasteries by fascists are called security grounds. Perhaps in the coming nights there will be new attempts of assault.
Obviously, some EU officials and the U.S. were on the territory of these monasteries and churches and ordered the Nazi's to steal icons for private collections as was done with the museums and churches in other countries that were and are occupied by NATO
![]() |
In the photo you can to see one of halls of Kiev - Pechersk Lavra. |
Yesterday evening, armed groups of fascists of Euromaidan attempted to seize and plunder a monument of world importance - Kiev- Pechersk Lavra and Pochaevo Lavra , these Orthodox sanctuaries were established about 9 - 10 centuries ago.
This is also the monastery, where the monks of the Russian Orthodox Church live and a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians . There are icons and objects of art, priceless for Orthodox Christians. At Sotheby's , they can be estimated in the millions and tens of millions of dollars, icons and church utelities are made of gold , silver and precious stones . Several thousand fascists smashing gates broke into the monastery.
The head of the monastery was forced to ask help from Patriarch Kirill [Russian Ortodox Church] . Further, it became known to the President of Russia, Putin, whom demanded the heads of the EU and the U.S. to stop the robbery by their fascists. Bosses of Euromaidan thugs were forced to give the order to retreat . It is version, I know exatly that head of monastery make phone call about help and after some time fascists retreat, bosses of fascists denied own words .
From an eyewitness:
" At night, the rostrum of the Maidan [ Euromaidan] announced that " the time has come to resolve the issue with the Moscowite Church and to go to the Lavra [Kiev- Pechersk Lavra] now. The speaker suggested to "his brothers " to do the same in Pochaiv [Pochaevo Lavra] " ( I quote from memory , but the gist of it is ) .
In addition, it was said that about five hundred " titushek " [ any person in Ukraine who is against fascists is titushka], "...we must take ' baseball bats..."
It happened late in the evening on February 22. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is called 'Moscow Church by Ukrainian nationalists (fascists).
After the collapse of the Soviet Union corrupt church officials formed the Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate and began to capture temples and monasteries. This illegal and unrecognized church supports the fascist Euromaidan now, along with Catholics and Jesuits .
The whole world watched the photo of 3 monks with crosses and icons between police and fascists. These were monks from Kievs' Pechersk Lavra, the Desyatinna Church and Pochayevskaya Lavra. They are representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, i e representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church which is recognized worldwide .
At the same time, representatives of other churches supported the Nazi's of Euromaidan .
At the moment, Kiev -Pechersk Lavra, the Desyatinna Church and Pochayevskaya Lavra are again under siege . Fascists want to leave the monks without food and deprive them of the opportunity to leave the territory . This is a real blockade , created by the Nazis who came to power . Nazis trained by U.S. and EU call black white , blockade of monasteries by fascists are called security grounds. Perhaps in the coming nights there will be new attempts of assault.
Obviously, some EU officials and the U.S. were on the territory of these monasteries and churches and ordered the Nazi's to steal icons for private collections as was done with the museums and churches in other countries that were and are occupied by NATO
Samstag, 22. Februar 2014
#Russland : Wiederherstellung der vollen Souveränität #Rußland|s - #Putin #Födorov #US #NATO #NOD

14. Februar 2014 über Kulturstudio
Aufruf zum nationalen Aktionstag am 23. Februar 2014 zum Schutze des Vaterlandes und für die Wiederherstellung der vollen staatlichen Souveränität Rußlands
Die Nationale Befreiungsbewegung Rußlands (NOD), die im November 2011 durch W. W. Putin ins Leben gerufen wurde und deren Tätigkeit vom Duma-Abgeordneten J. A. Fjodorow koordiniert wird, leitet mit diesem Aufruf eine neue Etappe des Kampfes zur Verteidigung Rußlands sowie für die völlige Wiederherstellung der staatlichen Souveränität des Landes und damit gleichzeitig der Stärkung seiner Position im internationalen Kampf zur Befreiung der Völker ein. Begleitet wird dies mit dem vom parlamentarischen Klub Russlands in einem über das Internet durchgeführten gesamtrussischen Referendum zu den Hauptfragen der weiteren Entwicklung des Landes. Darin wird zur Abstimmung über folgende Fragen aufgerufen:
• Ø Für eine Neue Volksverfassung der Russischen Föderation
• Ø Für Souveränität und Unabhängigkeit von den Okkupanten
• Ø Für die Nationalisierung der Zentralbank der Russischen Föderation
• Ø Für die Nationalisierung der strategischen Wirtschaftssektoren der Russischen Föderation.
Wir sehen, jene russischen Politiker, die fest zu Putin stehen, mobilisieren das Volk für die volle Wiederherstellung der staatlichen Souveränität des Landes! Sie wissen, daß eine rechtmäßige multipolare Ordnung in der Welt nicht von allein entsteht. Für Unabhängigkeit und Freiheit muß man kämpfen: außen- und innenpolitisch, ökonomisch, informativ und ideologisch.
Wenn wir nicht als Zaungäste der Weltgeschichte am verräterischen Treiben der hiesigen Politiker zugrunde gehen wollen, ist es zwingend geboten, sich diesem Kampf anzuschließen – wir haben sonst keine Chance!
Aufruf an einen Verteidiger des Vaterlandes
Übersetzt von Katja Korun
Unter den Bedingungen der zunehmenden Krise im Westen, der Verstärkung der zwischenstaatlichen Konkurrenz, der wir uns alle bewusst sind oder nicht, sind wir Teilnehmer verschiedener Kriegsarten, vor allem des Informationskrieges. Der Schutz des Vaterlandes ist eine lebenswichtige Notwendigkeit für jeden Bürger und für unsere Gesellschaft insgesamt. Der Rückzug von aktiver Tätigkeit —das ist die Position des Opfers oder des Deserteurs.
