Montag, 28. Januar 2013

Nachrichten: Al Jamahiriya TV1 - News 27-01-2013 Deutsche Ausgabe [Remas...

Nachrichten: Al Jamahiriya TV1 - News 27-01-2013 Deutsche Ausgabe [Remastered]


Nachrichten vom Grünen Widerstand:

Unfall in den Kläranlagen von Sabha.

Diese Fotos wurden uns in der Nacht zum 30. Dezember durch Zeugen des Unfalls gesendet. Ausfließende Abwässer zerstörten Straßen und Farmen. Die Menschen wurden gezwungen, die Kehlen der Schafe durchzuschneiden, die durch die Ablagerungen geschädigt oder von der Gewalt des Ausströmenden Abwassers verletzt wurden, um ihrem Leiden zu beenden.

Laut Augenzeugenberichten wurde die Kläranlage vom NATO-Beombardement und dem Beschuss der Stadt durch die Ratten im Jahr 2011 beschädigt.
Das Besatzungsregime hat bisher nichts unternommen, sie zu reparieren und in der Nacht des 30. Dezember wurden sie teilweise zerstört. Das Abwasser hat einen See in der Nähe der Stadt Sabha gebildet, verschmutzte Straßen und verseuchte die Böden.

Seit Mitte Januar verzeichnet man einen Ausbruch der bakteriellen und viralen Infektionen als Folge der verrottenden Kadaver der toten Tiere. Die Menschen müssen selbst die Reinigungsarbeiten verrichten, weil die Vertreter des Besatzungsregimes ihnen nicht helfen werden.

das Abwasser drang sogar in neben dem MRI Raum in das medizinische Zentrum Sabha ein, so wurde das Krankenhaus selbst ein Herd der Epidemie. Andere Fotos aus den gleichen Krankenhaus. Die Ratten schämen sich, etwas davon auf ihrer Webseite zu veröffentlichen.

Dies sind direkte Folgen der Machtübernahme von Menschen, die sich nicht um den Zustand des Landes kümmern, sondern nur um ihren eigenen Profit.

Der Jamahiria-Staat wurde durch die Hände von Menschen zerstört, die selbst zu keinerlei Aufbauleistung im Stande sind.


Nachrichten vom Grünen Widerstand

Am 30. Dezember brachen in Sabha Kämpfe zwischen den Stämmen Gaddafa und Suleiman aus. Zuerst begannen die Vertreter des Stammes Suleiman mit dem Bluvergießen. Sie beschossen das Haus eines Mitglieds des Gaddafa Stammes.

Dabei wurde der Hausherr schwer verletzt und ebenfalls dessen Sohn. Die Angreifer brachen in das Haus ein und entwendeten alles, was irgendwie von Wert war. Als die Mitglieder des Suleiman Stammes erfuhren, daß der Hausherr noch am Leben ist, eilten sie ins Krankenhaus und tötete diesen.

Der Gaddafa Stammes sah sich veranlaßt, Rache zu nehmen und schon um 12:00 Uhr Mittags des 30. Dezember begannen die Gefechte. Am Ende des Tages waren jeweils zwei Männer auf beiden Seiten getötet worden.

Zusammenstöße unterschiedlicher Intensität folgten und dauerten mehrere Tage. Am 4. Januar waren fünf Männer vom Stamm der Gaddafa tot. Auf der Seite des Suleiman Stammes wurden 3 Männer getötet, über die Zahl der Verwundeten gibt es keine genauen Angaben.

Laut Augenzeugen, besigte die Gaddafa den Suleiman Stamm in offener Feldschlacht, worauf der Suleiman Stamm heimtückisch Mitglieder des Gaddafa Stamm, die nicht einmal in die Kämpfe verwickelt waren, überfiel und tötete.

Der Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der Hochschule für Sabha, Dr. Abdul Salam Abushenav, wurde in der Nähe seines Hauses ermordet. Die Täter ließen seine Töchter ohne Vater zurück.

Musbah Mansoor wurde von hinten ermordet, als er von seinem Hof ​am Stadtrand von Sabha zurückkehrte. Er war nicht an den Auseinandersetzungen beteiligt und wurde nur auf Grund seiner Zugehörigkeit zum Gaddafa Stamm getötet.

Mit überraschender Geschwindigkeit trafen die bewaffneten Banden des Regimes, die sogenannten "Kommandos von Benghazi", in der Stadt ein.

Die Zusammenstöße begannen am Mittag des 30. Dezember und bereits Mittags des 31. Dezember trafen die Kommandos von Benghazi ein.

Es ist unmöglich, fast 1600 km in einer solchen kurzer Zeit, einschließlich der Zeit der Vorbereitung des Transports und dem Verladen der Ausrüstung zu überwinden.

Wahrscheinlich ist es, daß sie bereits vor den Zusammenstößen eintrafen und der Angriff des Suleiman Stammes mit dem Regime von Libyen vereinbart war.

So entstehen die Spannungen zwischen den Stämmen und die künstliche Senkung des Lebensstandards der Libyer gehört zum Kalkül, damit diese sich den Gangs anschließen und gegenseitig umbringen. Diese Aufgaben wurden von den ausländischen Marionettenspielern erdacht und erfolgreich durch das Regime umgesetzt.


Nachrichten vom Grünen Widerstand

Der Rassistische Kern des Regimes in Libyen

Auf diesem Photo ist in Student der Universität von Tripolis festgehalten. Die Ratten haben ihn  gefoltert und ihn gedemütigt wegen seiner Hautfarbe und weil er aus dem Tawherga stammt. Das geschah am 14. Januar 2012

Sie können Libyer in diesem Video zu sehen, die meisten von ihnen Zivilisten, ehemalige Einwohner von Tawherga. Sie wurden in einem Gefängniss in Misrata, im sogenannten neuen, freien und demokratischen Libyen gefoltert.

Von Beginn der sogenannten Revolution an wurden schwarz Libyer und Arbeiter aus den Nachbarländern gefoltert, vergewaltigt und getötet, die Zahl der Opfer nicht bekannt ist, es könnte sich um 10.000e Menschen handeln -alte Menschen, Männer, Frauen und Kinder.

Mitarbeiter einer türkischen Firma, die in Libyen gearbeitet haben waren Zeugen des Mordes an dunkelhäutigen Arbeitern aus dem Tschad. Alle schwarzen Arbeiter der Firma, etwa 70 Personen, wurden von einer Bande von Rebellen aus den Wohnanlagen der türkischen Firma entführt. Nicht weit vom Camp zertrümmerten die sogenannten Kämpfer für Freiheit und Demokratie mit Hämmern die Schädel ihrer Opfer oder schnitten ihnen die Köpfe mit Sensen ab. Am nächsten Tag flohen die Türken, die das beobachteten aus ihren Quarieren, da sie um ihre Leben fürchteten.

