Sonntag, 30. März 2014
Freitag, 28. März 2014
Dienstag, 25. März 2014
Montag, 24. März 2014
News RoundUp #March24 #Ukraine - #Odessa #Crimea #AntiMaidan #EuroMaidan #Russia #Spain #Kiev #Lugansk #Kharkov
I ) Rally against NATO and EU, Kiev' against junta and pro-Russia in Odessa today
II) Protesters in Spain support Crimea and Antifascist Struggle in Ukrainie
III) Will of the people - Ukrainian Village decides to be part of Russia by moving the Border Checkpoints
Residents of the village "Strelkovoe" , a village in the Kherson region , near the border of the Crimea, on the coast of the Azov Sea, decided their fate without referendum. They just drag the boundary pillars along with Ukrainian checkpoint in the outskirts of the village, to be within the Russian Federation.
This act of the villagers do not have legal force, but this action shows the desire of people in other regions of Ukraine to be part of Russia .
This is another proof about lies EU and the U.S. mainstream media, media lying that the desire of people to live in Ukraine. Multi-ethnic people do not want to live in the failed nationalist flawed state "Ukraine", they want to return to Russia .
III) Soldiers from Crimea in Ukraine are hostages for a ransom.
In the Ukrainian army, outside of Crimea, serve about 1500 Crimeans. Now they have become hostages of the Nazis which came to power in Kiev. The mothers and the wives of the soldiers report that the commanders of the Ukrainian units are demanding a ransom from 700 to 1500grn (from 90 to 190 U.S. dollars) per each soldier, for the permission to transfer their service to Crimea.
Also they require a ransom from those soldiers who have already finished their military service and were going to leave. At the same time the soldiers are not given food and are in the worst conditions. The Crimean government is negotiating with the commanders of the military units and have begun returning the Crimean soldiers home.
This situation is a reflection of the chaos and criminality in Ukraine. "Revolutionary" gangs terrorize businessmen and force them to pay tribute.
That's the kind of democracy that EU and the U.S. brought to Ukraine - the same that the U.S. and EU brought to Libya and several other countries.
By Crimean TV report
Sonntag, 23. März 2014
Freitag, 21. März 2014
Donnerstag, 20. März 2014
Dienstag, 18. März 2014
Montag, 17. März 2014
Sonntag, 16. März 2014
#NATO besetzt heimlich die #Ukraine.. es sieht nach #Krieg aus - #Rußland #EU #US #Nazis #Putsch #Grüne #Gruene #SPD #CDU #CSU
Zusammengefaßt von Stephan Messerschmidt
1.Die ständig in Bayern stationierte 66. US-Aufklärungsbrigade wurde in den ersten Märztagen 2014 in die Ukraine nach Kirowgrad verlegt, von wo aus mit Drohnen Aufklärungsflüge über der Krim und über dem russisch-ukrainischen Grenzgebiet vorgenommen werden.
2. Das ständig in Lublinec, Polen, stationierte 1. polnische Sondereinsatzkommando befindet sich nun im Raum Lwow und ist in Bereitschaft, die Stadt Lwow einzunehmen. Das Regiment ist Ende Februar 2014 in die Westukraine einmarschiert.
3.Einheiten des kanadischen Sondereinsatzkommandos unter Führung von John Fass hat Bürger Kanadas, die gebürtige Ukrainer sind, rechtzeitig seit Herbst 2013 in die Region Poltawa und Kiew disloziiert.
4. Einheiten des 22. Sondereinsatzregiments der SAS (Fallschirmjägereinheiten der englischen Bodentruppen) sind heimlich im Raum Kiew und Tschernigowsk stationiert worden, getarnt als Enlgischlehrer.
1.Die ständig in Bayern stationierte 66. US-Aufklärungsbrigade wurde in den ersten Märztagen 2014 in die Ukraine nach Kirowgrad verlegt, von wo aus mit Drohnen Aufklärungsflüge über der Krim und über dem russisch-ukrainischen Grenzgebiet vorgenommen werden.
