Note to reader: In any article that I write that mentions "Libya," it will be understood that I am referring to the legitimate government of Libya, which is the Jamahiriya ]. Below is an excerpt from a DEBKAfile article. The excerpt is entitled, "Al Qaeda sets its sights on Algeria too." (DEBKA-Net-Weekly
#506 August 26, 2011) .
By Dennis South
In my previous contribution, entitled, "Algeria is next," I offered my opinion that Algeria must now unite with Libya. As you will see from the below excerpt, Al-Qaeda in the Maghrib has been rated by Western and Russian intelligence as being the best-armed military power in the region. Algeria's Foreign Minister, Mourad Medelci, told Europe 1 radio that Algeria would recognize the NTC once it had set up a "government representative of all regions." He added, "When it has done so, we'll recognized it."
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