Sogenannte internationalen Menschenrechtsstiftungen und Organisationen bestreiten die rassistische Ausrichtung der Aktionen dieser lokalen und internationalen Banden in Libyen seit Februar 2011 und den rassistischen Chrakter des Regimes, das Taverga Bewohner zu Geächteten erklärte, und die Stadt zur Zerstörung verurteilte.
Gaddafi versuchte, den Kontinent von Kolonialsklaverei befreien und eine starke Afrikanische Union aufzubauen. Die libysche Dschamahirija ist ihr ideologisches und wirtschaftlichen Zentrum. So ist die rassistische Natur der sogenannten Revolutionäre und des Besatzungsregime ist nicht zufällig, und diese Tatsache wird auch nicht zufällig von den internationalen Medien, Stiftungen und Organisationen geleugnet oder ignoriert.
Das Kolonialregime drangsaliert und verfolgt absichtlich Dunkelhäutige in Libyen durch terroristische Banden Hände, um eine Barriere aus Angst und Blut zwischen Libyen und anderen afrikanischen Ländern zu errichten, um den Prozess der Integration des afrikanischen Kontinents zu stoppen. Denn auch wenn Libyen außer Kontrolle geraten ist, wird die libysche Dschamahirija wiederhergestellt werden.
Darüber hinaus quälen Besatzungsregime-Banden und schwarze Menschen und führen sie vor als Akte der Einschüchterung der anderen der Libyer. Ab Februar 2011 beahupteten die kriminellen Banden Schwarze Libyer seien Gaddafi Söldner und beschuldigte sie Verbrechen, die von den Ratten selbst begangen wurden. Internationale Stiftungen imd Organisationen und die Massenmedien, die diese Lüge verbreiteten, sind auch verantwortlich für die anhaltende Gewalt, Folter und Hinrichtungen.

Im Jahr 2011 hatte die Ratten einige ihre Opfer begraben. Hunderte gemeinsam in Massengräbermn. Dieses Foto wurde in Tripoli im späten Ende August / Anfang September 2011 aufgenommen.


Der letzte Teil dieser Ausgabe ist den Patrioten von Libyen gewidmet, die gegen die Besatzer und Verräter kämpfen. Menschen, die trotz der Androhung von Folter und Hinrichtung die grünen Fahnen hoch halten. Mädchen und Frauen in Libyen, werdende Mütter schwenken ihre grünen Fahnen zu Ehren ihrer vorübergehend verloren Heimat und zu Ehren derer, die noch kämpfen. Sie heben ihre grünen Fahnen zu Hause und in der Öffentlichkeit. Sie sind es, die wirklich ihr Leben riskieren, weil die bewaffneten Banden des Besatzungsregimes Jagd auf diese Leute machen.

Why People Think Sandy Hook is A Hoax

#GreenLibya Patriots in #Tripoli #Libya - 2013-01-27 # GNC #Resistance #Liberation

Samstag, 26. Januar 2013

Message from #Syria|n #Hacktivist #JAsIrX - #BritAm #Military Documents #leak|ed


I'm JAsIrX and I will share with you some documents downloaded after hacking Britam Defence server.
Its website is located on the Malaysian server. I found bugs in the website with same ip and uploaded web-shell through this site.
Then I hacked plesk parallels control panel and gained access to Britam Defence mail accounts and website directory.

Leaked documents:
-       Contracts copies with signatures
-       Private email correspondence
-       Personnel data, etc.

Britam Defence is British private military company, operates mainly in the Middle East. It killed Arabs in Iraq and plans to invade in Iran and Syria.
Look through leaked documents carefully. CW means chemical weapon, g-shell is short for a gas shell I guess.

Help to distribute this info and let other people know about the threats.
Thank all

This is what I found:
Archive no.1 (This is for obligatory download)

Archive no.2 (Here you can find most interesting things)

Archive no.3 (Here is a full pack of documents)

Archive no.1
Password: PPyp(rKRgr^A

Archive no.2
Password: &Uw=*cK:W~'o

Archive no.3
Password: m{x%}OdN!>E#

How #France maintains 14 #Africa countries Under slavery (ita w/ engl subs)

Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

#Israel #Palestine #Racism #Africa #Aparetheid - #US conducts drug tests on #black #women

Voice of #Libya Tribes 2 #Russia & #China - #GreenLibya #Putin #Syria #RealSyria #Iran #Mali #DRC #Algeria

von Chris Sedlmair, Freitag, 25. Januar 2013 um 07:52 ·

Share if you really care 



The injustice which are practiced by the armed gangs on the Libyan people made the life worst and worst since Drugs and Ecstasy became sold openly at Universities , streets even inside the schools.


Also they throwing it front of the children schools in a pocket of chocolate to catch kids attention , Kidnapping and torturing the people , unknown number of prisoners males and females , storming banks , killing and the revenge from innocent people had made nothing only because they Supported Gaddafi , is this humanity ? is this democracy ?


It's a time to Send you Message it may be the latest one ,this is Because we didn't got any answer , we didn't seen any real action from your side since you Two are Members of the UN Security Council , Also there are no action from Human rights watch and the other human organizations whose didn't answer to our messages , faxes and phones .


These harsh conditions will Lead us to a new civil war against these gangs which was supported by NATO and the world knowledge us and knowledge about our historical withstanding at 2011 , NATO and The UN Security Council are done from Libya After the big help they give to these gangs and the members of Al- Qaeda and the overthrow of the Previous regime and killing the Army of Libya which turned Libya to Massive mess , and the control of these gangs on the big cities in Libya , It presented to them on a platter of gold by NATO in order to occupy or oil and the frozen money in banks and now even the so called National Transition council and the New government in Libya can't control these gangs .


So we are sending this letter to all the world to see the result of the Arabic Spring in Libya , to help us by Real intervention by supporting us and demonstrations against the injustice and the terrorism in Libya.