2. Das ständig in Lublinec, Polen, stationierte 1. polnische Sondereinsatzkommando befindet sich nun im Raum Lwow und ist in Bereitschaft, die Stadt Lwow einzunehmen. Das Regiment ist Ende Februar 2014 in die Westukraine einmarschiert.
3.Einheiten des kanadischen Sondereinsatzkommandos unter Führung von John Fass hat Bürger Kanadas, die gebürtige Ukrainer sind, rechtzeitig seit Herbst 2013 in die Region Poltawa und Kiew disloziiert.
4. Einheiten des 22. Sondereinsatzregiments der SAS (Fallschirmjägereinheiten der englischen Bodentruppen) sind heimlich im Raum Kiew und Tschernigowsk stationiert worden, getarnt als Enlgischlehrer.
Freitag, 14. März 2014
Donnerstag, 13. März 2014
Mittwoch, 12. März 2014
Dienstag, 11. März 2014
#Ukraine / #Crimea - Information war: One of many false accounts of fake-Crimeans caught. - #Libya #Syria #SocialMedia #Infowars #Manipulation #MSM

by Konstantin Sheglikov, free eastern Ukraine
From the first "nonviolent revolutions" spread by the technique of Gene Sharp all in internet and media activists, journalists and citizens of the world heard about dozens of fake accounts made by one "revolutionary" in social networks.
Also we heard that cyber-armies of the USA and EU are involved in this.
The goal of such people using multiply accounts is to create the illusion of a large number of supporters and participants of the revolution in the targeted country.
These people do not necessarily write comments , or put Like, or distribute something in the social networks by their own hands .
These things can be done by special programs (robots, "bots") , they helped one person to control dozens of accounts in different social networks.
It is used by mainstream media of EU and the U.S. to suppress the opposing voices of readers by a sea of positive comments from such robots.
Very often these fake accounts are created for the other countries by people who don't know the local language and end up getting into a mess.
Below the photograph is an example .
This is a scanned copy of the comment of a bot, probably made in Youtube .
This comment referred to the referendum in the Crimea.
The program's objective was to write a comment against referendum on behalf of a resident of the Crimea. Read the text below to see what came of it.
First, I posted the text from the picture in the original language , so that you can translate it yourself and check me out :
"Дмитрий Какеготам - 42 минуты назад
Поверьте!!! Я сама Крымчанка, живу тут 50 лет. Дочь офицера. Просто поверьте,- у нас не все так однозначно... Никто не хочет отделения!!!"
"Dmitry Kakegotam - 42 minutes ago
Believe!!! I myself Crimean, living here for 50 years. Daughter of an officer. Just believe - we have not so simple [situation]... Nobody wants separation!!!"
Firstly Дмитрий (Dmitry) is a male name.The surname "Какеготам" is not a surname at all. Secondly the word "Крымчанка" is female only, but a male wrote: "Крымчанин". So, thirdly a male with the name Dmitry couldn't be a "daughter". Last note: US/EU bot uses the concept "daughter of an officer" because 'officer' here is symbol of honor and dignity. So, they play on our emotions and spirits.
By last poll 80 % of Crimean support idea to join to Russia.
Clearly the media were lying about 50 % of Crimeans wanting to live with the fascists junta, "new government of Ukraine". Thousands of fake accounts create this illusion in social networks. Some of them made funny mistake like this one.
But this is serious subject. Using false media reports, fake videos and fake revolutionaries in social networks NATO destroyed and occupied Libya, and is still trying to do the same with Syria.
Now these insane people want to establish a puppet fascists junta in whole Ukraine.
#Ukraine #Crimea - Conspiracy, possible #FalseFlag Op of #Kiev Junta foiled by crimean authorities - #EuroMaidan #AntiMaidan #Russia #EU #US
Konstantin Sheglikov / Crimean news agency
"A Crimean self-defense paramilitary unit formed by Crimean Tatars, caught, in the district "Svoboda" of Simferopol, a suspicious car with three men in uniform, who had weapons and many Crimean passports.
As reported at the headquarters of the "Crimean Front" movement, in the car (A "Lada," 10th model, number VN6484AP (Sumy region - Ed.)) were a Ukrainian officer and two men in camouflage uniforms. They seized the gun and the passports. It turned out that the officer was serving in a military base near village Perevalnoe .
