Dienstag, 23. August 2011

#POW's by #Libya Army: 750 #Rabble 3# Qatar 10 #France 1 #UK 14 #UAE 2 #Algeria 45 #Egypt 5 #Greece 2 #Italy

Battle of Tripoli: Separating Fantasy from Facts


Battle of Tripoli: Separating Fantasy from Facts. 45201.jpegWhat is going on in Tripoli seems to depend on who you talk to and the more you try to discover that is happening, the more it appears that there are two Tripolis - the one in Libya and another one stashed away somewhere in cyber space, on a pink cloud bathed by television blackouts, NATO cyber terrorist activities and clear breaches on the UNSC Resolutions.

1. NATO violation of international law

I have received numerous reports - being checked - of NATO special forces on the ground in Tripoli trying to aid the terrorist forces they control. This is a clear violation on UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011) and occasions a breach of international law in this case allegedly by France and the UK.

What are these forces doing becoming involved in an internal conflict? What is Cameron doing supporting armed Islamist terrorists, who perpetrated the most horrific outrages upon entering Tripoli, far worse than the thugs at home in the UK? So at home he condemns these acts of violence while he supports Al-Qaeda elements abroad? David Cameron spends 32 million pounds a week supporting people who kidnap and rape women, rape girls, impale small boys with stakes and carry out massive looting?


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