(Source: Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi

#Sabha 2013-01-23 - #Libya #GreenLibya #GNC #NATO #EU #Benghazi #Syria #Iraq #Iran #Egypt #Algeria #Mali #Tunisia

#Libya #GreenLibya - #Ghadames Siege - A prequel for #Misrata|s and #Qatar|s planned war against #Zintan

by Chris Sedlmair

It seems the tragedy of Bani Walid massacre by the troops of the rats regimes and criminal gangs will repeat in other towns and cities all over western Libya. Ghadames is surrounded by militias, while the tribes of Libya sent an dramatic letter to the Governments of Russia and China, calling for urgent assistance to prevent the total escalation of violence in the country. Russia was the only country that tried to discuss the incidents related to the Siege of Bani Walid at the UN Security Council. US blocked an discussion about the cruel acts committed against the "City of Heroes" as Bani Walid is called since its fierce resistance against the rats armies in Libya War of 2011. The same Title was given to the Iraqi City of Fallujah during their two major battles against American occupation forces. Libyans gain new hope for Russian and Chinese support since the fierce defense of Syria by Putin. And Russia as well as China lost credibility and influence in Africa since their betrayal of Libya in 2011 that led to the deaths of some 160,000 Libyans and the total destruction of the Northern African State.

Click image for larger version.   Name:	402906_418322518204708_1725049583_n.jpg  Views:	1  Size:	22.7 KB  ID:	576

Yesterday independent Journalist Konstantin Sheglikov of Russian Green Committees' World Jamahiriya Radio gave a report from arround 20 January, stating, that western Libyan City of Ghadames was surrounded by an unidentified militia. Since that day the powerless NATO dogs of the GNC did nothing to help the people of Ghadames. Instead the blamed the Brigades of Zintan for the crimes. But there is no sign that Zintan had any intention in occuying the city 543 miles from Tripoli. Zintan Gangs themselves are under massive pressure from other faction of the counterrevolutionary regime that took power in 2011.

"Rats report Zintan gunmen are attacking.. rats lie. Misrata militias have been in Zuwarah port for months. They have Apache helicopters", independent Journalist Russel Vogt says. "Misrata rats plan to invade Zintan and have over 400 armored vehicles in Zuwarah". Without help Zintan was doomed to get defeated in a direct confrontation with the militarily superior Misrata gangs. The only hope for them seems to be cutting ties with the coalition of rats gangs and to side with Green Resistance and resisting tribes and cities. Leader Saif al Islam, Son of the Great Muamar al Gaddafi, hold and tried by Zintan is the key to such an alliance. Otherwise Zintan will pay the price for their betrayal in 2011.

Russel Vogt, a reliable source for Real News from Libya on twitter explained the situation: "Ghadames has had attacks for weeks, many have been killed and injured. Misrata traitors plan to annex Western Libya. The so called rat occupation GNC only has control over few buildings in Tripoli. They are talking about moving to Casablanca for security reasons." he stated.

Since weeks the Criminal Gangs of Misrata get massive military supplies from Qatar sources from Libya report. The feudal absolutist regime at the Arab Peninsula, known for backing the overthrow of the Socialist Jamahiriya sytem of Green Libya from beginning, delivers heavy weaponry for a new civil war to their loyal dogs in the occupied coastal city, including tanks and helicopters.

Some clans in the city of Misrata have a long tradition in collaboration with colonial powers of Italy, England and United States over the last century. Even when Libya was the first people of the world that took up arms against European fascism while the major imperialists of entente powers still conspired with the Hitler Regime of fascist Germany against the smaller peoples of Europe, the forefathers of the traitors conspired with fascist Italy of Mussolini against the Libyan resistance.

#Syria #RealSyria - Military skills of highly trained professional #FSA Heroes

No Surrender #Gaddafi Remix - #Libya #Tripoli #Benghazi #BaniWalid #GreenLibya #Tobruk #Zintan #Ghadames #Sabha.

#Libya #GreenLibya #GNC #TNC - City of #Ghadames surrounded by unknown militia

by Konstantin Sheglikov

People of ghadamas are complaint that an unknown militia has surrounded the city for days and they are still waiting for the government to come and find out who they are and get rid f them so that they may protect the city but the government has not even reply to them yet

Ghadamas is 543km away from tripoli

report is from 20th January

Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013

#LIBYA #GreenLibya #GNC #NATO #NTC #Feb17 - Violent Mobs & peaceful #Police, Benghazi #Feb15 #2011

Antiimperialistischer Jahresausblick 2013 - #LINKE #Syrien #Libyen #NATO #SPD #Grüne #CDU #FDP #Piraten #Merkel

#Hitlary #GreenLibya #NATO #GNC - #HillaryClinton, Architect Behind Disaster in #Libya

#DVRK #KDVR #Nordkorea: "Wir planen weitere #Atomtests!" - Nationale Verteidigungskommission

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013

#Wahabismus & #Islam - #SaudiArabien #Katar #KSA #Ikhwan #Syrien #Libyen #Jemen #Ägypten #Algerien #Mali

#Turkey #Syria #RealSyria - Turkish Ambulance Driver says there were no #FSA w/out Turkey #Qatar #KSA

Post by "Cosanostra LovesSyria Jabbour" at Facebook:

An Ambulance driver contected to our page.Now I'll type what he said. He also asked his idendity to be hidden coz he is still officially Turkey Gov't worker.

"Woundeds , yes , We are carrying them . Most of the woundeds becoz of Sniper bullets.Airraid woundeds mostly burn victims."

Regarding the question 'Whats your opinions and observation'
"Believe me,If Turkey-Qatar-KSA wouldnt been helping(to rats) there could have been no such thing 'opposition'.There are some 10K-20K rebels stuck to an area 20Km-30Km from the border line to inside(Syria).**Most** of the attendants whom i spoke to , in regret.*Most* of the The Syrians fled to here , Neither with Assad or opposition,They just want the unrest and chaos to come to an end"

#DPRK - #Iran built #NorthKorea|s first Mosque!

[Better Version] #Libya #GreenLibya - Recognition of so-called rebel, May 2011, #RasLanuf #GNC

By Konstantin Sheglikov

Recognition of one of the so-called rebels, made in May 2011, in city Ras Lanuf, after liberation of city from criminal gangs(so called rebels). Translation of video:

In the beginning the TV presenter is talking:

"This report is dedicated from battalion media fighter in Libyan channel to the armed people[volunteeers] and to our sons the fighters, let's watch it"

Then another journalist starts talking:

Here the rats are talking about the libyan soldiers, claiming that were mercenaries, criminals, thieves! Rats used bad words to describe soldiers,
but since when we believe what evil people say?"

After that a young man [former, so called rebel and real criminal by his actions] starts talking:

" After we went to Ras Lanuf, there was a battle from 9 am until 3 pm,

after 3pm troops[Libyan army and volunteers] went into Ras Lanuf so i got rid of my weapon and run.

All cars [cars of with rats] had to withdraw , they left us alone and run away.

Then we went to the eastern part of Ras Lanuf so that we can run away.

Then I found out we're all surrounded by Libyan military [Libyan army and volunteers].

In the morning, patrols were searching everywhere, so I had to surrender to military.

