Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

The lie is the pseudo revolutionaries' weapon against the ppl of #Libya - #NATO #GNC #GreenLibya = #FreeLibya = #RealLibya

by Konstantyn Sheglikov

Published on 01-03-2013



On February 23, Libyan occupation regime's central newspaper has published an article that in Bani Walid were caught В«Gaddafi terroristsВ» . Supposedly they were preparing homemade bombs to commit terrorist attacks in Bani-Walid and Tripoli. on February 21 as a result of the mistakes of the self-made bomb exploded, killing one and injuring two people, who amputated limbs. Occupation authorities are looking for the other members of the group in Tripoli, and two injured are taken under guard in Tripoli hospital.

The direct authors of this lie are: journalist Ashraf Abdel Wahab, the press-Secretary of the press-service of the local Council of Bani Walid Saad Mohamed Al-Daba, the head of the Military Council of the Bani Walid Fathi Zili, the military commander in Bani-Walid Hussein Khalifa. Bani Walid is being occupied by the militants of the puppet regime of Libya. The top of Bani Walid occupation administration serves to interests of the regime and will confirm any lie comfortable to them. Our source from Bani Walid says: «There was an shell explosion while disarming it at 21 February, three soldiers of the national army have died there. They have been sent by military governor of the occupation administration. The shell has exploded as a result of the mistakes. And there was a tragic accident: at the moment of explosion there were two local residents, father and daughter. The father was killed, the daughter was wounded, one of soldiers has been hurt seriously to hands, the other one was wounded to legs, the third one was injured easily. She and three other soldiers were sent at first to the Bani Walid hospital, where they were given first aid and was made amputation of injured limbs. Later, two soldiers of the National army with amputated limbs moved to a hospital in Tripoli, because the hospital in Bani Walid still wasn't restored after bombardments at October 2012.»

Killed local resident was mentioned as a commander of terrorist cell. Any words weren't saying about his wounded daughter. Two of three soldiers of regime that were damaged most of were scripted as members of group. That lie was spreading via Internet, posted on rat’s sites and quoted by regime's media.

Qaddafi terrorists are needed to occupational administration to divert attention of population from regime` lacking, stupidity, and total theft.

On so-called official holidays 15th and 17th February on the streets were more foreigners than Libyans. Only members of bands, members of occupational administration, their families and people coming because of fear to be marked as disloyal and jailed. It was holiday of traitors and criminals. Because since the 17 February 2011 they have been committing crimes against humanity and have total amnesty from the regime.
There are about 20,000 person in jails as officially was saying. No charges were submitted against them. No charges, no court hearings... But they are tortured and abused in style of Abu-Greib and Guantanamo. Life and health of prisoners are subjects to be depended on the will and whims of bandits. Bandits are taking satisfaction while to torture and making violence towards people jailed as stated persons escaped from that hell. Have no strength to stand torture and abuse prisoners committing acts of suicide. Especially girls and women that were raped in prisons. Islam is strongly against suicide and only permanent tortures could lead Muslim to commit suicide.
We have received the following information:"...Crying, she told that one of prisoners hanged herself, she told that bandits beat other prisoner and jailers, raping them, said that we aren't people for them, but animals." Executioners are torturing not only the body, but the soul too, forcing to make things, which are incompatible with Islam.
To see and understand, what they do in the Libyan prisoners, you must see footages of torture and abuse, committed by gangs from so-called Free Syrian Army and Police forces from Muslim brotherhood of Egypt.
In Libya, there are many brotherhood members among the gangs, they came to Libya from different Arab countries, also there are Al-Qaeda members. They have been trained in Iraq and Afghanistan, in NATO concentration camps, they have been trained to torture and humiliation of Muslims.
These criminals, who are so-called revolutionaries, are dressed like policemen and militaries of occupation regime. They rob and kidnap civilians, rape and torture them, and then leave the mutilated bodies near their houses. The same thing do gangs, who didn't join the police and regime army.
The occupation of Libya by NATO and its allies, reminds the occupation of Libya by fascist Italy and Germany.
NATO fascists` organization more willing to use mercenaries than solders. Kidnapping, tortures, raping, executions are parts of strategy to seed fear among country` population. And occupational regime had started it since the 17 February 2011.
Regime servants have possibility to take alcohol and drugs, rape and plunder. The are beyond any low and commit crimes with impunity. Taking part in revolution bring them impunity. And representatives of occupational regime are lying when saying they will fight against crimes. Representatives of international and local human right organizations say about single episodes to hide mass character and systematic of occupational regime` crimes against people of Libya.
Occupational regime needs fear and submission of majority. It needs enemies that could be blamed in crimes committed by regime itself. Libyan Jamahiriya the state founded on the principles of people` authority were destroyed. Occupational regime consisted of most corrupted representatives of former Jamahiriya and so-called opposition from citizens of USA and EU have no capability of doing anything. The only things they discuss on the sessions of their national congress is the level of their salaries and bonuses.
Sure they need enemies to sidetrack attention from their rat-government. Patriots that support Jamahiriya are their target. They continue to spread lie with what they had started occupation of Libya the lie about “Gaddafi mercenaries” and crimes of that mythical "mercenaries"...
Brainwashing of Libyans and foreign readers continues. Traitors which lied about "Gaddafi mercenaries" continue their dirty business. Since the February of 2011 patriots of Libya did not attack infrastructure of country. Patriots liquidate regime criminals, give freedom to prisoners, attack military bases and store of foreign invaders. To call them "terrorists" regime start to spread lie turning victims of demanding in Bani Walid including their own soldiers into some terrorist` group.
Few days ago, rats spread another lie. As if some guard brought cell phone to Abdalla Sanussi by Sanussi` request. Sanussi called and momentarily recipient and members of his family were arrested. Moreover, rats now searching other persons related to that call. It must be stated that lie mentioned is similar to lie about Gaddafi mercenaries. Occupants to extort confession can torture anybody in front of eyes of others. Even to boil humans alive.