The detainee officer was transferred to the military self-defense force's headquarters, and two unidentified persons in camouflage were sent to the nearby police station.
In the "Crimean front" it was noted that villagers adjacent to the village of Perevalnoe complained of unknown persons in camouflage uniforms who came into their houses and demanded the villagers' passports."
In addition to news about the fascists who took the passports of Crimean people and destroyed them or ran off with them. The fascist junta is trying to prevent Crimeans from coming to a referendum and joining Russia by any means.
Also, this news is a good illustration that Crimean Tatars are in mass support of the idea of joining Russia. Only 18% of them are against it. Crimean Tatars are 12 % of the population in Crimea.
Montag, 10. März 2014
#Kharkov's generosity: Eggs for #Klitchko - #Ukraine #EuroMaidan #AntiMaidan #Udar #Russia #US #EU #NATO
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Today, 10th March, in the City of Kharkov, Vitali Klitschko was pelted with eggs and some firecrackers. |
Klitschko met in Kharkov with members of UDAR, the political party of which Klitschko is the leader. During this meeting, which was to be be held secretly, as the UDAR Nazis and Klitschko were afraid of the people they had betrayed and humiliated, several hundreds of angry citizens of Kharkov, with posters from yesterday's rally in Kharkov, came to express their outrage about Vitali Klitschko, the EU and US puppet.
During the time the meeting was held, most citizens of Kharkov could not be present because of work, and this time was chosen because Klitschko was afraid to appear in public, as he was afraid in Donetsk yesterday.
Representatives of the fascist junta are persona non grata in Kharkov. This video was recorded by a representative of Klitschko's UDAR party.
It is very funny to hear an assistant of Klitschko demanding that the police arrest the angry citizens of Kharkov, while one month ago in Kiev, members of the fascist junta called to kill police officers and persecute their families.
#Antimaidan #Ukraine - One more fake foto spread by #EuoMaidan #Nazis' Junta #PR - #Cossacks #PussyRiot #Russia #EU #US #MSM #Lies #MediaLies
by Konstantin Sheglikov, free eastern Ukraine
More fake propaganda from Nazi junta: photo on the left taken in Sochi when Cossacks leashed in Pussy Riots. Right photo: nasty pro-russian Cossack attacks "peaceful pro-EU demonstrators in Sevastopol". Pathetic
Sonntag, 9. März 2014
#Ukraine - #Kiev Junta's Gauleiter for #Lugansk surenders... #EuroMaidan #AntiMaidan #Nazis #EU #US

Lugansk (Eastern Ukraine). March 9, 2014. "Gauleiter" Mikhail Bolotskikh (Kiev-assigned chief of the provincial administration) signs the Instrument of Surrender. Kievan junta is the next!
[Update] #Ukraine - #Rallies against the Junta of #Coup #Nazis in #Kiev - #EuroMaidan #Antimaidan #Crimea #UkrainianRevolution
by Konstantin Sheglikov, free eastern Ukraine
Today , March 9 , in all cities of the south- east of Ukraine there have been rallies against the fascist junta .
Residents of the city Lugansk, capital of Lugansk region on today's meeting accepted the resignation of the governor appointed by the fascist junta and chose their own governor. Local police joined the people in Lugansk and will not interfere the actions of the protesters. State regional administration building was taken by the protesters. People taking steps to protect the building and the people's governor from grabbing by gangs of fascist junta. People are planning to do a referendum about accession to Russia .
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In the photo regional state building during storm by local people. Dozens of thousands took part in today's demonstration in the Lugansk. |
The city Donetsk, capital of Donetsky Region, east- south of Ukraine, today 9th March.
Dozens of thousands of residents of Donetsky region came to the largest square in Europe in order to demonstrate their will.
They confirmed that their governor is Pavel Gubarev. Fascists junta from Kiev made oligarch Sergei Taratuta governor of region.
Sergei Taratuta, assisted by a corrupt judge, banned the local people from going into the streets today, but the people ignored the ban. This is real revolution in the Ukraine.