They were asking me questions, i couldn't talk, because i was shocked [he expected tortures and abuses, as rats lied that mercenaries fought in side of Green Libya]

I asked them about their identity, then they said :"We are Libyan military"

They said to me:"Raise your head, you are Libyan, why are you afraid?"

Then they put me in a car and took me to another area in Ras Lanuf.

They showed me a wounded guy and asked me whether i could help him.

I said, I could

They brought me some medications

They gave me everything: food, juice, medications.

There was another wounded guy, because his leg was injured, they were looking for ambulance...

This was a wake up call to me

"Rebels" [rats] made us forget about Libya and national unite

They were always trying to brainwash us with money, high positions and cars[which they could to receive, rats receive the money for their crimes, also freedom to take any girl or rape]

That's what they talk about all the time...

I am not in a prison [he expected to come to prison by his crimes]

I am in a spiritual and religious rehabilitation, I want to recover

They [rats] stole my patriot spirit

by fear and terror.

They made us forget the true value and true meaning of Libya[he cries].

I want to advise every young man who's in the front[serve to rats] to surrender and give his weapon to local authorities.

He will see how he will be treated.

I want to say to every Libyan citizen whom I hurt please forgive me.

Libya, I hope You will forgive me.

My leader I hope You will forgive me

I want to say to my family, I am fine

I have another big family here in Tripoli

Inchallah, Allah will help us"

Then the journalist says:

" Here are the fighters, protectors of the truth, sons of the leader in the front support the truth.

Here they are exposing the lies of the enemy[rats] in their own good deeds.

They are the sons and grandsons of the mujahidins who clean home from all haters.

Here is our strong military who face death smiling,

here is the military of the armed people[volunteers,armed libyan] who have one heart for all

they teach the haters how to be noble in the battlefield."

After that an old lady says:
" May Allah support the great Muammar, our leader, may Allah save him"

Then the journalist starts talking again:
" They remeber their Allah , sacrifice their lifes,

libyan military and armed people[volunteers] showed the whole world that Libya can turn into hellfire to the enemies and people turn into alive weapon in order to keep Libya united."


Sourse of video (اهداء إلى القواتـ الشعب الليبي المسلح - LIBYAxSON#)

Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013

Wahl in #Ecuador - #UK Diplomat weist auf #CIA-Programm hin - 14.1.13

#Syria #RealSyria : Syrian army carried out ambush against #FSA, see results

Debunking #Obama As Anti-Business #Socialist

#RealSyria - Bad Day for #AlJazeera in #Syria - :D #Fail #epicFail #NATO #Qatar #KSA #Libya #Iran #Iraq

Antiimperialistischer Jahresausblick 2013 - #Syrien #Rußland #Libyen #LINKE #MLPD #DKP #Marx21

Antiimperialistischer Jahresausblick 2013 - #Syrien #Rußland #Libyen #LINKE #MLPD #DKP #Marx21

#Libya #GreenLibya - Recognition of one of so-called rebels, Spring #2011, in #RasLanuf

by Konstantin Sheglikov


Recognition of one of the so-called rebels, made in Spring 2011, in city of Ras Lanuf .

Translation of video:

In the beginning the TV presenter is talking:

"This report is dedicated from battalion media fighter in Libyan channel to the armed people[volunteeers] and to our sons the fighters, let's watch it"

Then another journalist starts talking:

Here the rats are talking about the libyan soldiers, claiming that were mercenaries, criminals, thieves! Rats used bad words to describe soldiers,
but since when we believe what evil people say?"

After that a young man [former, so called rebel and real criminal by his actions] starts talking:

" After we went to Ras Lanuf, there was a battle from 9 am until 3 pm,

after 3pm troops[Libyan army and volunteers] went into Ras Lanuf so i got rid of my weapon and run.

All cars [cars of with rats] had to withdraw , they left us alone and run away.

Then we went to the eastern part of Ras Lanuf so that we can run away.

Then I found out we're all surrounded by Libyan military [Libyan army and volunteers].

In the morning, patrols were searching everywhere, so I had to surrender to military.

They were asking me questions, i couldn't talk, because i was shocked [he expected tortures and abuses, as rats lied that mercenaries fought in side of Green Libya]

I asked them about their identity, then they said :"We are Libyan military"

They said to me:"Raise your head, you are Libyan, why are you afraid?"

Then they put me in a car and took me to another area in Ras Lanuf.

They showed me a wounded guy and asked me whether i could help him.

I said, I could

They brought me some medications

They gave me everything: food, juice, medications.

There was another wounded guy, because his leg was injured, they were looking for ambulance...

This was a wake up call to me

"Rebels" [rats] made us forget about Libya and national unite

They were always trying to brainwash us with money, high positions and cars[which they could to receive, rats receive the money for their crimes, also freedom to take any girl or rape]

That's what they talk about all the time...

I am not in a prison [he expected to come to prison by his crimes]

I am in a spiritual and religious rehabilitation, I want to recover

They [rats] stole my patriot spirit

by fear and terror.

They made us forget the true value and true meaning of Libya[he cries].

I want to advise every young man who's in the front[serve to rats] to surrender and give his weapon to local authorities.

He will see how he will be treated.

I want to say to every Libyan citizen whom I hurt please forgive me.

Libya, I hope You will forgive me.

My leader I hope You will forgive me

I want to say to my family, I am fine

I have another big family here in Tripoli

Inchallah, Allah will help us"

Then the journalist says:

" Here are the fighters, protectors of the truth, sons of the leader in the front support the truth.

Here they are exposing the lies of the enemy[rats] in their own good deeds.

They are the sons and grandsons of the mujahidins who clean home from all haters.

Here is our strong military who face death smiling,

here is the military of the armed people[volunteers,armed libyan] who have one heart for all

they teach the haters how to be noble in the battlefield."

After that an old lady says:
" May Allah support the great Muammar, our leader, may Allah save him"

Then the journalist starts talking again:
" They remeber their Allah , sacrifice their lifes,

libyan military and armed people[volunteers] showed the whole world that Libya can turn into hellfire to the enemies and people turn into alive weapon in order to keep Libya united."