Die Aktivitäten müssen sich um den nationalen Führer ranken: des Menschen, der von der Sache her seinen Glauben an die Heimat gezeigt hat, indem er unsere Militärmacht erneuerte. Es ist der Moment gekommen, daß der einheitliche politische Wille des Volkes — die Frage der Überlebensfähigkeit des Landes aufwirft.
Wir rufen alle politischen Kräfte der Bürger, des Militärs, der Vertreter der Machtstrukturen auf, den Willen zur Unterstützung der Umgestaltungen zu vereinigen, die Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin verwirklicht.
Die aktuelle Lage:
In der Regel sagen wir, dass unser Land nicht souverän ist und das ist so, vor allem in der Wirtschaft…
Doch es gibt einen Bereich, wo wir souverän sind:
Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin hat die nukleare Macht des Landes wiederhergestellt und erneuert jetzt aktiv die Armee und die Flotte. Und das ist der Hauptgrund, warum unser Land bis jetzt nicht unter den Schlägen der gierigen und unersättlichen westlichen Welt zusammengebrochen ist. Die ganze Welt versteht: Rußland hat einen starken nationalen Führer.
Bis jetzt bleibt Rußland das einzige Land in der Welt, das im Falle der Notwendigkeit fähig ist, die USA zu zerstören!
Die Appetitsgelüste der herrschenden Oberschicht der USA erstrecken sich auf die ganze Welt. Daher wird der Westen nicht aufhören, neue Mittel und Methoden der Kriegsführung zu entwickeln: Das sind der Terrorismus, die Provokationen, das Aufziehen von extremistischen Organisationen. Sinnlose und unzählbare, grausame Umstürze, Bürgerkriege - das sind die Folgen der Doktrin des « gesteuerten Chaos », die durch die USA der ganzen Welt aufgezwungen wird.
Vor allem wird das durch den Informationskrieg erreicht und erst danach mit den Aktionen der Sonderdienste, der Banditen und Terroristen.
Deshalb ist die Verteidigung des Vaterlandes — die Sache eines jeden Bürgers. Es ist nicht nur der Dienst in der Armee und in der Flotte. Es ist nicht nur die Arbeit im Vereidigungskomplex des Landes. Wir alle befinden uns an der vordersten Linie. Wir sind alle an der Front.
Diese Front verläuft durch das Bewußtsein unserer Mitbürger. Diese Front geht durch das Bewußtsein unserer Freunde, Verwandten, Nächsten: weil wir über Jahrzehnte unter der Einwirkung der feindlichen Propaganda lebten.
Die feindlichen Massenmedien erzeugen ein falsches Weltbild beim Menschen: für ihn ist es kompliziert sich vorzustellen, dass sich das Land in kolonialer Abhängigkeit befindet und dass seine weitere Teilung und Okkupation durch den Feind vorbereitet werden. Noch komplizierter ist es für ihn zu verstehen, dass sich der oberste Beamte des Landes in erster Linie nicht als Hauptschräubchen der Okkupationsmaschine erwies —sondern dass sich ein russischer Mensch, ein Patriot eingefunden hat.
Im Wesentlichen hat Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin gegen den Besatzer — die Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas rebelliert.
Und er hat es eben wie ein echter russischer Offizier getan, indem er die eigenen Möglichkeiten bewusst machte und strategisch die Ressourcen vorbereitete.
Alle diese Jahre waren angefüllt mit schwerem Kampf, voll mit Vorwärtsbewegungen und Rückzügen.
Wir sehen auch die Früchte der Siege: Es ist unsere Armee, die wiederauflebende Flotte, der wiedererstandene militärisch-industrielle Komplex. Das ist der führende Platz Russlands in den neuen weltumspannenden Vereinigungsprozessen.
Aber es gibt auch einige ungelöste Probleme. Bis jetzt ist die Wirtschaft Russlands nicht souverän: die Besitzer einer Vielzahl russischer Unternehmen sind Offshore-Gesellschaften, unser Finanzsystem befindet sich in direkter Abhängigkeit von den USA. Das sind alles Folgen der 90er Jahre, als Russland die knechtenden Verträge abschloss und das genehme gesetzgebende und politische System der USA übernahm.
Es gibt auch Niederlagen, obwohl diese uns nicht bewusst sind, wir sie nicht begreifen. Unser Volk ist gutherzig und geduldig. Nachsichtig wird es sich auch zur Bande Nawalnys und zu den anderen Verrätern der Heimat verhalten. Aber das ist vollkommen kurzsichtig! Weil sie fortsetzen, die schmutzigen Sachen zu betreiben, das Land vor den Augen aller zu zerbrechen!
Alle Bürger unseres Landes sind an der Front, unabhängig davon ob sie es begreifen oder nicht.
Es gibt nur einen Ausweg – entweder Opfer zu werden oder seine Nächsten, seine Heimat zu schützen, sich bewusst in die Reihen der Kämpfer mit der Okkupationsmaschine einzugliedern, Soldat oder Offizier des politischen Informationskrieges zu werden.
#EU-#US-#NATO-#Nazis establish rule of #Terror in areas they control - #EuroMaidan
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists #KIev
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Please read the quotes from the fascists media :
"Pravy sector" arrested Sergei Kharchenko, chief of custom “Chop” and tied him to a pole near the Regional State Administration. This was reported to "Zakarpatye online" commandant of the Zakarpatye Regional State administration. ..Now Sergey Kharchenko is tied to a pole near the Zakarpatye Regional Administration facilities...
