Libya 15-2-2013
You have to prepare yourselves and your ammunition and we are with you and you do not have to move randomly and if you are able to move so do it in well organized groups each one inside its area .the zero hour is so close by ALLAH s willing . Each one as to localize the places of the rats check points as well as there centers weapons and headquarters and the places of prisons to liberate our prisoner…. We have to point each place before the net could be cut ……… So you the free Libyans get ready to liberate our homeland it is our last chance .
Libya 15-2-2013 |
Kuwaiti electronic newspaper Al - Qabas reports: Libyan occupation regime has asked France to ensure a secure network of land and sea borders, a length of about 6.1 thousand km, paying about $ 8 billions. On some flags of occupation regime which are hung along streets and highways people put dead rats sometimes people hang green flag of Jamahiriya above flag of occupation regime Traitor his name Imran Mabsoot one of the Zliten rats..... This person was a Jerdan who danced on the bodies of honorable heroes ... , Owner of the company (oaks for the import of construction materials),,, based in Abohradh and has an apartment in corner and Villa Street in Ben Achour ... Was shooted by Liberal in Republic Street ( Tripoli) and now is in the hospital Ш§in Abu Saleem and his condition is serious ...
This rat just stop eating and drinking now Ocupation regime going to cut off Internet for whole Libya It start from 8:00pm today ( 14.02) until 8:00am 16.02 Heinous crime carried out by criminal gangs rats that govern the country against the Libyan citizen and kidnapped, handcuffed and slaughtered on the way Zarqawi Now rats carrying prisoners from several prisons in Tajoura to one prison under heavy guard. Because rats have a fear of what will happen in these days (note that visits to prisons were banned this week for an indefinite period).
Libya news: 14-2-2013|
Today, we are the sons of Fezzan announcing the following
First of all: - we consider the decision of the Libyan National Conference to make the southern region of Libya as a Zone of operations military and closed is wrong and unfair for the rights of the citizens in the southern region and we are considering this decision is canceled from this moment .
Second: - the result of the failure of the government to build institutions of the country in the recent two years such as army,police...ect have been helped the militias to be more stronger and do lots of crimes and spread the weapons in every where in Libya and we consider this is not acceptable in southern region cities .
Third: - the big numbers of Libyans money which have been spent or which have sent outside Libya in just two years is unacceptable to us and it's confrim to us that those responsible who govern and controlling Libya now are losers and thieves and they will never can build our country .
Fourth: - the following reasons are make us never trust in who controlling and govern us in this period :
- The law of political isolation and terms of national integrity ( means: any one who was working or responsible or chairman in Gaddafi government or who had fought against the rebels of february 17 should not be chairman again or take any high place in 17 Feb government ) .
- detained the citizens of the south of Libya upon of identity (means they arrested any one from pro Gaddafi tribes and the government considering alomost of south of Libya are pro-Gaddafi ) .
- there is no work about National Reconciliation program between pro Gaddafi and rebels of 17 Feb up to now .
- there is no work to find better solution for the pro Gaddafi who inside and run outside of Libya and lives without money and homes.
Therefor we have decided to collect all the officers and non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Libyan army and all secuties units our children Alamnumeih. Back Alfruria their military units, and take responsibility in enforcing security and border protection, and protection to vital targets and strategy in the region. And assigned to the brigade of Ali Suleiman, but at the behest of the Fezzan region and conducted military and civilian until the formation of local management and civil.
Libya news: statement tribes of South|
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