Sourse of video (اهداء إلى القواتـ الشعب الليبي المسلح - LIBYAxSON#)

#Libya #GreenLibya - Recognition of one of the so-called rebels - #RasLanuf

Freitag, 18. Januar 2013

#Libya #GreenLibya - 18.01.2013 - Manifest of the family of Muammar al #Gaddafi - #GNC #Zintan #Saif #Aisha #BaniWalid #Tripoli #Benghazi

Manifest of the family of Muammar al-Gaddafi:

In the name of God the Merciful

Greetings to you, sons of Libya struggling

What we saw yesterday [In Zintan] was aimed at pleasing of occupants. That did not comply with tribal traditions and yield to pressure of oppressive tyrant external forces.
[To Zintan tribe] Do not make from Yourselves Ethiopians Fascists who were mercenaries for Italy. Who are serve Italy then was executed the hero Khalifa Bin Askar in 1922.
History does not have mercy and may Allah not consent Paris and Washington and that the road to heaven is not through the gate of Paris and Washington. Here is Libya for nearly two years after the invasion Atlantic turned into another Somalia. There, for their comfort, smelt death, misery, despair, hunger, ignorance and disease. Killings and tortures in secret prisons, rapes, demolition of scientific lighthouses, kidnapping and the list goes on. We call tribe Zintan not to be new Ethiopians and not to be dragged behind the foreign agendas. Seek to preserve what remains of Libya wounded. In addition, we do not recognize the existence of justice impartially under the system under the guardianship of Foreign Affairs as the Vichy regime in France. The
Mujahid hero Saif al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi is tomorrow and hope and his charitable work, evidenced by the whole world is rich from the definition. Either position in defending the territory of Libya and legitimate duty and patriotism and moral. He is the grandson of Mujahid Abdul Salam Abu Menyar [father of Muammar Gaddafi]. Have to keep the last thing stay to You and don’t listen to the horns demons around You...

In the name of God the Merciful
Glory to the people


(literary translation)

Manifest of the family of Muammar al-Gaddafi:

In the name of God the Merciful

Greetings to you, sons of Libya struggling

What we saw happening yesterday [In Zintan] was aimed at pleasing Libya's occupiers. It did not comply with tribal traditions, but was the result of pressure from tyrannical & oppressive, external forces.

[To The Zintan tribe] Do not make of yourselves Ethiopian Fascists -who were mercenaries for Italy and were then executed, by the hero Khalifa Bin Askar in 1922.

History does not have mercy and may Allah not bless Paris and Washington - & remember, the road to heaven is not through the gates of Paris or Washington. Look at beautiful Libya; nearly two years after the US-led invasion, it has been turned into another Somalia. All around the country is the smell of death, misery, despair, hunger, ignorance and disease. Killings and torture, kidnapping & rapes are all part of the endless horror, going on in secret prisons. There is continuing demolition of centres of learning and science and wanton destruction of Libya's priceless historic heritage.
We call on the Tribe Zintan, not to be new Ethiopians and not to be dragged behind the foreign agendas. Seek to preserve what remains of poor, wounded Libya . In addition, we do not believe that impartial justice exists in Libya, under the 'system of guardianship' by Foreign Powers - similar to that in the shameful WW2 Vichy regime in France. The Mujahid hero Saif al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi is a hope for the future of Libya - and earned that position in defending the territory of Libya against the foreign invasion. He has a family, tribal and patriotic duty to stand up and fight for Libya. He is the grandson of Mujahid Abdul Salam Abu Menyar [father of Muammar Gaddafi]. Have to keep the last thing stay to You and don’t listen to the horned demons around You...

In the name of God the Merciful
Glory to the people

Django Unchained, Spike Lee's Cowardice

#BaniWalid, #Libya - #News on chemical weapons - #GNC #NATO #GreenLibya #NewLibya #FreeLibya

by Kontantin Sheglikov

There are some people coming out have allergy symptoms .. As a result of chemical weapons which used NATO and rats against citizen of Bani Walid at October 2012

#BaniWalid, #Libya - #News on chemical weapons - #GNC #NATO #GrrenLibya #NewLibya #FreeLibya

by Kontantin Sheglikov

There are some people coming out have allergy symptoms .. As a result of chemical weapons which used NATO and rats against citizen of Bani Walid at October 2012

#Libya #GreenLibya - #News - unconfirmed - #NATO #GNC Occupation Regime behind killing of #Niger Ambassador to #Belgium

by Konstantin Sheglikov

NOTE: The Informations are based on Reports by Stephen Gules and could not be confirmed so far.

Niger's ambassador to Brussels Belgium has been found dead with the wife, suffocation with carbon monoxide. Who else could be responsible?. Libyan rats/rebels and NATO. Rebels have been pressing Nigers ambassador in Belgium to convince or force it's government to extradite all green resistance fighters in Niger, he so far has informed us on many occasions, he would never betray green Libya. Brussels is the head quarters of NATO, so Libyan rebels and NATO took turns in poisoning him and wife with carbon monoxide gas, popular poisonous gas choice by Libyan outlaw rebels. Now all our green agents and Libyan electronic army in Europe, need swing into action, find out the perpetrators and those responsible involved in planning, executing and implementing this plan, no person involved must be left alive.

#Music: #GuevaraH - #Syrien

Freitag, 11. Januar 2013

In Defence Of The Vanguard Party

Letter From King Leopold II to Colonial Missionaries Heading to #Africa in 1883

The true face of #NATO's "democratic" #Libya regime: freedom to deceive and poison own citizens. - #GreenLibya #GNC #Misrata #Sirte #BaniWalid #Zintan

by Chris Sedlmair & Konstantin Sheglikov

In past several sources close to resistance from Libya reported incidents in Libyan food production like in factory plant of yogurt producer Naseem where a mix-up of chemicals could have led to infertility of consumers of both sex. (1) Many doubted were before about this the report, but the media of rat’s regime now confirmed the fact. "Mohammed Alraeid, owner of "Al Naseem for Food Industries Co." and prominent member of the Misrata Gangs, has imported recently from European countries flavorings for his yogurt and ice-cream, which can cause infertility for men and women and children of both sex", sources reports.
"During the Invasion of NATO and Gulf-backed rats he was the one who spread the lie Gaddafi had left Libya for Venezuela", our Libyan source reports. His company's original location was in Misurata. But events of 2011 year forced him to move a part of the equipment to Benghazi because of the seriousness of the situation in Misurata, and now had been returned to their original position in Misurata. "So, his company which make milk and others product from milk as yogurt and ice cream worked without any problems for his customers under the high level of control by the Jamahiriya. Now there is no control and he could have add anything to his product", source says.