...Activists [Pravy Sector] say that Sergei Kharchenko has told about corruption schemes, how much he took in bribes in Zakarpatye and what amounts were then transferred to Kiev, his words were recorded on the video...
..Sergey Kharchenko , the head “Chop" Custom was detained during his lunch in the city of Uzhgorod, the capital of the Zakarpatje region. Then he was tied to a pole with tape on the Narodnaya Square .
This was reported on "Zakarpatye online", coming from the commandant of the Zakarpatye Regional State administration.
..Now Sergey Kharchenko is tied to a pole near the Zakarpatye Regional Administration facilities...
…After that, he spoke about the corruption schemes at customs on video
and later signed a letter of resignation from office… …Now the former head of Custom "Chop" Sergey Kharchenko under control of fighters from “Pravy sector” wrote resignation in building of Zakarpatye Regional Administration. “
Sources: News/ 120324-Pravyi-sektor-aresht uvav-nachalnyka-Chopskoi-m ytnytsi-i-pryviazav-ioho-d o-stovpa-bilia-ODA-FOTO News/ 120326-Zatrymanyi-nachalnyk -Chopskoi-mytnytsi-napysav -zaiavu-na-zvilnennia-i-ro zpovidaie-pro-koruptsiini- skhemy
-------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- -
Custom "Chop" is custom in board of Zakarpatje region of Ukraine (western part of Ukraine) and Poland.
Look at the picture below and the photos in the articles. What the fascists from the "Pravy sector" did was to torture him . On a piece of paper on the Ukrainian language wrote: " Custom’s bribe taker ."
Among the actions of thugs of “Pravy sector” to Sergei Kharchenko are kidnapping , illegal detention , providing mental and physical pressure , threats to life and health , public humiliation and torture . Not surprisingly, that Sergei Kharchenko confessed to everything he was forced to admit by the Nazis . The Nazis could threaten him with violence towards his family, as they have threatened each and other officials of Ukraine. The commandant's office , which was mentioned in the articles , is home of a fascist organization that monitors captured local administration. First in Ukraine it was created during World War II during the Nazi occupation. Now the Nazi occupation returned to Ukraine , along with slogans and concepts of the Second World War . This is the true face of the so-called peaceful protesters , which was created and maintained by the EU and the U.S..
The fascists , who came to power in Ukraine , repeat the steps of the "revolutionaries" of Libya and Syria.
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
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The Ukrainian fascists continue to show their true face. This information, with photos, has been published in the media today. Thugs from the “Pravy sector” committed this crime publicly. |
Please read the quotes from the fascists media :
"Pravy sector" arrested Sergei Kharchenko, chief of custom “Chop” and tied him to a pole near the Regional State Administration. This was reported to "Zakarpatye online" commandant of the Zakarpatye Regional State administration. ..Now Sergey Kharchenko is tied to a pole near the Zakarpatye Regional Administration facilities...
...Activists [Pravy Sector] say that Sergei Kharchenko has told about corruption schemes, how much he took in bribes in Zakarpatye and what amounts were then transferred to Kiev, his words were recorded on the video...
..Sergey Kharchenko , the head “Chop" Custom was detained during his lunch in the city of Uzhgorod, the capital of the Zakarpatje region. Then he was tied to a pole with tape on the Narodnaya Square .
This was reported on "Zakarpatye online", coming from the commandant of the Zakarpatye Regional State administration.
..Now Sergey Kharchenko is tied to a pole near the Zakarpatye Regional Administration facilities...
…After that, he spoke about the corruption schemes at customs on video
and later signed a letter of resignation from office… …Now the former head of Custom "Chop" Sergey Kharchenko under control of fighters from “Pravy sector” wrote resignation in building of Zakarpatye Regional Administration. “
Custom "Chop" is custom in board of Zakarpatje region of Ukraine (western part of Ukraine) and Poland.
Look at the picture below and the photos in the articles. What the fascists from the "Pravy sector" did was to torture him . On a piece of paper on the Ukrainian language wrote: " Custom’s bribe taker ."
Among the actions of thugs of “Pravy sector” to Sergei Kharchenko are kidnapping , illegal detention , providing mental and physical pressure , threats to life and health , public humiliation and torture . Not surprisingly, that Sergei Kharchenko confessed to everything he was forced to admit by the Nazis . The Nazis could threaten him with violence towards his family, as they have threatened each and other officials of Ukraine. The commandant's office , which was mentioned in the articles , is home of a fascist organization that monitors captured local administration. First in Ukraine it was created during World War II during the Nazi occupation. Now the Nazi occupation returned to Ukraine , along with slogans and concepts of the Second World War . This is the true face of the so-called peaceful protesters , which was created and maintained by the EU and the U.S..
The fascists , who came to power in Ukraine , repeat the steps of the "revolutionaries" of Libya and Syria.
Freitag, 21. Februar 2014
New phase from scenario of Arab spring launched in #Ukraine - #EuroMaidan #EU #US #Nazis #Terrorism
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists #KIev
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Thugs from Ukrainian nationalist organizations arrange illegal checkpoints in the western regions of Ukraine, in the central regions of Ukraine and in the Kiev region. They randomly stop any vehicle and inspect them, and also check the documents of people.