We know that because of evidences those who did not stand torture and horrible death of their comrades and gave statements to western media that media demanded to hear. So we have to wait confessions of Libyans after tortures by regime. That confessions will be publish partly. Also spread by occupational press with the aim of further brainwashing ones and holding in fear others. While in Libya, there is this occupation regime, crime will only continue, the country will be poorer. A good example lies the so-called fighters of freedom and democracy in Libya, who really sold their country for the opportunity to take part in its robbery, is the fate of refugees. According to official information of regime in Libya 2, 17 million refugees are outside the country, and 60,000 refugees inside the country. Total population in Libya 6.3 million people, so 34% of the population are out their homes. The occupation regime is not going to help them to return, even though in 2011 they were lying, that concerned about the welfare of the people of Libya. For example, the government of Syria by leadership of Bashar al-Assad after clearing towns from terrorists and gangs, inviting refugees to return and assist them. If the NATO forces invade Syria, as in Libya, then the Syrian occupation regime will not return refugees from the camps. And in Syria, the same chaos will reign, as in Libya. Occupation regimes , encouraged by Bieldeberg club are the same everywhere, they lie about freedom in order to create later fascism. Therefore, the occupation regimes need enemies to which to dump their crimes, if they do not, they will be created through the media.

The city of Bani Walid, which has made safety in their streets, people just drove the gang of occupation regime out from city. In October 2012 was besieged and plundered by gangs of regime . There remain a large number of unexploded bombs and shells that occupation administration is in no hurry to remove. Occupational press can continue to turn the victims of unexploded ordnance to the terrorists.

The lie is the pseudo revolutionaries' weapon against the people of Libya|

Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013

Jordan Burroughs, the Great Black American Wrestler the US Tried to Ignore

#Libýa #News #Feb24 - #Feb27 #2013 - Crimes of #NATO #GNC ag. Humans & Nature - #GreenLibya = #FreeLibya = #RealLibya

Reality of occupation regime

His name is Anis Al Dib , he is young resident of Damascus district in Tripoli. He had been arrested by the head of Damascus District Council for two weeks. After this time he was thrown in front of his house, with evidences of all kinds of torture on his body , which led to into a coma. He was moved to Tunisian on the track for treatment, where he died there..

Criminals who tortured him are barbarians from Misurata and thugs who have deep-seated hatreds against Libyans.

Reality of occupation regime of Libya - endless tortures and indifference to others' suffering


Indifference to the suffering of others is the main feature of the occupied Libya. In Libya, together with people which sell Homeland to the Western corporations , came Western insensitivity and selfishness. Those who believe that Libya has become more free, pretend that there is no damage that they brought. Moreover, they do not care about other people, they only care about the satisfaction of their own desires. Another's suffering are fun for them. This is the essence of so-called “liberals”, “democrats” which are creatures of US Dep and EU and the essence of the freedom for which they are fighting for, the freedom of their impunity.

Libya news: Reality of occupation regime|



Libyan gazelles risk being "poached to extinction"

Militiamen after a hunt. Photo shared by the Libyan Wildlife Trust, which blurred the mens' faces.

Gazelle poaching, which was relatively under control during former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's reign, is now reaching alarming proportions, according to environmental activists in Libya.

After Gaddafi was overthrown in October 2011, armed combatants were tasked with ensuring security in the country. Today, the government is having trouble controlling many of these militias. Libyan environmental organisations say that this climate of impunity has led to a surge in poaching in several regions of Libya, notably in the south.

According to our Observers, gazelle hunting was restricted during Gaddafi's era, that is, for most people. The authorities regularly carried out campaigns to confiscate weapons from hunters in the south of the country, but Gaddafi would grant exemptions to visiting dignitaries from Gulf countries who liked to hunt in the region of Sabha, in the southwest of Libya.

This undated video shows Libyan militiamen on a hunt. The video was reportedly filmed in the region of Rajdan, near the border with Algeria. The car is decorated with Libya's post-revolution flag.

"They didn't seem to realise that they had just carried out a massacre"

Al Zidani (not his real name) lives in the region of Sabha, in the Libyan Sahara desert.

They hunt just for fun. I live in southern Libya, and I never see any gazelles being sold in the markets. I have heard that some hunters eat certain parts of the animal, but that's not really the point. The point is the hunt itself.

Photo posted on the Facebook page of the Libyan Wildlife Trust, which says the photo was taken on April 13, 2012 in Oued Chati, in the region of Sebha.

I met poachers a couple months ago while driving in the desert. I noticed a 4x4 parked at the foot of a mountain, and stopped to see what was going on. It was a horrid scene: young men had spread out gazelle corpses on a boulder, and were boasting about their prowess. They didn't seem to realise that they had in fact just carried out a massacre. My friend and I did not dare tell them this, we didn't want to upset them, since they were all armed.

Undated photo, taken in southern Libya near the border with Niger, according to the Libyan Wildlife Trust.

Unfortunately, this kind of scene has become almost commonplace in southern Libya. A few months after the revolution, people started pouring in from different regions of the country to hunt here. Many are militiamen, but there are also just people who own 4x4s and guns. [Since the war, firearms have proliferated in Libya]. The situation has slightly improved since the army has deployed troops in the region [in mid-December, the authorities declared the south a "closed military zone" for security reasons] But that hasn't been enough to stop the killings.

"Poaching needs to be banned for at least a decade" Ahmed al-Kich is a member of the Libyan Wildlife Trust.

The laws regulating gazelle hunting were written back during the days of the kingdom of Libya (1951-1969). They've never been updated since“ not even to change the amount of the fines, which are ridiculously low. [According to these laws, hunters need to obtain a special permit to kill gazelles, and are only allowed to kill two per year.] Moreover, the state is not strong enough today to enforce these laws.

In certain cases, killing gazelles can help ensure a balanced fauna, so we're not categorically against it. However, in the current state of affairs, the practice needs to be banned for at least a decade in order to let the species reproduce.

Undated photo, taken in the south near the border with Niger, according to the Libyan Wildlife Trust.

We lack funding to carry out full-scale investigations, so we don't have statistics on how many gazelles have been killed. However, from our observations, we believe three types of gazelles are particularly at risk of disappearing from Libya: the Oueddan gazelle, which lives chiefly in the Haruj mountains [in central Libya], and the Rhim and Dorcas gazelles that live in the south.

For the past few months, we've been travelling the country trying to convince people that poaching needs to be stopped urgently. We have tried to make contact with militias with the idea of educating them about this problem, but it's very difficult to engage them in conversation. We recently met with militias in Zintan [200 kilometres south of Tripoli]. They were very welcoming, but we're not certain that our message got through. [For security reasons, our Observer preferred not to name the militias in question]. We also met with tribes in the south, because hunting is an old tradition for them.


Hunting trophies. Photo posted on the Facebook page of the Libyan Wildlife Trust.

We've had several meetings with the Libyan assembly. We're working with an environmental commission in the hope of introducing solid laws that will protect this species into the new constitution they're working on. However, I get the feeling this is not one of the government's priorities.