Translation: "Mahamed Al-reed, owner of The Naseem (breeze) factory have imported a substance lately from one of the European countries (a flavoring substance but in truth it is a chemical substance that causes Sterility among men and women and results from it if it was taken by kids the same disease from both genders, and it's being added to the yogurt lately"

Our source noticed: “Day after day it becomes more and more the obvious the deceitful face and nature of them that claimed themselves “fighters against tyranny” in Libya. That is the freedom for what they did struggle, freedom to deceive and make profit on that deceiving, freedom to spoil for the biggest profit. That is why Gaddafi and Jamahiriya hindered them. Because under the Jamahiriya` s system of quality control such deceiving had been impossible!”
Not so many people know that city of Misurata had been announced a zone of free trade and business there was free of tax. It was made for Misurata during the reform of state system to make that area grow faster. But for gang of greedy persons it seemed little even nothing. «They desired more power and more benefits even at the expense of country destruction and nation poverty. They readily had agreed with western regimes to make a plot against Jamahiriya. It was easy for them. Because such persons matched western politicians in their desire of power and personal enrichment.», our source says.
Since end of 2011, when the state system had been destroyed and the representatives of the occupation were busy with theft and plunder such incidents became possible. In the new «democratic Libya of human rights» nobody takes responsibility for the rights and the health of the Libyan people. «The System of Quality Control in the Libyan Jamahiriya that protected the health of population from the threat of low quality products the rats called "tyranny". The possibility to decide to poison the people they called "freedom".» ' our source confirmed.


We have another evidence of freedom to deceive and poison own citizens:
That's how some rats transporting chickens of unknown origin for markets in Libya.

The System of Quality Control in the Libyan Jamahiriya that protected the health of population from the threat of low quality products the rats called "tyranny". The possibility to decide to poison the people they called "freedom". Thats the true meaning of their terminology and the real purpose of their "revolution". It was rather one of the true goals and desires of those, whom we call rats in Libya and there are others too, no less perverse, we will report about.

We want to remind that NATO and obey them armed gangs used depleted uranium, white phosphorous and chemical weapons (mustard gas and sarin) against the Libyan population Especially dangerous for Libyans are white phosphorus and depleted uranium, they cause serious diseases and malformations in fetuses, leading to miscarriages and other problems during pregnancy ..
Now we get reports about cases of cancer in the cities of Sirte and Bani Walid that were most heavily bombed by NATO and Rats during invasion.

Given that the so-called global elite intends to reduce the world population, the creation and use of food additives cause a variety of diseases in humans, up to infertility, is a natural phenomenon.
The addition of these chemicals in the final product, especially in products for children is part of a deliberate strategy of genocide against the poor Libyan from the occupation regime.



(1) Green Website with screensot of apporoval of Naseem Incident by a Rats Website.



Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013

#Libya, actions of regime: money for #terror, not for recovering of country - #GreenLibya #NATO #GNC #Qatar #KSA #Gaddafi #Syria #Iraq

by Chris Sedlmair and Konstantin Sheglikov

Terror from the Sky, but no money for schools and healthcare.

Yesterday several fighter Jets of unknown origin terrorized the people of Bani Walid. The jets were approaching the city slowly and then over the city accelerated to supersonic speed. The constant breaking of the sound barrier was intended to terrorize the population. Bani Walid is a city of unbreakable patriotic spirit. The people of Bani Walid end of 2012 came under Attack of the rats regime for some constructed reasons. The Attackers suffered heavy losses and will never forget the lesson this town tought them. Finally the Defense Fighters had to retreat, to let the civillians go back to into town, who were trapped in the desert. Russia Today reported about, showing nonlibyan mercenaries and other medie reported about children, forced by the rats gangs to fight the heroic city of Bani Walid. The citizen rebuilt their town without any help. The City under Green Control became a example for organisation and reconstruction. The Garbage collection and other public services were fine all the time. Te civil life never collapsed as it did in most rats controlled cities.


Anyone who knows a bit about military budget knows how expensive it is to finance a training flight. Terrorizing the People with breaking the sound barrier is an expensive hobby for the rats and their Qatari Masters. Instead they should spend it for furniture for schools, where children are sitting on the floor. All of us know the good conditions of libyan educational system. It was often shown during fist year of conflict 2011 even by western manstream media. The Degeneration of civil life, education, health care and infrastructure under rats rule only pove that there are no longer libyans in power. the Govenrement is a bunch of puppets, the oil is occupied by the West, the criminal militias are controlled by the Gulf Monarchs, especially Qatar and Saudi Arabia. There is money for any kind of terror against the civil population in "New, democratic Libya", but not for wages or public services and the economy crumbles, while 1.5 Million of 6 Million Libyans became Refugees after the 2011 overthrow of the jamahiriya by NATO and Gulfmonarchs that costed the lifes of 160,000 Libyans.

Lincoln: Worse than Hitler

Freitag, 4. Januar 2013

#US 2 bring #democracy / #humanrights 2 #syria #Libya #LMAO- #FBI: #OWS Protesters targ. 4 Death

#Palestina - small mirror of our Earth, празднует 48 годовщину революции - #Intifada #Gaza #Resistance

by Kontantin Sheglikov (Green Committees Russia)

Today, 4 January 2012

Palestine's Festival to commemorate the 48th anniversary of the Palestinian Revolution.

Palestina is small mirror of our Earth, example that NGO want to make with whole world.
NGO want to destroy big part of world, they creating stereotypes about other nations as about savagers. In addition, after occupy troop’s tortured, raped, and killed people without mercy, because they are savagers, subhuman for them.
NGO will create walls around cities for rich and their servants, as Israel doing.
NGO will force nations to run from their land or serve to NGO if there be resources, or their lands is need for NGO by others reasons, as in Palestina now.
They created fake movements inside religions in order to broke this religions, especially well known salafism, which in fact haven’t any attention to real Islam. Salafists, especially Al-Qaeda raped, tortured, and killed people as occupants or either worse. It was in History already then troops of local gangs under protect and control of Nazi Germany terrorized own people. They too told about freedom from regime, but this freedom hade end in concentration camps and total slavery.
They created fake terrorist groups in order to justice wars against states, as Al-Qaeda, as Hamas, as armed gangs in Afghanistan, which global media calling Taliban.

Israel during dozens of years forcing Arabs leave own land, Israel is aggressor who killed people without mercy, they abuse and humiliate Arabs in prisons or streets, even in own homes.
Our grandfathers from USSR released Jews not for this, they didn’t expect that descendants of that Jews be commit same war crimes and make Holocaust for another nations.


Wish all best for Palestine and now
words of a girl from Palestine, Rana Alshami:

“Good Morning Palestine !! . Woooo Hooooo! Feeling full of energy this morning. more than million person in Al-saraya area ... Gaza is full of yellow flags , the sky , the earth everything is yellow there . My people need to be united with all factions , need to be one hand and overcome all problems in order to get our liberation.
Gaza now is having the hugest festival in its history! over 70% of the Gazans are either in Al-Saraya area or in their way there to commemorate the 48th anneversary of the Palestinian Revolution.
Wishing everyone a fabulous Friday and a great weekend ahead. :)) Lx Yes Yes Yes !! Free Free Free palestine !
Greeting From the Heart of Gaza to all

## Rana Alshami”

Today: 48th anniversary of the Palestinian Revolution.