Demonstration in support of the referendum about join to Russia. In area you can to see flags of the republic Crimea and flags of Russia.
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The city Simferopol, capital of Crimea, today 9 March, square of Lenin (central square of Simferopol). |
Dienstag, 4. März 2014
#Ukraine - Another #Oligarch #EuroMaidan #Nazi #Coup #Media lie exposed - #AntiMaidan #EU #US #Russia
by Konstantin Sheglikov, free eastern Ukraine
In this photo you can to see shot from video, recorded by citizen of Sevastopol. Video could be record at end of 2013.
Pro-fascists Ukrainian TV channel "5" was caught in falsification. They bring in bus few dozens people to Sevastopol and at night tried to show "thousands of supporters of Euromaidan in city Sevastopol". Who are people with Russian flags is unknown. They could be local citizen who saw this falsification and try to stop this. Also, they could be a paid people who are "opposite side", media like to play in democracy this way.
#Ukraine #Italy - Watch how mainstream media #lie to you. - #EuroMaidan #EU #US #AntiMaidan #MSM #Crimea #Kharkov

It is example how Your mainstream media lying to you all.
In italian newspaper was published photo from city Kharkov, capital of Kharkov region, as photo from Crimea. This photo show Kharkiv regional administration during release of city administration building from Ukrainian fascists. It happened at Sunday, 2nd March. In right side of photo you can see the tablet with name of the institution, this piece of photo has been increased. You can to see next words in Ukrainian language: (translation in brackets)
Украiна (Ukraine)
ХАРЬКIВСЬКА (Kharkiv or Kharkov)
МIСЬКА РАДА (city parliament)
Name of article in italian newspaper - "Crimea in chaos".
So, mainstream media using ignorance of people spread lie about situation in Ukraine.
Montag, 3. März 2014
8 h ago: "SOS!!! Armed EuroMaidan-#Nazi-Mercs surrounded #Odessa Administration!" - #AntiMaidan #UkrainianRevolution
by Konstantin Sheglikov, free eastern Ukraine
Currently regional administration of Odessa region, in the capital city Odessa was surrounded by armed gunmen from the fascists Pravy sector. The building from inside was closed by old people , women, and a small group of young people.
There were gathered all herds of Bandera followers
To the area many buses have already arrived with armed thugs led by Sasha Belyi. Local people calls everyone from Odessa come and fight against fascists invaders.
Sasha Belyi is leader of fascists Pravy Sector at western Ukraine. He became known by videos about his threats to local MP's in city Rivne and beating of prosecutor in same city.
by Konstantin Sheglikov, free eastern Ukraine
Currently regional administration of Odessa region, in the capital city Odessa was surrounded by armed gunmen from the fascists Pravy sector. The building from inside was closed by old people , women, and a small group of young people.
There were gathered all herds of Bandera followers
To the area many buses have already arrived with armed thugs led by Sasha Belyi. Local people calls everyone from Odessa come and fight against fascists invaders.
Sasha Belyi is leader of fascists Pravy Sector at western Ukraine. He became known by videos about his threats to local MP's in city Rivne and beating of prosecutor in same city.
Attention! #Conspiracy of #NATO regimes and fascist Junta in #Kiev to start #war between #Ukraine and #Russia - #EU #US #EuroMaidan #Nazis #AntiMaidan
by Konstantin Sheglikov, free eastern Ukraine

All publications about the ultimatum , which was allegedly given by the Russian Black Sea Fleet Commander to Ukrainian units stationed in Crimea were spread by Ukrainian media which quoted the Facebook pages of some unknown “representatives” of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in Crimea. For example they quoted Vladislav Seleznev
and Dmitry Timchuk
They and other propagandists of the fascist junta also spreading misinformation about the Ukrainian units that support the fascist junta. They are also lying about Russian soldiers allegedly forcing residents of Crimea to go to pro-Russian rallies. These people are part of a massive propaganda campaign created and managed from the EU and the U.S..