Libyan gazelles risk being "poached to extinction"|


Chronicle occupation of Libya, murder at Al Kufra,

Libya 24th February 2013 Al Kufra, Libya The death of Saleh Mohammad Ali Boughrara after he was shot by gangs of occupation regime in his car near the former building of the Directorate of Security.


Chronicle occupation of Libya, murder at Al Kufra, Libya|


People burn themselves from hopelessness

24th February

The second action of self-immolation recorded in Benghazi, Libya One of citizens set himself on fire inside the maintenance department of Hawari General Hospital in Benghazi on Sunday morning. He received severe burns, also received the injuring of two Hospital's workers, who put out the fire. They received medium burns according to the Mohammed Fakhri Director of the Statistics Office at Hawari General Hospital

Libya news: people burn themselves from hopelessness|

#Libýa #News #Feb24 - #Feb27 #2013 - Crimes of #NATO #GNC ag. Humans & Nature - #GreenLibya = #FreeLibya = #RealLibya

Reality of occupation regime

His name is Anis Al Dib , he is young resident of Damascus district in Tripoli. He had been arrested by the head of Damascus District Council for two weeks. After this time he was thrown in front of his house, with evidences of all kinds of torture on his body , which led to into a coma. He was moved to Tunisian on the track for treatment, where he died there..

Criminals who tortured him are barbarians from Misurata and thugs who have deep-seated hatreds against Libyans.

Reality of occupation regime of Libya - endless tortures and indifference to others' suffering


Indifference to the suffering of others is the main feature of the occupied Libya. In Libya, together with people which sell Homeland to the Western corporations , came Western insensitivity and selfishness. Those who believe that Libya has become more free, pretend that there is no damage that they brought. Moreover, they do not care about other people, they only care about the satisfaction of their own desires. Another's suffering are fun for them. This is the essence of so-called “liberals”, “democrats” which are creatures of US Dep and EU and the essence of the freedom for which they are fighting for, the freedom of their impunity.

Libya news: Reality of occupation regime|



Libyan gazelles risk being "poached to extinction"

Militiamen after a hunt. Photo shared by the Libyan Wildlife Trust, which blurred the mens' faces.

Gazelle poaching, which was relatively under control during former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's reign, is now reaching alarming proportions, according to environmental activists in Libya.

After Gaddafi was overthrown in October 2011, armed combatants were tasked with ensuring security in the country. Today, the government is having trouble controlling many of these militias. Libyan environmental organisations say that this climate of impunity has led to a surge in poaching in several regions of Libya, notably in the south.

According to our Observers, gazelle hunting was restricted during Gaddafi's era, that is, for most people. The authorities regularly carried out campaigns to confiscate weapons from hunters in the south of the country, but Gaddafi would grant exemptions to visiting dignitaries from Gulf countries who liked to hunt in the region of Sabha, in the southwest of Libya.

This undated video shows Libyan militiamen on a hunt. The video was reportedly filmed in the region of Rajdan, near the border with Algeria. The car is decorated with Libya's post-revolution flag.

"They didn't seem to realise that they had just carried out a massacre"

Al Zidani (not his real name) lives in the region of Sabha, in the Libyan Sahara desert.

They hunt just for fun. I live in southern Libya, and I never see any gazelles being sold in the markets. I have heard that some hunters eat certain parts of the animal, but that's not really the point. The point is the hunt itself.

Photo posted on the Facebook page of the Libyan Wildlife Trust, which says the photo was taken on April 13, 2012 in Oued Chati, in the region of Sebha.

I met poachers a couple months ago while driving in the desert. I noticed a 4x4 parked at the foot of a mountain, and stopped to see what was going on. It was a horrid scene: young men had spread out gazelle corpses on a boulder, and were boasting about their prowess. They didn't seem to realise that they had in fact just carried out a massacre. My friend and I did not dare tell them this, we didn't want to upset them, since they were all armed.

Undated photo, taken in southern Libya near the border with Niger, according to the Libyan Wildlife Trust.

Unfortunately, this kind of scene has become almost commonplace in southern Libya. A few months after the revolution, people started pouring in from different regions of the country to hunt here. Many are militiamen, but there are also just people who own 4x4s and guns. [Since the war, firearms have proliferated in Libya]. The situation has slightly improved since the army has deployed troops in the region [in mid-December, the authorities declared the south a "closed military zone" for security reasons] But that hasn't been enough to stop the killings.

"Poaching needs to be banned for at least a decade" Ahmed al-Kich is a member of the Libyan Wildlife Trust.

The laws regulating gazelle hunting were written back during the days of the kingdom of Libya (1951-1969). They've never been updated since“ not even to change the amount of the fines, which are ridiculously low. [According to these laws, hunters need to obtain a special permit to kill gazelles, and are only allowed to kill two per year.] Moreover, the state is not strong enough today to enforce these laws.

In certain cases, killing gazelles can help ensure a balanced fauna, so we're not categorically against it. However, in the current state of affairs, the practice needs to be banned for at least a decade in order to let the species reproduce.

Undated photo, taken in the south near the border with Niger, according to the Libyan Wildlife Trust.

We lack funding to carry out full-scale investigations, so we don't have statistics on how many gazelles have been killed. However, from our observations, we believe three types of gazelles are particularly at risk of disappearing from Libya: the Oueddan gazelle, which lives chiefly in the Haruj mountains [in central Libya], and the Rhim and Dorcas gazelles that live in the south.

For the past few months, we've been travelling the country trying to convince people that poaching needs to be stopped urgently. We have tried to make contact with militias with the idea of educating them about this problem, but it's very difficult to engage them in conversation. We recently met with militias in Zintan [200 kilometres south of Tripoli]. They were very welcoming, but we're not certain that our message got through. [For security reasons, our Observer preferred not to name the militias in question]. We also met with tribes in the south, because hunting is an old tradition for them.


Hunting trophies. Photo posted on the Facebook page of the Libyan Wildlife Trust.

We've had several meetings with the Libyan assembly. We're working with an environmental commission in the hope of introducing solid laws that will protect this species into the new constitution they're working on. However, I get the feeling this is not one of the government's priorities.

Libyan gazelles risk being "poached to extinction"|


Chronicle occupation of Libya, murder at Al Kufra,

Libya 24th February 2013 Al Kufra, Libya The death of Saleh Mohammad Ali Boughrara after he was shot by gangs of occupation regime in his car near the former building of the Directorate of Security.