Today, 4 January 2012

Palestine's Festival to commemorate the 48th anniversary of the Palestinian Revolution.

Words of a girl from Palestine, Rana Alshami:

Good Morning Palestine !! . Woooo Hooooo! Feeling full of energy this morning. more than million person in Al-saraya area ... Gaza is full of yellow flags , the sky , the earth everything is yellow there . My people need to be united with all factions , need to be one hand and overcome all problems in order to get our liberation.
Gaza now is having the hugest festival in its history! over 70% of the Gazans are either in Al-Saraya area or in their way there to commemorate the 48th anneversary of the Palestinian Revolution.
Wishing everyone a fabulous Friday and a great weekend ahead. :)) Lx Yes Yes Yes !! Free Free Free palestine !

Greeting From the Heart of Gaza to all

## Rana Alshami

Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2013

#Libya 2013: The true face of #NATO's democratic #humanrights-regime - #GreenLibya #GNC #Gaddafi

By Konstantin Sheglikov

Watch new photos about people, who were tortured in prisons of new democracy Libya.
So called revolution in Libya was made by local and international gangs which receive all kinds of support from West.
Global media made peacefull protesters from criminals.
NATO gave weapons, instructors and NATO troops came and killed libyan people.
NATO bombed defenders of Libya and made easier way for criminals to kill, rape, torture civilian.
Tortures, rapes in LIbya still going on
Most corrupt officials of Jamahiriya were caught by secret agents of the West during debauchery with prostitutes. They have agreed to a conspiracy against the own state. In exchange, they were able to continue to do so with impunity in Western countries, in addition they were offered the absolute power in Libya. In return, they have to give the resources of Libya to corporations from Western countries and their allies.

Now Libya is corrupting young people under the false flag of Sharia and Islam.
Alcohol, drugs, brothels, clandestine brothels, etc., has become a reality in Libya.
People who oppose this process and fight against the regime, or even express any words against the regime end up in prisons under control of various gangs, where they were tortured and sexually abused. People are brutally murdered, new evidence of torture took place this year you can see in this video.

It is surprising that the Libyans are still trying to reach out to various humanitarian organizations. Becuase, various humanitarian organizations were among the main instigators of war and suppliers lies, the aim of which was to justify what is happening to this destruction and robbery of a North African socialist state.
Libyan regime lies that armed gangs are not subject to it, in fact continues deliberate policy of intimidation of the population. All actions of gangs are controlled by puppet regime and their curators from outside.

Dienstag, 1. Januar 2013

#GreenCommittees #Russia: About rats in our movement - #Libya #Syria #Udaltsov #Putin

In motion "for Gaddafi and his people" or "Community of Gaddafi", as in any voluntary movement may appear the people who use it for personal purposes. It so happened that the people whom we believed wholeheartedly support Libya and Syria in the future and in the fight against NATO, was a group of two-faced characters. Their goal was to make money through the use of movement and the movement to organize in their own country the same scenario as we see in Libya and that's possible in Syria.
The first charge against them is a souvenir shop with the subject of Libya, which are paid for with public funds collected. The motion was voluntary, mutual trust, activists from Moscow raised funds on behalf of all of us. Vanguard AKM (Valadar Koganitsky, Valadar AKM) has opened a personal account to which the collected material aid movement, this account became our foundation, it reports on income and expenditure of funds in the reports and no one has tested it, hoping for the honesty and integrity of the person who acted the red and green flags. Part of the gift, which he bought from the fund was distributed for free or for a nominal fee. Part resell it Valadar reports did not reflect all expensed. Apparently Grinchuk group decided that it is entitled to do so, and began to sell in order to generate revenue.

When in the spring of this year, it became clear that Valadar and others of their companies trade at rallies in Moscow, he stopped and began to hide place ads directly on our pages

At what price he would take the book is unknown, but he took the wheels of 300 rubles and he brought from Ufa to personally hand, he sells them for 500 rubles, another similar ad he was selling them for 300 rubles, "cost". But, nevertheless, he wrote off the money to buy CDs from the Community Foundation, as the costs so that's the psychology of the man, nothing personal, just business. One more feature to the nature of the representative psevdolevyh movement - an attempt to buy the Radio World Editor Jamahiriya Demi Mukhtar (Valadar offered him pay for hosting, but instead wanted to advertise their site for If such people are so-called left-wing movements, then it becomes clear why they go to rallies belolentochnyh. They also like the liberals believe that all are bought and sold, that the end justifies the means, and so on in Libya, there are still a rat sure what that they used NATO, they are proud of "freedom had come to their country," and the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime which, of course, was neligitemen in their eyes.
Perhaps this (use of movement as a business project) started in the summer or autumn of last year, at least, when the fall came at the expense of Volodar 250,000 rubles, which is completely demolished their roof, they realized that this movement can become a source of income for them. Spring 2012 Valadar denied having received this amount of money in his usual manner, without using lies directly (I still trust him, when he wrote and tried to make peace between him and the guys with Radio).

General school Chirikova, held Valadar is astonishing. This style of lies to make it harder to catch on to it, is used by all liberals, he writes, "I have not received 250,000 rubles," he was playing hurt maligned man.
Here is evidence of 250 thousand rubles to the personal account Volodar is Volodar own words in this correspondence, it is as always "offended" because someone found the secret to know that others do not.

In general, the source of such payment of interest when we are working with NGO "Veche" with the support of other community organizations during the spring - summer 2011 raised funds to send food and medicines to Libya were collected only about 20 thousand rubles (more can be learned from Vladimir Orlov of IPA "Veche").
250 thousand as a donation to the personal account of one man do not come, it's either pay for their actions or prepayment of actions that have to be perfect. Most likely the latter, because Valadar and others from the company Grinchuk later participated in belolentochnyh actions on behalf of the Movement "For Gaddafi and his people." Valadar agitirovaniem explained it in favor of the Movement, in fact, they participated in the demonstrations and on its behalf, they sold all the movement, as if we all support the Russian rats.
This photo may well illustrate this, as it may happen.

They persuaded Elena Gromov advertise and links to online resources psevdolevye for Gaddafi. py, promising big money, she refused, it was one of the reasons why a new website clone for Gaddafi. org, his appearance analyze below.

Cover their core group, group "For Gaddafi Shares" which depicts a caravan of goods, best reflects the essence huckstering these people. (The picture they replaced, but the caravan on the new picture left).