Lies about the ultimatum were the first step for the pre-planned blood provocation.The next step for the regimes of the EU and the U.S. is multiple attacks against the Ukrainian units by men in military uniform without insignia . Read the following important information :
From reliable sources in Kiev it became known that foreign military advisers proposed new provocations against the Ukrainian troops to the puppet regime in Kiev.They proposed organizing a night attack on a unit with a lot of victims and blaming the Russian special forces for that attack. The Ukrainian fascist junta has agreed. "
Regimes of EU and USA sent mercenaries for this plan to Ukraine:
"Reported from the occupied Ukraine (occupied by the fascist junta): the current junta (or someone else) has decided that its fascist paramilitaries are inadequate. As a result, new charter flights started arriving abroad with muscular Hulks working for 'Greystone Limited', registered in Barbados. This company is no other than a division of Blackwater USA, (XE services). They are arriving with military bags. As a whole, some 300 people of this kind so far."
So, masters of fascists junta have mercenaries for their plan to burn civil war in Ukraine and military conflict between part of Ukraine and Russia.
Sonntag, 2. März 2014
Samstag, 1. März 2014
#DmitryYarosh, puppet of #US & #EU, urges another puppet #DokkaUmarov to start a war of terror in #Russia. - #EuroMaidan #AntiMaidan
#NeoNazicoup #Faсtistcoup #Ukraine #ProEUNazi #ProEUFactists
#LibyanSyrianscenario #AlQaeda
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Free Eastern Ukraine
Publication in an official page of the fascist organization "Pravy Sector": "
Appeal of Dmitry Yarosh, the leader of "Pravy Sector", to Dokka Umarov:
"Ukrainian people and the peoples of the Caucasus united and have shed blood together. A lot of Ukrainians in arms supported the liberation struggle of the Chechen and other Caucasian peoples. Now is the time to support Ukraine!
As the leader of the "Pravy Sector", I urge you to intensify its fight. Russia is not as strong as it seems. You now have a unique chance to win. Take advantage of this opportunity!"
Recently, Dmitry Yarosh has become a candidate for the post of Director of the Security Service of the fascist regime in Ukraine. U.S. and EU would give this powerful unit of the government to the most aggressive of the militants. Government positions given to these militants enable them to torture and punish dissent with impunity. This block includes the army, the security service and the police.
In Libya, these positions are held by members of al-Qaeda. In Ukraine it is the most aggressive fascist umbrella organization "Pravy sector" to hold these positions. In the ranks of "Pravy sector" are also included foreign fighters.
Dmitry Yarosh, one puppet of U.S. and EU, urges another puppet Dokka Umarov to start a war of terror in Russia. This is the "democracy and peace" that NATO brings with them.
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Link to publication of Dmitry Yarosh in the wall of Pravy sector. wall-62043361_105232
About Dokka Umarov wiki/Dokka_Umarov
#LibyanSyrianscenario #AlQaeda
by Konstantin Sheglikov, Free Eastern Ukraine
Publication in an official page of the fascist organization "Pravy Sector": "
Appeal of Dmitry Yarosh, the leader of "Pravy Sector", to Dokka Umarov:
"Ukrainian people and the peoples of the Caucasus united and have shed blood together. A lot of Ukrainians in arms supported the liberation struggle of the Chechen and other Caucasian peoples. Now is the time to support Ukraine!
As the leader of the "Pravy Sector", I urge you to intensify its fight. Russia is not as strong as it seems. You now have a unique chance to win. Take advantage of this opportunity!"
Recently, Dmitry Yarosh has become a candidate for the post of Director of the Security Service of the fascist regime in Ukraine. U.S. and EU would give this powerful unit of the government to the most aggressive of the militants. Government positions given to these militants enable them to torture and punish dissent with impunity. This block includes the army, the security service and the police.
In Libya, these positions are held by members of al-Qaeda. In Ukraine it is the most aggressive fascist umbrella organization "Pravy sector" to hold these positions. In the ranks of "Pravy sector" are also included foreign fighters.
Dmitry Yarosh, one puppet of U.S. and EU, urges another puppet Dokka Umarov to start a war of terror in Russia. This is the "democracy and peace" that NATO brings with them.
Link to publication of Dmitry Yarosh in the wall of Pravy sector.
About Dokka Umarov
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