Chronicle occupation of Libya, murder at Al Kufra, Libya|


People burn themselves from hopelessness

24th February

The second action of self-immolation recorded in Benghazi, Libya One of citizens set himself on fire inside the maintenance department of Hawari General Hospital in Benghazi on Sunday morning. He received severe burns, also received the injuring of two Hospital's workers, who put out the fire. They received medium burns according to the Mohammed Fakhri Director of the Statistics Office at Hawari General Hospital

Libya news: people burn themselves from hopelessness|

#News from occupied #Libya #Feb21 - #Feb24 #2013 - #GreenLibya = #ReaLibya = #FreeLibya


Occupying regime can not hide the truth

News from Ajdabiya, Libya

In the city of Ajdabiya to the west of Benghazi Channel 1, the TV source of occupational regime made an interview of local residents. They complained that there are total absence of safety in the city. Eight person stated that members of their families were raped. That was clearly showed on the main channel of occupational regime in Libya. They have not possibility to cover the absence of public order in Libya. Bands that have been torturing, raping, killing since the 17 February of 2011 continue to do this! They were named police and army. But continue to commit crimes they are used to commit. Members of bands also continue their criminal activity in their ordinary way without any fear of punishment or prosecution. Occupational regime does not care about life of ordinary citizens. They just steal resources of the country. Only the return of People` Committees and members of government of Jamahiria can retrieve the order to country.

Libya news: Occupying regime can not hide the truth| 

deceived youth protests

February 24 riots in Benghazi,

Libya Benghazi - Jamal Street is closed because of riots the teenagers whom Magrif head of occupation regime of Libya promised to give money for guard of areas at 15th, 16th, 17th February. Magrif in his speech promised them lucrative rewards and fled..

Libya news: deceived youth protests|


Libya news 23-2-2013

Sabha Large crowds of people from the Fezzan in front of Hall of the People Demands for federalism and still growing crowds

We are the children, and the people, of Fezzan, the southern part of Libya, who are recognized in accordance with state laws and international conventions and treaties.

The Fezzan, who constitute the bulk of Libya, suffer from marginalization. Our voices are muted by the clamor of propagandists in NATO, USA, and elsewhere.

Libya today, and Fezzan especially, suffer from gross instability, the spread of weapons and militias outside the control of the state, and the state's utter inability to protect human life within its borders.

Children, women, and men risk being murdered, daily, as they go to work, school, or to purchase food for their families.

Also, the current Libyan regime has hindered the economic recovery, and the completion of development projects and infrastructure, which are being attempted by foreign companies that wish to participate in the rebuilding of the nation of Libya. Stand together, we are the Sons of Fezzan.

We announce:

  1. That the decision of the General Conference on the South Zone of military without other is NULL[zero] and VOID.
  2. That the spread of weapons, and incursions by various armed militias, as a result of the weakness and hypocrisy of state structures, and institutions of security and defense, is unacceptable to the people of the South.
  3. That the squandering of funds and resources of the Libyan people, uncontrollably, proves that the officials are not able to manage any state institutions.
  4. The law of political isolation, and the conditions and standards of integrity, and nationally, and the arrests of the Sons of the South, and the apparent failure to find solutions for the displaced, inside and abroad, are justifications for the lack of confidence in the individuals in charge of the country at this stage.

So, we decided to invite all officers and non-commissioned officers, and soldiers of the Libyan army and security units of our children, to return immediately to their barracks, and to take establish security and border protection, and maintain the vital and strategic goals in the region: peace, liberty, and prosperity.

And also, to take the Ali Suleiman Fezzan region, and manage militarily, as necessary, until the formation of a local administration through fair, just, and defensible democratic methods


Two big explosions in Abo Hadima area in Benghazi 1 hour ago

This is a video of Al - Jazeera, which was distributed as evidence of demonstrations against the Jamahiriya and Gaddafi in Benghazi. But in fact, it was a demonstration in support of the Jamahiriya, you can see the green flag. Al-Jazeera, as well as other media lied about the events in Libya at February 2011.

Yesterday gangs of Zintan kidnapped Libyan police academy students, who came from Turkey. Because became known that they support the Jamahiriya. Each of them is a resident of the city Zliten or districts Abu Salim and AlHadba in Tripoli. They were taken to an unknown destination.

Libya news 23-2-2013|


Revenge to traitor

The traitor , the Agent by name Hassan Almusrati , from Al Gassi Area who got from Saif al Islam 360 thousand dinars for work as conductor in the desert, and who betrayed Saif Islam. Yesterday he fought with man by name Ghniwa on the camp of Al Turaiki , Ghniwa beaten him and he is now in the hospital.

Libya news: Revenge to traitor|



Freitag, 15. Februar 2013

#realSyria #Syria news: #Aleppo: #FSA Terrorists in the vicinity of Aleppo #Airport +18

#US - #NavySEAL Who Killed #binLaden Suffering

#US - #Obama Legalizes #ChildSoldiers

#US - #RonPaul Sues His Fans

Taxes, Regulation and Job Creation

#Libya #GreenLibya: A call to el fatah people and to the leader sons - Call of tribes - News #Feb15 #Feb17

Libya 15-2-2013

You have to prepare yourselves and your ammunition and we are with you and you do not have to move randomly and if you are able to move so do it in well organized groups each one inside its area .the zero hour is so close by ALLAH s willing . Each one as to localize the places of the rats check points as well as there centers weapons and headquarters and the places of prisons to liberate our prisoner…. We have to point each place before the net could be cut ……… So you the free Libyans get ready to liberate our homeland it is our last chance .

Libya 15-2-2013 |


Kuwaiti electronic newspaper Al - Qabas reports: Libyan occupation regime has asked France to ensure a secure network of land and sea borders, a length of about 6.1 thousand km, paying about $ 8 billions. On some flags of occupation regime which are hung along streets and highways people put dead rats sometimes people hang green flag of Jamahiriya above flag of occupation regime Traitor his name Imran Mabsoot one of the Zliten rats..... This person was a Jerdan who danced on the bodies of honorable heroes ... , Owner of the company (oaks for the import of construction materials),,, based in Abohradh and has an apartment in corner and Villa Street in Ben Achour ... Was shooted by Liberal in Republic Street ( Tripoli) and now is in the hospital Ш§in Abu Saleem and his condition is serious ...


This rat just stop eating and drinking now Ocupation regime going to cut off Internet for whole Libya It start from 8:00pm today ( 14.02) until 8:00am 16.02 Heinous crime carried out by criminal gangs rats that govern the country against the Libyan citizen and kidnapped, handcuffed and slaughtered on the way Zarqawi Now rats carrying prisoners from several prisons in Tajoura to one prison under heavy guard. Because rats have a fear of what will happen in these days (note that visits to prisons were banned this week for an indefinite period).