They trade attributes of Libya, leaving a portion of the proceeds, apparently they feel that way to make it right.

In any such collective behavior is called krysyachnichestvo.

Next you need to make it out the political preferences of the people, they have positioned themselves as the Movement for Gaddafi, who are in opposition to the current government in Russia. But in fact they are members of many organizations that are actively involved in belolentochnom movement in Russia and set himself the task of creating chaos and civil war. Valadar Kogarnitsky was a member of the movement defenders of the Khimki forest. He still respects and protects Chirikov (fall 2011, he said on behalf of a post-copy Twitty Chirikova that Syria is not interested and so he blamed the lies of those who posted tweets Chirikova to collect money for the fighters against the Assad regime)

Additionally Koganitsky a member IGPR "call" but membership Vanguard of Red Youth course. Alex is also a member Grinchuk IGPR "call"

To see the dual membership of these people in this video, you need to click «show annotations». Joining in, they provide membership in the movement of certain Dmitry Sergeyev "call"

Such is the transaction took place between them. It is likely that part of the Company entered Grinchuk belolentochnyh members of other organizations.
IGPR "The Call", which positions itself as a left-wing movement, opposed to capitalism, NATO, etc., however, wrote a letter to the PACE office to punish the Putin regime and oppose totalitarianism in Europe. In the same letter as an example of the correct actions are against Belarus in Europe to ban the entry of officials of Belarus. I would remind you that Belarus is the only country that has kept the socialist type of state. But for the "call" - is a totalitarian state, and consequently the dictator Lukashenko, just an amazing coincidence with the opinion of Europe.
And here's an amazing self-exposure "call", read the headline of the article on their website

Mubarak unlikely to give the order to the execution of demonstrators, but the West and its puppets to put the blame on him. "Call", as well as a puppet of the West in Egypt, apparently regretted that Mubarak received only life. Life sentence was changed to hanging, favorite pastime of the Western countries, the "call" and other psevdolevye movements can be satisfied.

Another member of the company Grinchuk, Basil Sumatra (El-Vassa) is a fan of Limonov

People calling themselves kaddafistami, on his website post links to psevdolevye rat movement. Here are links to the activists of these movements and their actions that they support and take part in them.
Links to the site

If you open the link, you get on a typical blog belolentochny

The second link

If you open it, it leads to the one page on Facebook

This page is collecting signatures for a letter to PACE requesting fight against totalitarianism in Europe in the face of Putin and Lukashenko.

Prosecutor General Chaika portrayed everywhere in sight sniper rifle. It is unlikely that this picture was conceived in the CALL or other local organizations, is coming up with their curators from abroad.
Generally kill the heads of law enforcement agencies of the country is the card color revolutions under the patronage of the United States. In Ukraine, after the "victory" of Orange in 2004, with two shots to the head, was killed Interior Minister Kravchenko, investigators under the pressure of new "democratic" government closed the case as a suicide.
Below is and will rat sites, one of them also made a collection of signatures for a letter to PACE.

It leads to this site, you can read that same letter to PACE.
In a letter to select a row, where they believe that Belarus - the only country of the former Soviet Union kept the socialist system, a totalitarian state.

Here is the publication of this letter on Orhei

This icon opens the site Vanguard of Red Youth, belolentochnogo party movement.

This icon opens the site of the Left Front

The site for Gaddafi org very often as a source of information used by the newspaper of the occupation regime of Libya - "Libya Herald", interspersed with articles from other sources, the opposition Libyan regime. Their website is in the interest of the two sides at once.
It looks like this sometimes:

The site for Gadhafi. org is a clone of the site for Gadhafi. py, and was created by an ordinary theft carried out the technical administrator of the site. py Arkady Petrov (Arcadius Radius). People who persuaded him to do so, including Grinchuk were themselves moderators. Pv. They had the opportunity to clean the site of the trolls and post news, but they did not, waiting the moment when the site was impossible for read. After that, they announced the creation of a new website ".... org", which promised to make the site of breaking news, the entire database, including users, has been copied. Each user of the site for Gadhafi. py received a letter about it.
In fact, the following happened: the fall of 2011 around October 250 000 rubles to the account Koganitskogo did, after a while, and Grinchuk Koganitskomu told how the money should work and how to make more. (In fact a real conversation known only to them). They tried to persuade Elena Gromov advertise online for Gaddafi py belolentochnye and links to sites that now is on Orhei. She refused and the site for Gaddafi Goodies orgy trolls, life ceased to be a source of news. March 1, 2011 they created. Org - website for a complete copy Arkady Petrov copied the site database. Py and even tried to derail it, that the site was not able to function normally, the site of Gaddafi. py had to quickly revive. About this story, said Nikolai Sologubovsky.
These are unscrupulous people themselves as socialists and followers of Gaddafi.

Links to groups and pages in FB and the sites currently known, in which the rats are the admins:

For Gaddafi Stocks (For Gaddafi Actions)

People's Committee of the Socialist Jamahiriya

Clone group "For Gaddafi and his people, for the people of Gadafi and negov For Gaddafi and his people"

For Jamahiriya Socialism and direct democracy

Names of rats:
Grinchuk Alex - director
Valadar Koganitsky - cashier
"Arkady Petrov», (Arcadius Radius) - Technical Admin
Vasily Sumatra
Oraz Luckmann
Dmitry Zavarzin

Grinchuk Alex, who tries to sit on all the chairs and please move as "Essence of Time" and IGPR "call", who declared himself multidirectional, like in the "Actions ..." post quotes from the Green Paper. Apparently he considers himself a guru in this matter. However, he declared himself the head of the Community for Gaddafi and his people. The fact is that in our community there is no leader and there is no need, there are only facilitators. The fact that he built himself in the leaders said that he understood nothing of the Green Book. He himself could declare anyone, is his own business, he still remains a rat seeking to please everyone at once.

We are not to fight against the lies of the global media in Libya, Syria, against the so-called revolutionaries to allow belolentochnym rats to arrange such an orgy in our countries.
We oppose government policies in our countries, which is contrary to the interests of their peoples, and support policies that the interests of the peoples and contributes to the revival of. But we do not solidarity with belolentochnym movement to, have a chaos in our countries.
In Libya and Syria were arranged like "belolentochnye" demonstration against the arbitrariness of local officials, but they very quickly turned into a "revolution." That was in Benghazi as the only unknown in arms started sending the crowd in the right direction, most of the Libyans left these "demonstration".
Willfulness officials in Benghazi and creating unrest was orchestrated in advance from outside.

The same thing can happen in our countries and support such processes, covering the green flag of Libya or Syria dvuzvezdnym flag is hypocrisy and betrayal.

>>Russian Original