by Chris Sedlmair and Konstantin Sheglikov
Terror from the Sky, but no money for schools and healthcare.
Anyone who knows a bit about military budget knows how expensive it is to finance a training flight. Terrorizing the People with breaking the sound barrier is an expensive hobby for the rats and their Qatari Masters. Instead they should spend it for furniture for schools, where children are sitting on the floor. All of us know the good conditions of libyan educational system. It was often shown during fist year of conflict 2011 even by western manstream media. The Degeneration of civil life, education, health care and infrastructure under rats rule only pove that there are no longer libyans in power. the Govenrement is a bunch of puppets, the oil is occupied by the West, the criminal militias are controlled by the Gulf Monarchs, especially Qatar and Saudi Arabia. There is money for any kind of terror against the civil population in "New, democratic Libya", but not for wages or public services and the economy crumbles, while 1.5 Million of 6 Million Libyans became Refugees after the 2011 overthrow of the jamahiriya by NATO and Gulfmonarchs that costed the lifes of 160,000 Libyans.
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