German Resistance Summary - Deutsche Zusammenfassung der Widerstandsaktivitäten
English Resistance Summaries & Videos
Day 196: 03. october 2011. Libya news
24h/ News from Libya Oct 3 2011 - > 23h/ Anti-Gadhafi Tribes Clash in Libya - Underscoring just how unstable the new Libyan regime’s coalition of tribes are, fighting broke out this weekend between members of the Saean Arab tribes in the Nalut District, as they fought with members of the rival Berber tribe, a fight which started in Nalut but quickly included an ambush in the capital city of Tripoli. -> 22h/ The Tuareg have taken a heavy blow to the enemies of the Qaddafi 03.10.2011 ["," Alexander Grigoriev] - >
15h/ LIBYA: CRIME IN SIRTE - rebels were directly attacking Sirte hospital. At the same time, NATO is stopping civilians from reaching the hospital by bombing roads, residential areas, causing hundreds of wounded civilians to die in the process. Khadhraoui reported that "other wounded or ill people cannot get to the hospital because of the fighting and NATO air strikes". - >
Day 195: 02. october 2011. Libya news
01h/ Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez says he is praying for Libya's deposed leader Moamar Gaddafi and also sent a message of solidarity to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad against Yankee aggression. "The Libyans are resisting the invasion and aggression. I ask God to protect the life of our brother Moamar Gaddafi. They're hunting him down to kill him," he said - >
00h/ Libya witness, Beni Walid - NATO Rebels killing civilians, food & water short, NATO Crimes In Libya -> 21h/ All the fronts have known several defeats for the renegades. The rats and their propaganda machine, focus on Sirte to try to obtain a symbolic victory in order to discourage the resistance in other fronts. But this strategy will fail because it has been tried withot success after the seize of Tripoli. In fact, despite this coup, the resistance has been organized and is now very strong.
*Ghat : Heavy defeat of the renegades of Benghazi who wanted to enter the town. 30 rats killed.
*Benghazi: nearly 50% of the city, especially in the suburbs, has raised the green flag of the revolution.
*Al Bidha: 60% of the city now raises (again) the green flag.
*Tobrouk : the renegades-terrorists of Benghazi and their accomplices from NATO had a hangover. They were driven out of town.
* Derna: Islamists who wanted to make of this small city a Libyan Islamic emirate, were driven from the city by the Loyalists.
*Zliten: people of the city asked the mercenaries to leave their city, after signing agreements with some neighboring towns. They say they will attack before the end of this week. Some rebels have already disappeared from the city.
*Zawiya: The city has returned to green, this information was confirmed by the rats....
*Zintan: the Berbers who inhabit the western Libyan signed an agreement with neighboring tribes to fight the horde of rabid dogs that make up the soldiers of the NTC.[ Waadi Hada and AlgeriaISP] - >
20h/ UN forces engaged in the evacuation'''refugees from the south of Libya'''Employees of the United Nations (UN) started the evacuation of refugees from the south of Libya, where the troops of the Transitional National Council prepared to storm the city of Sabha. As RIA "Novosti" /KM.RU Новости - новости дня, новости России, последние новости и комментарии/ - >
19h/ American fighting with NATO rebels in Sirte killing Libyans, NATO Crimes In Libya18h/ M. Jibril - partner BH.Levy (timber trade from Australia / Asia South) + El-Jazeera shareholder
17h/ NATO's War on Libya is Directed against China: AFRICOM and the Threat to China's National Energy Sec. The Washington-led decision by NATO to bomb Gaddafi's Libya into submission over recent months, at an estimated cost to US taxpayers of at least $1 billion, has little if anything to do with what the Barak Obama Administration claims was a mission to "protect innocent civilians." - >
16h/ BRUSSELS- The decision to cease air operations in Libya will be taken on October 6 meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels. This was reported by ITAR-TASS, a senior source at the headquarters of the alliance. "Among the coalition members have an understanding that the problem of air operations have been implemented" - the source said.Asked about the future of al-Gaddafi, he noted that "the alliance never was intended to hunt for some individuals," the task of NATO "was to ensure the safety of civilians."