Libya news: 14-2-2013|


Today, we are the sons of Fezzan announcing the following

First of all: - we consider the decision of the Libyan National Conference to make the southern region of Libya as a Zone of operations military and closed is wrong and unfair for the rights of the citizens in the southern region and we are considering this decision is canceled from this moment .

Second: - the result of the failure of the government to build institutions of the country in the recent two years such as army,police...ect have been helped the militias to be more stronger and do lots of crimes and spread the weapons in every where in Libya and we consider this is not acceptable in southern region cities .

Third: - the big numbers of Libyans money which have been spent or which have sent outside Libya in just two years is unacceptable to us and it's confrim to us that those responsible who govern and controlling Libya now are losers and thieves and they will never can build our country .

Fourth: - the following reasons are make us never trust in who controlling and govern us in this period :

- The law of political isolation and terms of national integrity ( means: any one who was working or responsible or chairman in Gaddafi government or who had fought against the rebels of february 17 should not be chairman again or take any high place in 17 Feb government ) .

- detained the citizens of the south of Libya upon of identity (means they arrested any one from pro Gaddafi tribes and the government considering alomost of south of Libya are pro-Gaddafi ) .

- there is no work about National Reconciliation program between pro Gaddafi and rebels of 17 Feb up to now .

- there is no work to find better solution for the pro Gaddafi who inside and run outside of Libya and lives without money and homes.

Therefor we have decided to collect all the officers and non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Libyan army and all secuties units our children Alamnumeih. Back Alfruria their military units, and take responsibility in enforcing security and border protection, and protection to vital targets and strategy in the region. And assigned to the brigade of Ali Suleiman, but at the behest of the Fezzan region and conducted military and civilian until the formation of local management and civil.

Libya news: statement tribes of South|

Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013

#Libya #GreenLibya - Arrival of Italian Occupants in #Tripoli - #Benghazi #Misrata #Feb17 #BaniWalid #Zintan #Kufra #Sabha

Libya 6.02.2013

Tripoly, Libya To port of Tripoly arrived number of armored venicles and italian troops. History of Libya 1911-1913 and 1941-1945 repeat itself. Italian ocupants came to Libyan land again. Click image for larger version.


Members of Rat's regime confirmed that they are nothing without help of NATO. Also pupet regime is going to kill people of Libya.

6.02.2013 Arrive of Italian occupants to Tripoly, Libya|

#Libya #GreenLibya - #News of #GreenResistance - #Tripoli #Sirte #Ubari #Benghazi #Zintan #Sabha #Kufra #Tobruk

6.02 2013

Compiled by Konstantin Sheglikov

Breaking news from Tunis, Tunisia There was a big fight in the Libyan embassy in Tunis... The flag of shame and treason was taken down by honorable Tunisians and Libyans. Many rats - workers of embassy run away and their cars were smashed...


Ubari, Libya Breaking news One of the well known fighter of Resistance who been called as "ghost of Sirt" by rats of Misrata, is fighting against them near to Ubary's city.


Confirmed intelligence source reported that Musa Kusa who was head of Libyan intelligence ( before 2009) was a gay and intelligence services of Britain known his behavior provided him with requests and without knowing in a lot of hotels in the UK and Europe and had documented photos and videos of Musa Kusa practiced upon homosexuality. This mean that Musa Kusa which betrayed Jamahiriya at March 2011, as others traitors had depraved desires, and was recruited by Western intelligence services before the so-called revolution


Tripoly, Libya Funny news Organisation "Reporters Without Borders" mean "Reporters Without Shame" complain that the guards of regime beat them: Quotes: "An attack by security guards on a TV crew outside the National Congress building in Tripoli on 1 February has reinforced Reporters Without Borders' concern about the growing number of cases of threats and violence against journalists in the course of their work..." "..Reporters Without Borders is worried by the frequent recurrence of threats, including death threats, against Libyan journalists, which are often but not solely made by semi-official armed groups or religious groups. Such threats constitute serious violations of media freedom..." source Libya: Threats and Violence Against Journalists Reach Alarming Level Our comment: These "reporters without conscience and shame" involved in fabricating and spreading lies about Libyan Jamahiriya. They are responsible for the deaths of Libyans and for the coming to power the criminal gangs and corrupt officials, their broken teeth are the small fee for their criminal actions.


6.02 2013 News of Green Resistance |


#Lowkey ft #ImmortalTechnique - Voices of the Voiceless with Lyrics

#ImmortalTechnique- The Cause of Death

#Libyen #Nachrichten: Al #Jamahiriya TV1 - #News 03-02-2013 #Deutsch #German #Libya #GreenLibya

#WaterMakesMoney - Wie private #Konzerne aus #Wasser #Geld machen

#Libya #Russia - #GreenLibya tribes met with #Putin, russ. #President not satisfied with #Ratverment

This report is an Automatic Translation from russian website

According to the portal Algeria "Quds Al-Arabi ': spokeswoman tribes loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, had a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He noted that Vladimir Putin believes that the former regime was less tolerant in the fight against terrorists, in contrast to what occurs in the present system. Sol, in a conversation with the "Quds al-Arabi," added that the Russian President is not satisfied with the situation that has developed in Libya after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi and is confident that the situation will not be stable, with no return of power to the supporters of Colonel.

Source: [Autotranslation]

#Libya #GreenLibya - Ratverment to give more money & ressources to occupants - #Feb17 #FreeLibya #GNC

by Konstantin Sheglokov

Ministry disclosed Libyan oil and gas that the government is considering the application of a special new corporate GCC invested in the country, includes tax exemption for five years, extendable for another three years, provided there is no partner Libby, to encourage Gulf companies to invest in Libya in the coming period, which is expected to witnessing to enter the Gulf investors with greater intensity for the Libyan market, and in the wake of the fall of the regime of Colonel.
,Te investor and the government ( foreign) granted 65 percent of the value of the project and 35 percent of the Libyan government or investor.
Al-Riyadh newspaper quoted, by the Minister of Libyan oil and gas Dr. Bari Laroussi saying that Libya is ready to negotiate with the Kingdom to allow for Saudi Aramco direct investment in Libya, including oil exploration and extraction in the Libyan territory
This came during his visit Minister Libyan oil and gas Dr. Abdul Bari bin Ali Laroussi, to Saudi Arabia, where he met, a number of men
of businessmen in the Eastern Province Chamber, in the presence of Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed head room.
The minister pointed out in comments to the newspaper Economic Saudi Arabia, the government has projects giant variety in oil and gas, petrochemicals, education and tourism, as well as roads and residential buildings valued at billions, and made her European companies and U.S., but the government would prefer them Gulf companies, and especially Saudi Arabia, to take over the implementation of these projects either in alliance with Libyan companies or with the state.
He stressed that he will overcome all obstacles facing the Gulf investors, and investment in Libya is safe, citing the influx of international companies on them, pointing out that the oil companies operating in Libya returned to practice its activities and exploration after a break during the popular revolution that erupted on February 17, 2011.
He added that all the projects put forward in Libya will go to Gulf companies and surplus of projects will be put to international companies.