They're looking for members of the Party of Regions, they have lists with the names of the members of the Party of Regions. Fascists do not allow them to leave the captured cities, it is obvious that in the future these fascists are going to execute them, accusing members of Party of Regions and other people for the crimes that the Nazis themselves have committed.
It is painful to watch while girls and women are ill used at these checkpoints. Fascists deliberately use them as shields at the checkpoints . Girls can be killed by their fellow thugs, shot in the back in order to present them as a victims of " titushek ", ie. opponents of fascists.
Most girls and women standing at checkpoints came from the fascist western Ukraine, but some there are local. They were brainwashed by the propaganda of local media that supports the fascist coup. So indoctrinated they will look calmly at the beating or killing of other people.
About the photos and video in this post: on the road from Kiev a checkpoint was established by gangs of the fascists and also some local people. They halted a bus of riot police "Berkut". They threw on the road a metal 'hedgehog', which pierced the wheels of the bus. The bus driver lost control and had to stop. Not less than one hundred thugs attacked the damaged bus. The police had the right to open fire, but they only fired warning shots in the air, because they did not want to injure or kill. Some of the fascist militants threw a stun grenade at the feet of of a local man that wounded him. Angry crowds rushed to the bus to smash its windows and tried to beat the police. When the police-commander tried to talk to the people, he was severely beaten also on his head. He lost consciousness and an ambulance - that apparently was called by one of the women of the checkpoint - took him. Police were forced to retreat in a hurry out of the bus, leaving personal belongings and a part of the ammo for the bandits. As you can see in the pictures the bus was broken and the personal belongings were scattered by the thugs as they looked for money and valuables. Numerous eyewitnesses said that from the beginning of fascist coup, from November 2013 , the Nazis plundered even their wounded or dead comrades or competitors from other fascist groups.
Girl reporter from fascist Ukrainian channel "1 +1" , "TSN " is it's unit, not even condemned the looting by Nazi. She calmly said with a smile about the documents and personal belongings even underwear that has been thrown out by the Nazis from the bags on the road. Self-zombification so strong damaged brains of such people. Journalists come up with the myth that " revolutionaries fascists" are "lovely people" , and those who oppose them are not people at all, so fascists can to do what want to do.
Police build defense order, in the territory local flower farm. Local police seeking their bus so they could leave. I hope they could leave without problems.
Till today there were several reports that at different points trails leading from Kiev , huge in size fascist gang gunmen hunted small columns of buses with eagles . Fascists of Euromaidan staged a manhunt , fascist militants used machines , guns, Molotov cocktails, bats,etc . Obviously, somebody received information about the movements of buses with police and gave instructions . It is likely that, as in Libya and Syria , agents of the U.S. and the EU using spy satellites to give the necessary information fascists.
Criminal regimes the U.S., EU and Israel need a civil war in Ukraine.
They gave the orders to their fighters to arrange illegal checkpoints ahd to carry out attacks and provocations . Fascist gangs must transform the life of ordinary citizens into a nightmare, so later occupants from NATO could come as "peacekeepers" .
Link to video video-novini/ pod-kievom-razyarennye-lyud i-zagnali-silovikov-v-obsc hezhitie.html?type=1700
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Thugs from Ukrainian nationalist organizations arrange illegal checkpoints in the western regions of Ukraine, in the central regions of Ukraine and in the Kiev region. They randomly stop any vehicle and inspect them, and also check the documents of people.
They're looking for members of the Party of Regions, they have lists with the names of the members of the Party of Regions. Fascists do not allow them to leave the captured cities, it is obvious that in the future these fascists are going to execute them, accusing members of Party of Regions and other people for the crimes that the Nazis themselves have committed.
It is painful to watch while girls and women are ill used at these checkpoints. Fascists deliberately use them as shields at the checkpoints . Girls can be killed by their fellow thugs, shot in the back in order to present them as a victims of " titushek ", ie. opponents of fascists.
Most girls and women standing at checkpoints came from the fascist western Ukraine, but some there are local. They were brainwashed by the propaganda of local media that supports the fascist coup. So indoctrinated they will look calmly at the beating or killing of other people.
About the photos and video in this post: on the road from Kiev a checkpoint was established by gangs of the fascists and also some local people. They halted a bus of riot police "Berkut". They threw on the road a metal 'hedgehog', which pierced the wheels of the bus. The bus driver lost control and had to stop. Not less than one hundred thugs attacked the damaged bus. The police had the right to open fire, but they only fired warning shots in the air, because they did not want to injure or kill. Some of the fascist militants threw a stun grenade at the feet of of a local man that wounded him. Angry crowds rushed to the bus to smash its windows and tried to beat the police. When the police-commander tried to talk to the people, he was severely beaten also on his head. He lost consciousness and an ambulance - that apparently was called by one of the women of the checkpoint - took him. Police were forced to retreat in a hurry out of the bus, leaving personal belongings and a part of the ammo for the bandits. As you can see in the pictures the bus was broken and the personal belongings were scattered by the thugs as they looked for money and valuables. Numerous eyewitnesses said that from the beginning of fascist coup, from November 2013 , the Nazis plundered even their wounded or dead comrades or competitors from other fascist groups.
Girl reporter from fascist Ukrainian channel "1 +1" , "TSN " is it's unit, not even condemned the looting by Nazi. She calmly said with a smile about the documents and personal belongings even underwear that has been thrown out by the Nazis from the bags on the road. Self-zombification so strong damaged brains of such people. Journalists come up with the myth that " revolutionaries fascists" are "lovely people" , and those who oppose them are not people at all, so fascists can to do what want to do.