"Find and resolve the future of the Gaddafi will engage the new authorities of Libya," - he stressed [Itar-Tass Denis Dubrovin ] 15h/ LIBYA: CRIME IN SIRTE - rebels were directly attacking Sirte hospital. At the same time, NATO is stopping civilians from reaching the hospital by bombing roads, residential areas, causing hundreds of wounded civilians to die in the process. Khadhraoui reported that "other wounded or ill people cannot get to the hospital because of the fighting and NATO air strikes". - >
15h/ According to the interception of NATO pilots, the night before the alarm was raised by 4 planes AV-8B Harrier II and 2 Eurofigher Italian aircraft carrier Garibaldi Dzhuzepppe (Flagship ITS GARIBALDI). The reason was the destruction of 35 tanks and APCs from the "Brigades Zintana" Amazigh and officers Katara.S interval of 5 minutes, 7 km from Tarragon (about 70 km from Tripoli) and near the hamlet was destroyed Musaya both 11 and 24 armored personnel carriers, respectively
15h/ Breaking #news Confirmed The NTC rebels are firing on Red cross Cars. and Also Firing at civilians cars. Yet #NATO still supports them [SomaliaSupport2 ]
14h/ Serbian politician Vladimir Kršljaninabout war in Libya - >
13h/ French millionaire arms broker admits selling arms to Libya and Syria for Sarkozy -> Human Rights Watch: Another imperialist tool to mislead the public opinion - Most of the people think that Human Rights Watch (HWR) is a non-profit, 100% independent organization. They also believe that its aim is to defend and protect HUMANS. - >
11h/ Exiled Libyan Jew says synagogue efforts blocked. A visibly angry David Gerbi says he went to clean garbage from the synagogue on Monday only to be told by men at the scene that they had warnings he would be targeted by violence. He says they told him to stop his efforts. -> 10h/ If you are reading this, the President of the United States has declared you to be a terrorist or enemy combatant. As a result, you will be detained without charge or trial, tortured, and/or extrajudicially executed. You are not entitled to any legal due process, you have no civil rights, and there is absolutely no need for the United States government to prove any of the allegations it has made against you, even if you are a citizen of the United States.[ David R. Hoffman ] - >
Dr. Yousef Shakir, a famous TV presenter Libyan television, calls on the Libyan fighters army, the whole Libyan people to defeat NATO forces and their henchmen, the traitors ->
08h/ Washington is Conquering Africa using France, Human Rights, Terrorism, and the National Endowment for Democracy [Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and Julien Teil] -The fanning of terrorism in Africa is part of a deliberate strategy used by the U.S. and its allies, including NATO, for opening the door into the African continent by expanding the so-called “Global War on Terror.” This will give purpose to the U.S. objective of expanding its military presence in the African continent and it will also justify the creation of the Pentagon’s AFRICOM, which is meant to manage Africa by creating an African version of NATO as a means for establishing Washington’s control. - >
07h/ A man fleeing Sirte testified that NATO is bombing random targets, most likely to terrorize the population in to submission. Ali who only gave his first name said that he left with his family because they were "caught between NATO bombings and shelling by rebels. NATO, in particular, is bombing at random and is often hitting civilian buildings".