The minister called for the oil and gas Saudi businessmen to increase Libya and stand on the mega-projects that need specialized companies for their implementation, especially since there are international companies still have valid contracts with the Libyan government projects include Infrastructure, hospitals and schools, roads and housing, adding that his country is ready to grant mega projects varied Gulf companies especially Saudi Arabia, including a desire to strengthen the brotherly relations and the removal of past differences between Saudi Arabia and Libya, and establishment of new strategic partnerships and benefit from the experiences of Saudi companies.

Laroussi said he discussed during his visit a number of Aramco oil and gas issues, and ways to take advantage of the services at Aramco, expected to do and Libyan delegations visited Aramco in the future, for the signing of agreements, in
Training and take advantage of its system in the discovery and production programs and natural gas, noting that he discussed with officials of the King Fahd University of Petroleum
And minerals opportunities for cooperation between the university and the Ministry of Libyan oil in the field of studies and research
He revealed 'Laroussi' that one of Saudi companies - which preferred not named until final approval of the project - made to the Libyan government for the establishment of manufacturers of sugar and cement in order to export its products to Europe and not for the Gulf States, and that the total value of manufacturers of more than $ 1.7 billion riyals, pointing out that he will discuss the project for approval,the company also submitted an application for the establishment of a free trade zone, was chosen as the city of Misrata as the location for manufacturers, expected to be complete dependence of the Saudi company for the start of the implementation of the establishment of sugar manufacturers and cement the middle of this year.


Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013

#GreenLibya #Tripoli - Citizen of #Libya set himself on fire in protest against current regime

by Konstantyn

Our news agency informed by our Libyan sources that a citizen of Libya called Nasser Al Amari set himself on fire on Monday in the Arab market area. He protested against the policies of current regime of Libya, against the corruption and theft which are made on a daily basis. Libyan citizen Nasser Al-Amari was born in 1974 year. He is single and unemployed, a neighborhood resident Wahayshi Benghazi, where he obtained a living by work as porter in the Arab market,

According to Libyan sources, the doctor who observe the case of Nasser said he is clinically dead, Рїarea burns amounted to 70%of body area. The same sources added that in time the flames devoured the body of Nasser he repeating phrases against the new regime, such as: "Falling Maqrif, fall Magrif"


>>posted in english first at Green Committees Russia Community Website

>>Source of Arabic Original

In Defense Of The Vanguard Party 2

#GreenLibya #Libya - Green flag over the Ministry of Transportation in #Sirte 02/02/2013 - #Tripoli #Benghazi #BaniWalid #Zintan #Sabha #Kufra

#Libya #GreenLibya Message from Green #Resistance 2013 #Tripoli #Benghazi #BaniWalid #Sirte #Zintan #Sabha #Kufra

#Libya #GreenLibya - Green flag waving over #Aziziyah on 02/04/2013 #Tripoli #Benghazi #BaniWalid #Zintan

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013

#Libyen #Nachrichten: Al #Jamahiriya TV1 - #News 03-02-2013 #Deutsch - #Libya #GreenLibya #Germany #German




Nachrichten des Widerstandes

Das Ratten-Modell von Freiheit ist die Freiheit, das libysche Volk zu täuschen und mit Billig-Nahrung zu vergiften.

Ratten die in der Lebensmittelbranche, einschließlich der Produktion von Babynahrung aktiv sind, verwenden gefährliche Lebensmittel Zusätze, die Unfruchtbarkeit und andere schwere Krankheiten verursachen können.

Besonders gefährlich sind diese sogenannten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für Kinder. Eine solche Gesellschaft ist die "Al Naseem for Food Industries", deren Milch und Milchprodukte, wie etwa Joghurt und Eis, kontaminiert sind. Ihr Besitzer, Mohammed Alraed, ist eine bekannte Misrata-Ratte. Bezeichnenderweise wurde seine Firma vor der Besetzung der Jamahirija gegründet und erfüllte in dieser Zeit die Qualitätskontrolle, die den libyschen Bürgern eine hohe Qualität der Produktion garantierte.

Um Stadt und Hafen von Misurata besser zu entwickeln, wurde dort eine zoll- und steuerfreie Zone errichtet. Darüber hinaus wurden staatliche Leistungen und  wirtschaftliche Unterstützung zur verfügung gestellt, die in den Staaten Westeuropa oder den USA nicht zur Verfügung gestanden hätten.

Der Eigentümer der "Al Naseem for Food Industries" unterstütze bereitwillig die Besatzung des Land Besatzung, denn ähnlich wie bei anderen gierige Geschäftsleuten, erschienen ihm die zur Verfügeng gestellten  Mittel nicht ausreichend.
Jetzt kauft er billige chemische Zusätze und anderes westliches Gift für die Produktion, deren Qualität nun niemand mehr überwacht. Profitmaximierung ohne Rücksicht auf die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung. Normalität im "neuen Libyen".

Ein weiteres Beispiel, wie sich die Ratten die Gesetzlosigkeit und Abwesnheit jeglicher staatlichen Kontrolle zu nutzen machen in dem verwüsteten Land: Hähnchenkeulen in großer Menge und von unbekannter Herkunft werden auf den offenen Verdecks von Pickup-Trucks transportiert.

Nach dem Beginn der NATO-Intervention in Libyen, begannen auch Schiffe aus verschiedenen Ländern meist westlichen ihren Müll illegal in libyschen Hoheitsgewässern zu verklappen. Am 31. Januar wurde berichtet, daß ein israelisches Schiff radioaktive Abfälle vor der libyschen Küste entsorgt.

Nachrichten des Widerstandes

Das Ratten- Modell von Freiheit ist die Freiheit, ungestraft zu morden.

Anhaltende Scharmützel finden in jeder libyschen Stadt, mit mehr als einer Besatzungs-Gang statt.

Diese Auseinandersetzungen sind nicht mehr und nicht weniger als der Konkurrenzkampf zwischen Banditen.