Police build defense order, in the territory local flower farm. Local police seeking their bus so they could leave. I hope they could leave without problems.
Till today there were several reports that at different points trails leading from Kiev , huge in size fascist gang gunmen hunted small columns of buses with eagles . Fascists of Euromaidan staged a manhunt , fascist militants used machines , guns, Molotov cocktails, bats,etc . Obviously, somebody received information about the movements of buses with police and gave instructions . It is likely that, as in Libya and Syria , agents of the U.S. and the EU using spy satellites to give the necessary information fascists.
Criminal regimes the U.S., EU and Israel need a civil war in Ukraine.
They gave the orders to their fighters to arrange illegal checkpoints ahd to carry out attacks and provocations . Fascist gangs must transform the life of ordinary citizens into a nightmare, so later occupants from NATO could come as "peacekeepers" .
Link to video
#Truth about #EU's and #US' Nazi-#Terrorism in #Ukraine at #Facebook
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists #KIev
Tactics double standards in Ukraine
Kiev today, the protesters newly opened fire on the police.
Fire was opened at 10 hours and 15 minutes local time near Instytutska streets where rioters wanted to break through to the Verkhovna Rada [Parliament of Ukraine] of Ukraine. Shooting continues
At Verkhovna Rada at this time is an emergency session of parliament. Number of injured and killed policemen is unknown.
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Tactics double standards in Ukraine
Kiev today, the protesters newly opened fire on the police.
Fire was opened at 10 hours and 15 minutes local time near Instytutska streets where rioters wanted to break through to the Verkhovna Rada [Parliament of Ukraine] of Ukraine. Shooting continues
At Verkhovna Rada at this time is an emergency session of parliament. Number of injured and killed policemen is unknown.
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#Ukraine - "Opposition"-PMs send young Soldiers into #Sniper Fire of #EU-#US-#Nazi-#Terrorists
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists #KIev
by Konstantin Sheglikov
Today in Kiev, a few hours ago, MP's from the "opposition" (i.e. puppets of the U.S. and the EU ) used their parliamentary immunity and forced 18 - 19 years soldiers of the internal troops to withdraw from the Parliament building. Commanders of the young soldiers send them inside the building of Parliament to hide for the fires of the fascist thugs.
The troops came under direct NATO sniper fire. They were fired at with machine guns of fascist thugs from Euromaidan. These young soldiers didn't receive firearms because of the pressure of regimes from the EU and the United States at our government. These soldiers became victims of the armed fascists, about whom mainstream media lies as were they "peaceful protesters".
Among the MPs who pushed the soldiers out were certainly women , I want to remind you that in the ranks of the Nazis during World War II, women were not less violent than men.
The U.S. and EU puppets in Ukraine (opposition) calling in public to peace and cease-fire, meanwhile ordering fascists thugs to kill anyone who resists them. They gave orders to make pogroms in western Ukraine and Kiev to rob and kill.
As in Libya and Syria , puppets of the U.S. and EU [opposition MPs] declare a truce when they need to bring in new thugs and weapons.
They are ready to drown in the blood of Ukraine on their path to power.
by Konstantin Sheglikov
Today in Kiev, a few hours ago, MP's from the "opposition" (i.e. puppets of the U.S. and the EU ) used their parliamentary immunity and forced 18 - 19 years soldiers of the internal troops to withdraw from the Parliament building. Commanders of the young soldiers send them inside the building of Parliament to hide for the fires of the fascist thugs.
The troops came under direct NATO sniper fire. They were fired at with machine guns of fascist thugs from Euromaidan. These young soldiers didn't receive firearms because of the pressure of regimes from the EU and the United States at our government. These soldiers became victims of the armed fascists, about whom mainstream media lies as were they "peaceful protesters".
Among the MPs who pushed the soldiers out were certainly women , I want to remind you that in the ranks of the Nazis during World War II, women were not less violent than men.
The U.S. and EU puppets in Ukraine (opposition) calling in public to peace and cease-fire, meanwhile ordering fascists thugs to kill anyone who resists them. They gave orders to make pogroms in western Ukraine and Kiev to rob and kill.
As in Libya and Syria , puppets of the U.S. and EU [opposition MPs] declare a truce when they need to bring in new thugs and weapons.
They are ready to drown in the blood of Ukraine on their path to power.
#Ukraine - Unfortunately #EuroMaidan Rats were shot by #Snipers of #EU-#US-#Nazis, not by #Government
by Kontantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Number of idiots who believe lie of "managers of Arab spring" too big.
In link below video about shooting of "peaceful protesters", who are Nazi.
Stupid people from EU/USA believe that attackers were shoot from front, but really they were shoot from back, picture below prove it.¬if_t=like
These people were shooting by their comrades in the back, a bullet hole in a tree proves this fact.
Snipers of NATO did it , same as in Libya, Syria and several other countries before.
For those who believe that the Nazis were shot from the front because they fell back, I suggest to watch "Mythbusters" . They showed conclusively that a bullet of a sniper rifle or machine gun does not hit man as far as they show in Hollywood. Jumping the Nazis and how they crawl after jumping is clowning, calculated on an impressionable audience. One of the Nazis, depicted wounded in the knee at 0.40 is smearing blood on his thigh at 0.56. A fake wounded Nazi kept medical bags containing blood in his pocket. These Nazis in Ukraine supported only in western Ukraine , most people will fight against them. Them in Kiev only 10,000 people, half of them are mercenaries from eastern and central Europe .