This is the reality on the ground, an attempted genocide, but HRW organizations are silent, no condemnation at all. - >
06h/ The NATO propaganda outlets spread stories of Qaddafi having a lavishing lifestyle, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Is this what lavishing looks like? ozyism [he is soo big that he don't need any treasure - SOUL is treasure] -(link)
Day 195: 02. october 2011. Libya news
02h/ Libyan patriot forces control 5 000 Sam-7 missiles placed in military arsenals that have disappeared./ La OTAN está preocupada porque sabe que las fuerzas patriotas libias controlan gran parte de los 5 mil misiles Sam-7 depositados en los arsenales militares/ [Agencia de Noticias de la Resistencia Libia -Venezuela] ->
23:30h/ BREAKING ArraiTV: An Appachi helicopter belonging to United Arab Emirates shot down over #Sirte while it was bombing civilian areas. #Libya
00h/ War crime: Mass graves in Libya ->
Even with the extensive help of #NATO , rebels in #Libya do not hold more than 30% of territory, mostly along the coast. MAP--WHO CONTROLS WHAT IN #Libya .. green color is for #Gaddafi and Libyan army. The whole south is green as well. #UN
Libya war map
*** Anti-NATO March in Accra, Ghana 21st Sept 2011 please look how many are against NATO DEMON, all around the world! ->
23h/ (Italia) SUPPORT COLONEL - ITALIAN PEOPLE - 15 Ottobre 2011: tutti a Milano, per la Siria, la Libia e la libertà dei popoli contro la truffa NATO-Euro-Sion-Yankee (…e petrol-monarchica)Documenti segreti libici svelano la tragedia di Ustica e come Gheddafi si salvò riparando a Malta - >
Witnesses report that NATO is bombing random targets in Sirte
03/oct/11 A man fleeing Sirte testified that NATO is bombing random targets, most likely to terrorize the population in to submission. Ali who only gave his first name said that he left with his family because they were "caught between NATO bombings and shelling by rebels. NATO, in particular, is bombing at random and is often hitting civilian buildings". This is the reality on the ground, an attempted genocide, but HRW organizations are silent, no condemnation at all. These organizations, including UN which pretends to care for civilians have shown their true colors in this war of aggression,...
NATO and NATO Mercenaries attack Sirte hospital
03/oct/11 Red Cross reported that NATO Mercenaries were directly attacking Sirte hospital, Hichem Khadhraoui said that "Several rockets landed within the hospital buildings while we were there. We saw a lot of indiscriminate fire". At the same time, NATO is stopping civilians from reaching the hospital by bombing roads, residential areas, causing hundreds of wounded civilians to die in the process. Khadhraoui reported that "other wounded or ill people cannot get to the hospital because of the fighting and NATO air strikes". NATO Mercenaries attacked the hospitals few moments after the Red Cross...
US protests continue for the third week

03/oct/11 Below is a picture showing the seize and magnitude of the protests in Wallstreet. (click image to enlarge) Below is a picture taken by one of thousands of protesters who were arrested by US regime: (click image to enlarge) Protests have spread to Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston.. People are also planning similar protests in Canada and Australia.. Below is an image of protesters gathering in Boston in front of federal reserve building: (click image to enlarge) Protesters continue...
NATO cowards still silent over Zionist massacres of the occupied Palestine
For decades Zionists have had a green card to kill and terrorize Palestinians without any justice, and if anyone decided to seek justice was always stopped by NATO. This is the same NATO which pretends to care for Libyan people, and bombing Libyans in the name of "saving civilian lives". Here are some pictures of the Shejaeyyah massacre which took place at 22/March/2011, we never heard any condemnation from NAT...
Ibrahim Moussa speaks to Al-Rai TV - 1/oct/11 (English translation)
2/oct/11 Dr. Ibrahim Moussa spoke with Al-Rai TV putting an end to the NATO propaganda lies regarding his arrest. Translated by ELAC-RESISTANCE and edited by Libya360: Peace be upon you. I was near the Sirte front with 23 fighters. We were under attack by well-armed rebels for more than a day and a half, and we suffered fatalities.” He went on to announce the launch of the strategy NOONA MIME [N - NATO - M - MAJLIS INTIKALI (NTC)]. This strategy involves creating multiple flash points of instability to continually disrupt every NATO plan, rendering the ongoing presence of NATO in Libya untenable....
NTC-s admit fights inbetween rebels near Tripoli
2/oct/11 According to CNN, rebels from Berber tribe from Nalut using Kalashnikovs and machine guns attacked Badr, which is a home to Alseaans, who also took part in the coup. At the same time Alseaan Arabs have attacked Berbers stationing in Kremia close to Tripoli. This is the first time NTC-s admits to clashes inbetween rebels. Both groups were also negotiating prisoners exchange, what means that this is not only a single minor incident, but a regular confli...
Qaddafi's lavishing lifestyle exposed!!

2/oct/11 NATO has tried hard to demonize Qaddafi in order to justify the brutal terrorism and attempted genocide in Libya. In one instance NATO propaganda outlets spreads lies about Qaddafi's lifestyle. The NATO propaganda outlets spread stories of Qaddafi having a lavishing lifestyle, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Is this what lavishing looks lik...
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