Die größte und bekannteste Auseinandersetzung war ein Konflikt zwischen den Banden Navassi und Al Bani in Tripoli.
Der Showdown begann am 7. Januar nach Mord an Naji Al Abani, der Chef der Al Bani Bande. Er war ein bedeutender Drogendealer und war nicht bereit seinen lukrativen Markt mit der Konkurrenz zu teilen.

Das kostete Naji al Abani das Leben und nach den neuesten Meldungen der Ratten ist seine Milizen-Bande nicht davon begeistert. Wie es sich herausstellte, ist die Navassi Bande die größte Gang in Tripoli, die es schaffte das Leben vieler Menschen zu ruinieren.

Daher kam es zu Zusammenstößen mit schweren Waffen, darunter Granatwefern. Es wurden nicht nur Al Bani Bandenmitglieder angegriffen, sondern auch kleinere Gangs und Jugendliche ebenfalls.
Die Navassi Bande stand unter dem Regime unter Schutz des Innenministers und führte zwischen ihren Raubüberfaällen Polizeiliche Aufgaben aus.

Es waren Demonstranten, die zuerst nur Gerechtigkeit verlangten von den Behörden, die natürlich nie kam, die schließlich begannen, die Straßen zu blockieren und Autoreifen in ihrem Viertel in Brand zu setzten. Dann begann ein Feuergefecht mit der Navassi Bande. Am 4. Tag der Kämpfe wurden nach Zeugenangaben sogar Panzer eingesetzt. Einige Gebäude wurden in Brand gesetzt wurden,

Die Navassi Gang verlor um die hundert Kämpfer und wurde vorübergehend aus der Mitiga Basis vertreiben. Die Kämpfe um die Kontrolle  über die Stadt, die sich mittlerweile auf verschiedene Gebiete in Tripolis ausgeweitetr haben, sind zwar meist von kurzer Dauer sind, finden aber täglich statt. Die gleiche Situation ist findet sich überall in Libyen. Kämpfe finden in jedem Gang-besetzte Stadt statt.

Bürgerinnen und Bürger, unabhängig ihres Alters, begannen ihr Testament im Fall des gewaltsamen Todes zu machen, weil niemand weiß, wo und wie es passieren könnte - durch einem Querschläger oder dem Splitter einer Autobombenexplosion.
Das Marionettenregime hat wie in solchen Fällen üblich, wieder einmal die Banden verpflichtet, in ihre Heimatstädte zurückkehren und für den Fall der Nichteinhaltung, ebenfalls wie üblich versprochen, Gewalt anzuwenden, um die Gangs zu vertreiben.

Mehr als eine Woche sind vergangen und die Ratten rauben weiterhin anderen Städte aus. Und es sollte niemanden verwundern, denn die Mitglieder des Besatzungsregimes erhalten ihren Anteil an der Beute. Solche dekorativen Verfügungen erlassen die NATO-Marionetten umd die Illusion aufrecht zu erhalten und um die Bedenken der Menschen in Libyen, die sich verdichten, zu zerstreuen.
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Nachrichten des Widerstandes

Die Freiheit der Ratten bedeutet Leibeigenschaft unter alten und neuen Herren

Von Anfang an der NATO-Operationen zu Gunsten der sogenannten "Revolutionäre" in Libyen führten diese dazu, daß die Flaggen der ehemaligen Kolonialisten, England, Frankreich, Italien und den USA gehißt wurden.

Es ist zwar wahr, dass die USA keinen unmittelbaren Anteil an afrikanischen Kolonien hatten, da das Land aber von Europäern gegründet wurde, können die USA auch als Kolonialmacht gegenüber Afrika bezeichnet werden.

In der Nähe der Ratte Fahnen wehten auch die vier Länderflaggen. Mitglieder von Banden und Verräter begrüßten freudig die zurückkehrenden alten Meister. Das war der Traum dieser Ratten-Diener; sich für ihre Herren zu entscheiden.

Sie brauchen Herrschaft und Führung, weil sie nicht die Fähigkeit oder nicht den Wunsch besitzen, etwas auf eigene Faust zu unternehmen.

Und Ihre Meister benötigten Anbetung, die sie jetzt im Überluß haben, denn in jedem Land findet sich welche, die bereit sind Besatzuer lächelnd zu begrüßen. Jetzt wehen auf Straßen, Gebäude und Autos Flaggen und Symbole der Herren, die zurückgekehrt sind um in Libyen eine neue Ära der Leibeigenschaft einzuläuten.

Fahnen der Kolonialisten und Feinde, die in der libyschen Jamahirija verbrannt wurden, wehen nun in einem besetzten Land und gelten als Symbole der Freiheit. Das ist das Ergebnis der Tatsachenverdrehung durch die Ratten.

Untertanen haben keinen Respekt vor der Geschichte. Auch die Gräber von britischen Soldaten, die im Zweiten Weltkrieg starben, wurden gegen Ende des Jahres 2011 von Ratten-Banditen zerstört.

Am 16. Januar Ratten fing die Ratten an, Denkmäler auf sich umzuwidmen, die das Andenken an libysche Kämpfer für die Unabhängigkeit, die an der Schlacht gegen die italienischen Invasoren am 8. Juni 1912 stattfanden, bewahren sollen.

Für diese Untertanen müssen die Geschichte und selbst die Wissenschaft zerstört werden! Und aus diesem Grund sind historische Monumente und Zentren der Wissenschaft (Mathabas) abgerissen worden.

Universitäten und Schulen sind nach den NATO-Schlägen und Ratten-Beschüssen nicht wieder aufgebaut worden. Die Gebäude sehen aus wie Slums. Hochschulbildung steht nache Plänen der Kolonialisten ist nun mehr nur noch Marionetten, alos Mitgliedern des Besatzungsregimes und ihrer Familienangehörigen zur Verfügung.

Neben ihrer alten Meister wurden mit Katar und Israel aber auch neue eingeführt. Flaggen der beiden sind auch in libyschen Städten sichtbar. Katar war der Hauptsponsor des "arabischen Frühlings" und Katar's Henker waren auch in der Besatzungsverwaltung tätig. Katar belieferte während des gesamten Feldzuges die Ratten mit Waffen.

2011 warfen die sog. "Revolutionäre" Muammar al Gaddafi vor, er habe Verbindungen zu Israel, jetzt aber ist es Israel, das die Ratten-Regierung mit polizeiwägen versorgt. Diese Autos sind in den Farben der israelischen Fahne bemalt.