#Ukraine - Violent infights start between different Gangs of #EuroMaidan #Terrorist #Nazis - #EU #NATO #US
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists #KIev
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
21 Febraury 2014, Afternoon On Independence square [Euromaidan] members of the right wing and fascist organizations UNA -UNSO "Right sector", "Warriors of Narnia" and "The Vikings" grappled with members of the fascist party "Svoboda" and "Samooborona Maidan". The number of thugs on both sides were about equal.
After the formal signing of the ceasefire agreement between the 3 leaders of the opposition parties and the president, a massive brawl began in "Euromaidan". Representatives of ultra-radical organizations, in particular the UNA -UNSO "Pravy sector", "Warriors of Narnia" and "The Vikings" began trying to march from the Euromaidan to the Parliament of Ukraine .
Members of the fascist party "Svoboda" and members of "Samooborona Maidan", that belong to "Svoboda" try stop them.
Representatives of the fascist party "Svoboda" received huge sums of money from their sponsors in the U.S., EU and Ukrainian foreign diasporas .They are receiving about $10 million weekly. Besides this, members of the party "Svoboda" robbed all the buildings they had seized.
For example, in the museum “Ukrainian House” they looted the halls that displayed gold and silver utensils and other artistic and historical items of value. However, the other Nazi groups did not get anything. The opposition, including the fascist party "Svoboda”, who are the American puppets, have become the authorities. The remaining fascist gangs are no longer necessary .
The fascist gangs “UNA-UNSO”, "Pravy sector", "Warriors of Narnia" and "The Vikings" will not go to rob people in the east and south of Ukraine, they will be beaten by locals there, as happened in January. So they want to get their place in the Ukrainian parliament, to use it in order to get some part of resources of Ukraine.
They also want to control the army and police of Ukraine. There is no doubt that if the Nazis achieve taking power in Ukraine they will deploy the army and police against protesters. Global Media and NGOs will be silent about war crimes of any future fascist regime of the Ukraine. Besides the army and police, fascist gangs that destroyed the center of Kiev will hunt down the protesters and their families.
Obviously, these gangs will become labeled “unmanageable gangs” or “unknown militant groups” . Moreover, their victims will be the families of the fascists regime only . The same thing has happened in occupied Libya since October 2011. Global media and international organizations are silent about the war crimes of the puppet regime. They are silent about mustard gas, phosphorous and cluster bombs used against the civilian population in the towns and villages of Libya.
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
21 Febraury 2014, Afternoon On Independence square [Euromaidan] members of the right wing and fascist organizations UNA -UNSO "Right sector", "Warriors of Narnia" and "The Vikings" grappled with members of the fascist party "Svoboda" and "Samooborona Maidan". The number of thugs on both sides were about equal.
After the formal signing of the ceasefire agreement between the 3 leaders of the opposition parties and the president, a massive brawl began in "Euromaidan". Representatives of ultra-radical organizations, in particular the UNA -UNSO "Pravy sector", "Warriors of Narnia" and "The Vikings" began trying to march from the Euromaidan to the Parliament of Ukraine .
Members of the fascist party "Svoboda" and members of "Samooborona Maidan", that belong to "Svoboda" try stop them.
Representatives of the fascist party "Svoboda" received huge sums of money from their sponsors in the U.S., EU and Ukrainian foreign diasporas .They are receiving about $10 million weekly. Besides this, members of the party "Svoboda" robbed all the buildings they had seized.
For example, in the museum “Ukrainian House” they looted the halls that displayed gold and silver utensils and other artistic and historical items of value. However, the other Nazi groups did not get anything. The opposition, including the fascist party "Svoboda”, who are the American puppets, have become the authorities. The remaining fascist gangs are no longer necessary .
The fascist gangs “UNA-UNSO”, "Pravy sector", "Warriors of Narnia" and "The Vikings" will not go to rob people in the east and south of Ukraine, they will be beaten by locals there, as happened in January. So they want to get their place in the Ukrainian parliament, to use it in order to get some part of resources of Ukraine.
They also want to control the army and police of Ukraine. There is no doubt that if the Nazis achieve taking power in Ukraine they will deploy the army and police against protesters. Global Media and NGOs will be silent about war crimes of any future fascist regime of the Ukraine. Besides the army and police, fascist gangs that destroyed the center of Kiev will hunt down the protesters and their families.
Obviously, these gangs will become labeled “unmanageable gangs” or “unknown militant groups” . Moreover, their victims will be the families of the fascists regime only . The same thing has happened in occupied Libya since October 2011. Global media and international organizations are silent about the war crimes of the puppet regime. They are silent about mustard gas, phosphorous and cluster bombs used against the civilian population in the towns and villages of Libya.
Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014
Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014
#Ukraine - As in #Libya and #Syria before, so called peaceful protesters began loot all in captured areas. - #Euromaidan #EU #US #Nazis #Terrorism
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists #KIev
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In the photo you can see moment of storm of building of Secrete Services in city Lvov, at night of 18.02.2014 |
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Seizing of the administrative buildings in the Western Ukrainian City of Lvov (Lviv), capital of Lvovsky region has turned into massive looting. The "innocent protesters", who are members of fascists mobs having broken into the buildings of local government are taken out anything they can lay their hands on inside the buildings, stripping the cars parked nearby.
Police has been forced out of a number of stations which are being looted now. A witness filmed the thugs taking out and loading on trucks furniture, office appliances, TVs, but was threatened with a gun if didn't stop filming.
"Seeing that my wife and I are watching , they threatened : " Go away , or we have to shoot You right here ! " - from eyewitness.
People fear that the looting will spread into residential buildings as anarchy rises in the city where the police forces has been dispersed by insurgents and the emergency phone lines don't operate.
No doubt that in another regions of western part of Ukraine began same total loot of state, public and private property.
As in Libya, Syria and now Ukraine so called revolutionaries are just members of criminal gangs.
Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014
#Ukraine - #EU #US #EuroMaidan #Nazis barbaricly torture and kill captured policemen - #NATO #Russia #Syria #Libya #Egypt
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Torture on Euromaidan on Syrian / Libyan method. |
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists
by Konstantin Sheglikov
Pro-EU fascists of Euromaidan captured 2 members of riot police and severely beaten them until they lost consciousness.
One of them alive, fascists pulled out a hand, and cut of eye of another.
It happened night of 18.02.2014 , doctors of fascists thugs didn't carried them in an ambulance car for a long time. Thus they have reduced their chances of survival.
In Ukraine, the U.S. and the EU have created and maintained the same thugs, as in Libya and Syria.
In the picture you see shot from video made by fascists channel, they don't care about member of riot police. For them beating and torturing people who opposite them i is usual and necessary things.
Video, here doctors of fascists thugs bring member of riot police to tent and leave him without help for long time
#Libya-#Syria-Style #CivilWar in #Ukraine starts: #US #EU financed #EuroMaidan #Nazis seize #Police and #Army Posts in Western Ukraine
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Fascists, criminal gangs and foreign mercenaries captured in the western part of Ukraine, police stations and military units.
As in Libya and Syria, the goal is a weapon.
In the city Lviv, capital of Lvivsky region military leave the captured military base № 4114. The fascist militants who seized the territory of the military base reached agreement that soldiers will leave base unarmed, arsenal of the weapons be sealed. Meanwhile, in the barracks serious fire continued that burned almost the entire second floor of the building. People are trying to put out the fire with buckets of water, but the fire cannot be extinguished. As the correspondent ZAXID.NET says, there is a risk that the fire could spread to the arsenal of weapons. But obviously that weapons from base were stolen by fascists
Also in social networks there were reported that fascists in Lviv seized the building of prosecutors. Now fascists are on all floors of the building. The documentation of criminal cases are burned and thrown out of the windows.
In addition there was the seizure of the building of the regional branch of Interior Ministry. Also is reported an assault on the local branch of the Security Service.
Bombed regional police department in city Ivano-Frankivsk, the capital of Ivano-Frankovsk region. Extremists seized the weapons room. One hundred twenty auto-guns, twenty heavy guns and about five million rounds of ammunition are in the hands of extremists.
In the city of Ternopil, the capital of Ternopilsky region, fascists thugs are trying to seize the building of the Regional Directorate of Internal Affairs, as reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. According to the Interior Ministry, they throw Molotov cocktails and smoke bombs into the building. The rooms of the city militia, located on the first floor of the regional building, were lit " , - stated the Manager of Public Relations for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, released Tuesday night.
Regimes of USA/EU run Syrian scenario in Ukraine openly.
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In the picture you can members of riot police in the city Ivano-Frankovsk. They were forced to leave their weapon and go out from regional police department. |
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
Fascists, criminal gangs and foreign mercenaries captured in the western part of Ukraine, police stations and military units.
As in Libya and Syria, the goal is a weapon.
In the city Lviv, capital of Lvivsky region military leave the captured military base № 4114. The fascist militants who seized the territory of the military base reached agreement that soldiers will leave base unarmed, arsenal of the weapons be sealed. Meanwhile, in the barracks serious fire continued that burned almost the entire second floor of the building. People are trying to put out the fire with buckets of water, but the fire cannot be extinguished. As the correspondent ZAXID.NET says, there is a risk that the fire could spread to the arsenal of weapons. But obviously that weapons from base were stolen by fascists
Also in social networks there were reported that fascists in Lviv seized the building of prosecutors. Now fascists are on all floors of the building. The documentation of criminal cases are burned and thrown out of the windows.
In addition there was the seizure of the building of the regional branch of Interior Ministry. Also is reported an assault on the local branch of the Security Service.
Bombed regional police department in city Ivano-Frankivsk, the capital of Ivano-Frankovsk region. Extremists seized the weapons room. One hundred twenty auto-guns, twenty heavy guns and about five million rounds of ammunition are in the hands of extremists.
In the city of Ternopil, the capital of Ternopilsky region, fascists thugs are trying to seize the building of the Regional Directorate of Internal Affairs, as reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. According to the Interior Ministry, they throw Molotov cocktails and smoke bombs into the building. The rooms of the city militia, located on the first floor of the regional building, were lit " , - stated the Manager of Public Relations for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, released Tuesday night.
Regimes of USA/EU run Syrian scenario in Ukraine openly.
#EU #EuroMaidan #Nazis beat to death one and burned alive another member of #PartyOfRegions in office of party in #Kiev. - #Ukraine #US #NATO
By Antiimperialistische Aktion Facebook Page
Kiev, Ukraine, 18.02.2014
The pro-EU Nazis/fascists beat to death member of party of Regions
Also they beat and burned alive a Party of Regions member.
They were in the building during the storming by fascists of Euromaidan. The Nazis set fire to the building of the Party of Regions and did not let the Regions Party member out.
At the moment, bio of victims are unknown.
The Party of Regions is the ruling party of Ukraine, president Yanukovitch is the leader of this party. So, the same as in Libya and Syria gangs, fascists gangs in Ukraine supplied by EU and USA, throw fear at the population by the execution of a citizen who supports the legitime government.