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Nachrichten des Widerstandes

Freiheit nach Verständnis der Ratten ist Freiheit zu Korruption und Vetternwirtschaft.

Die sogenannte Revolution wurde von ehemaligen Angestellten der Jamahirija und durch so genannte Intellektuelle begonnen. Sie wollen mehr Macht und Geld für sich haben.

Einige von ihnen hatten Libyen lange vor der NATO-Invasion verlassen. Sie trugen beglückt zur anti-libyschen Propaganda bei und Bewarfen ihre Heimat mit Dreck. Nach der NATO Invasion kamen sie nach Libyen zurück.
Und nach der Rückkehr, nahmen sie Positionen in Kolonialverwaltung ein und halfen den Invasoren bei der Errichtung einer Diktatur des Chaos im Land.

Als Belohnung nahmen sie sich die Freiheit des Diebstahls und die Freiheit der Erfüllung all ihrer Wünsche auf Kosten des Volkes. Und ihr Raub zog sich über den gesamten Zeitraum seit 2011. Sie stahlen Artefakte aus Museen des Landes, Gold, Autos und Eigentum der Bürger.

Sie vollendeten den Prozess der Verwüstung des Landes, das völlig vom Krieg zerstört war. Auch Mittel für verwundete Rebellen-Auftragsmörder und die medizinische Versorgung, die ihnen gewährt wurde, wurde gestohlen. Aus dem Grund griffen die Auftragsmörder häufig das Krankehauspersonal in den Ländern, in denen sie behandelt wurden an.

Viele Vertreter der sogenannten Nationalen Übergangsrates verließen Libyen Ende 2011 wieder mit jeweils riesigen Summen auf ihren Bankkonten, die das eigentum der Jamahirija waren.

Die, die dem erwähnten Personenkreis folgten waren Verräter, die einander hassen, aber bereit sind, sich für kurze Zeit zum gegenseitigen Vorteil zu verbünden.

Die Ratten-Admionstration mußte letztendlich die Tatsachen eingestehen, daß mehr als die Hälfte des Haushaltes des Landes geraubt wurde! Minister Zidan zum Beispiel griff sich ca. 5 Mrd. Dinar (rund 4 Milliarden US-Dollar) auf Rechnungen für Büromöbeln für sein Dienstbüro. Über 20 Milliarden Dinar (rund 16 Milliarden US-Dollar) wurden insgesamt von diebischen Mitglieder des Regimes gestohlen.

Vetternwirtschaft ist weit verbreitet. Jeder Beamte ist dazu bereit, um seinen Verwandten zu helfen.
Fatima Al Khamrush die ehemalige Ratten-Ministerin für Gesundheit des Regimes half ihrer Schwester eine Position zu bekommen.

Sie hat sich auch Geldvermögen angeeignet, das für den Ausbau der medizinischen Versorgungszentren bestimmt war. Kein Zentrum hat Geld. Stattdessen ist Fatima damit nach Irland zurückgekehrt, wo sie die Krankenhausverwaltung von Lourdes in Dublin bestochen hatte, um eine Stelle als Augenärztin zu bekommen.

Der Kopf des Regimes, Mohamed Magrif ernannte seine Tochter und seine Nichte zu seinen Beraterinnen. Und diese Tatsache wird häufig auf verschiedenen Ratten-Seiten im Internet diskutiert.

Wie in jedem besetzten Land, das in von Beamten in permanenter Rotation regiert wird. Und die Leute sind überzeugt, daß wenn Andere Einsicht in die Dokumente haben, sie sofort beginnen werden, die Staatsgeschäfte neu zu regeln.

Aber die Wahrheit ist, dass die Beamten sich nicht um die Bedürfnisse andere Kümmern. Sie wollen einfach nur eine Möglichkeit um an Vermögenswerte zu bekommen, sie zu stehlen und sich damitt bei erster Möglichkeit ins AUsland abzusetzen.
Die Instabilität der staatlichen Macht ist dabei ein Vorteil für Besatzungsregimes denken mittlerweile viele Libyer, und daß mit der Überwindung dieser Krankheit auch die Agonie des Landes endet.

Aber Chaos liegt in der natur derjenigen, die mit Hilfe der NATO in Libyen die Macht übernommen haben. Sie beschuldigten die Jamahirija, Instabilität zu schaffen und befinden sich jetzt selbst außerhalb jeglicher Kontrolle. So nutzen sie jede der zahlreichen Möglichkeiten, die sich ihnen biete zum Diebstahl und dem Zugriff auf die staatlichen Vermögenswerte.

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Nachrichten des Widerstandes

Das Volk ist der permanenten Lügen und Skandale der Regime-Vertreter überdrüssig, wurden aber bisher mit der permanenten Angst vor einer Kugel in den Kopf oder davor, in einem der Knäste des Regimes zu verwschinden, in Schach gehalten.

Auch in der Stadt Bani Walid trauen sich Eltern nicht, mit ihren Töchtern die Straße entlagn zu gehen, da in jeder Stadt die Banditen alkoholisiert oder im Drogenrausch herumfahren und denen zu begegnen ist kein Vergnügen. Sie entführen Mädchen in ihre Verstecke, zwingen sie zur Prostitution ... und anderen Gaben der westlichen Demokratie ...

Und die Leute sehnen sich mit Liebe und Nostalgie ihre Jamahiriya zurück. Selbst einigen derer, die die NATO Unterstützt haben, bedauern ihre Zusammenarbeit mit dem Westen ...

So sieht man auf den Straßen immer mehr grüne Fahnen!
Immer mehr Bürger sind bereit offen für ihre Ansichten einzutreten. Schritt für Schritt verlieren sie die Angst, die auf ihnen lastet und beginnen zu verstehen, dass die NATO-Marionetten nicht nur gekommen sind, ihnen ihr Leben nur zu nehmen, sondern auch das Leben der künftigen Generationen, ihre Würde und ihren Stolz.

Und als Beweise, zeigen wir Ihnen hier Videos und Fotos von grünen Flaggen auf den Straßen der libyschen Städte von Ende Januar 2013.

Imperialist West in #Mali, #TWest with #BlackTalkRadio|s #ScottyReed, 2 of 2

#Green Flag / Grüne Fahne in #Sirte , #Feb2 2013 - #Libyen #Libya #GreenLibya #GNC #Feb17 #FreeLibya

#Libyen #Libya #GreenLibya - Al Jamahiriya TV1 - #News 03-02-2013 #Deutsch|e Ausgabe - #German #NATO

#DPRK #NorthKorea|n dreams of destruction of #US while "We are the World" is playing