#Ukraine: #US Embassador #GeoffreyPyatt on his Way 2 #Euromaidan 2 protec...
by Konstantin Sheglikov
U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine personally went to Euromaidan to protect terrorists this night. He was seen at the crossroads , where he sent are many cars to the direction of Euromaidan, then he jumped into a black Cadillac of U.S. Embassy and drove toward Euromaidan . He admitted this in his post on Twitter. Because the presence of terrorists from Syria in Euromaidan is proven , then the U.S. ambassador can be considered an accomplice of terrorists and fascists , accomplice of their crimes . On the photo you can see a frame shot a video about the U.S. ambassador at the crossroads late at night.
#Flag of #FSA Terrorists at #Euromaidan - #Screenshot 5 Minutes ago - #Syria #Ukraine #NATO #US #EU
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists #KIev
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Photographic evidence of the terrorists who came from Syria and are now killing the Ukrainian people. |
by Konstantin Sheglikov
In the center of Euromaidan during a live broadcast tonight a flag of Syrian terrorists was seen.
On the sculptural group dedicated to the legendary founders of Kiev , who supposedly lived in the 6th century , the flag of the Syrian terrorists was put , the so-called Free Syrian Army. This flag is green , white and black stripes of equal size on the white stripe 3 red stars .
From this point on , any talk of peaceful protesters in Kiev should be completed . EU and U.S. regimes brought to Ukraine the international terrorists they support.
A Message of a citizen of #Kiev to his friends - #EU #EuroMaidan #US #NATO #Nazis #Murder
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists #KIev
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
A message from a citizen of Kiev, Igor Gavrosh, to his friends:
"I am coming to the street food Lipnitskaya house 12/5 to rescue my friends. They can not leave the house, the porch of house are full of fascists, [his friend hear] screams, squeals. Lenka [slang name of woman, his friend] with 2 month old child on her hands afraid to leave the apartment, her husband in the city Cologne (Germany) will be back on February 21st. If after 3-4 hours [me] will not go to communicate, call 102 [police number]. Although what they [police] could help if [fascists] killed them.
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
A message from a citizen of Kiev, Igor Gavrosh, to his friends:
"I am coming to the street food Lipnitskaya house 12/5 to rescue my friends. They can not leave the house, the porch of house are full of fascists, [his friend hear] screams, squeals. Lenka [slang name of woman, his friend] with 2 month old child on her hands afraid to leave the apartment, her husband in the city Cologne (Germany) will be back on February 21st. If after 3-4 hours [me] will not go to communicate, call 102 [police number]. Although what they [police] could help if [fascists] killed them.
Wave of #Crime, #Terror, #Violence and #Murder by #EU's #EuroMaidan #Nazis in #Kiev continues - #Ukraine #US #Russia #NATO #Syria #Libya
#Ukrainianrats #NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Euromaidan #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists #KIev
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Ukraine
18.02.2014 Kiev, Ukraine
As was expected Neo-Nazi (Ukrainian fascists) attacked again.
They received amnesty and the release of all thugs from prisons, then pro-EU Nazi went to a new attack today. Their masters, the regimes of the EU and the U.S. gave them the task to capture the Parliament of Ukraine. This is a maximum task for fascists, the minimum task for the Nazis to kill or injure police officers with firearms and kill or injure by firearms their comrades in the crowd. They want to provoke a police response, then to accuse police of violence and killings of "peaceful" fascists.
As was expected Neo-Nazi (Ukrainian fascists) attacked again.
They received amnesty and the release of all thugs from prisons, then pro-EU Nazi went to a new attack today. Their masters, the regimes of the EU and the U.S. gave them the task to capture the Parliament of Ukraine. This is a maximum task for fascists, the minimum task for the Nazis to kill or injure police officers with firearms and kill or injure by firearms their comrades in the crowd. They want to provoke a police response, then to accuse police of violence and killings of "peaceful" fascists.
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In the picture you see shot of live television broadcast from the center of Kiev, footage shows one of the protesters using firearms - a pistol. |
EU and U.S. regimes have long prepared massacres and executions of civilians in western Ukraine. Such tactics they used in cities of eastern Libya, in the Syrian Homs and Aleppo. They need a violent clashes in the center of Kiev, in order to legitimise the pogroms in western Ukraine. The Nazis got long lists and addresses of residents of Western Ukraine, whom they can rob and kill. Most part of victims are from members of Party of Regions. They are waiting for the command of their superiors, those waiting for commands from the security agents of the EU and the U.S.
In the ES/US mainstream media as usual will be blame unknown people or mercenaries of Yanukovych. Fascists participants of pogroms in the chamber of the Western media will lie that they are victims or witnesses of massacres and pogroms. Everything will happen on same scenario which was used in Libya, Syria and other countries.
"During a live television broadcast from the center of Kiev, footage shows one of the protesters using firearms - a pistol. "
I want to remind people, that the so called 'peaceful protesters' have already used rifles against their own members, in order to create "sacred victims", a well know scenario of color revolutions and the "Arab spring".
So the fascist thug who was caught on live TV with a pistol, is only one of many 'protesters' who use firearms against the police.
"A police officer has been injured by a Molotov cocktail at the parliament building in Kiev this morning. The police are being showered with cobble stones and Molotov cocktails & the police trucks blocking the access to administrative building have been set alight. All this violence, by those who answered the opposition's call for ''peaceful attack on the government". "
Some western mainstream media and fascist bloggers have begun to show old videos about attacks of riot police on neo-Nazi (protesters). In videos you can see snow - but in Kiev after more than a week of warm weather there is no snow on streets !
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