Libya SOS Reports for Oct7
Day 203: 07. october 2011. Libya news
23h/ Yesterday, news agencies and broadcast statements of American mercenary fighting side clients to NATO. And confirms the arrival of mercenary gang involvement on the Egyptian Council of David Cobb's military ruler in Egypt, of conspiring against the Libyan government, similar to the Council of shame in Tunisia.
He says political analyst Mustafa Salim said the size of conspiracy against Libya confirms that the theft of one of the reasons uprising Tunisia and Egypt by the Boards of the military rulers had intended to pass the NATO intervention to destroy Libya and killed the Libyan people
Since the start of the insurgency, backed by NATO last February involved mercenaries from Egypt, Qatar and Jordan in combat, and intelligence for the benefit of NATO and its clients and his mercenaries
22h/Liberal crowd of Libyans in the Ras Hassan (Tripoli) and alleys waving green flags, and similar moves plateau and Abu Salim
Urgent .... urgent ... In Sirte, commando fighters loyal of 5 Battalion (Taqrvat, Bokhozam Elkabas, Adnan Alam, Hoceine Farjani Ahmed Lamloum Maneam Garbani) were able to get to the location of the rebels. They planted a bomb in the camp. They were sacrificed - all five for the love of Libya 22h/Libya rebels: Human Trafficing mafia in Benghazi ->
21h/ Organ harvesting in Libya. Includes information about organ harvesting in Libya/Tunisia. [Afri Sinergy] - > 20h/ In Bengazi 140 fighters of Al Qaeda factions were killed as a revenge for the murder of General Younis, and after tribal elders recently received video evidence of 200 other murders committed by Al Qaeda Commandos in Bengazi. Also in Bengazi, Libyan Forces stormed an ammunition warehouse of the military from Qatar capturing one officer and 40 troops. 19h/ Sirte: Rebel commander says on West and another rebel commander on East. stated no progress. they are at outskirt desert 2 rebel commanders on East front and West front. Confirm that rebels are at Desert and They have made no progress. "final attack in 2 days"ive report on #aljazeera on western #sirte " 10 dead and 100 injured. battle will take 2 more days" wasn't it at final attack ? again [ SomaliaSupport2 Libya]
*** The Brother Leader Muammar Al Gaddafi speech [06.10.2011.] Arrai TV - > 18h/ Italy has resized it's commitment to the Libya operation: 5 planes and 1 ship will remain 18h/ 22 NTC fighters are killed, 146 injured, in clashes with Qaddafi forces in Sirte: Al Arabiya correspondent Many in serious condition!
17h/ Tunisia: 400,000 Libya came in September in Tunisia. An average rate of about 10,000 people a day / Tunisie : 400.000 Libyens sont entrés durant septembre en Tunisie. Un rythme moyen d’environ 10000 personnes par jour / ->,13798.html 16h/ The largest victory in Sirte, the Eastern Front----- 07.10.2011 ( good buy rats ) 4 pm, Front line Sirte -> 15h/ Now town Tarhuna was cleaned of Nato-mercenaries. The road from Tarhuna to Bani-Walid is free from Nato-mercenaries. Dzufra and all area of Dzufra are free from Nato-mercenaries. In area of Bani-Walid were 20 Nato-mercenaries lost their life and 30 captured. Libyan army and Libyan volunteers from Ragdaline went to Zuara and 30 Nato-mercenaries and commander lost thier life. - >
14h/ Libya report : Report today of Thousands of Arabs and africans have passed border and entered libya to support lLbyan people fighting NTC ALQAEDA. 100 NTC ALQAEDA have been killed and the ALQAEDA commander Al-Asad Al-Liby
An Iraqi doctor has been killed in the hospital of Sirte as Rebels use with the help of NATO heavy artillery , destroyed many houses. The Green resistance has saved many Political prisoners and resistance volunteers from AL jadeeda Prison in #Tripoli
#NATO has struck a Red Cross supply truck and NATO and NTC ALQAEDA are officially preventing all help to civilians.
NTC rebels have hit civilian house with Grad rocket on Sirte. and killed 13civilians a live report from Sirte. Reports NTC are trying a new tactic: using children as human shields!
13h/ TEL AVIV – NATO troops are training in Turkey for a Turkish-led NATO invasion of Syria, a senior Syrian diplomatic official claimed to WND - NATO preps for new war -> Libya: 25,097 NATO Sorties, 9,335 Strike Missions
Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR air assets continue monitoring missions over Libya.
12h/ Panetta Praises NATO “Success” In Afghanistan And Libya, Pushes Missile Shield - > BRUSSELS: “Security in the 21st century will not be achieved by each nation marching to its own drummer,” the secretary said.
10h/ Heavy street fighting in Libya's Sirte
Red Cross delivers aid to Libya's Sirte
The NATO genocidal bombing campaign has been constant, ferocious and indicative of utter insanity and desperation to bring the heroic Libyan people to their knees. But they will not bow, they will not surrender and they will not leave their homes as the flyers dropped demand.
02h/ 2011-2012 United Kingdom Rank - Rating & Pay Chart . British military pay charts are for the Royal Navy (RN), Royal Marines (RM), British Army (BA), Royal Air Force (RAF) and Royal Irish Regiment (RIR).[What it means to be mercenary?] - >
SIRTE: Victory of Resistance by Libyan Army and Libyan Moujaheeds
Forces of the NATO-mercenaries from TNC had heavy losses after violent fighting with forces of the leader of Libya Colonel Muammara Kaddafi.
The representative NATO-mercenaries declared a failure of attack of the city of Sirt and has addressed for the help of aircraft of armies of the NATO after deviation.
Font: Live Libyan Television
OZYISM Reports for Oct7
6:21 PM ozyism
08/oct/11 Wall Street Journal, a NATO propaganda outlet claims that Abdel Hakim Belhaj has disappeared and missing for few days. It is yet unclear whether he has been killed in the inner fighting, or he is just hiding until fighting cools down. There has been fighting between NATO Mercenaries factions in Tripoli, and Belhaj was one of the leader of the factions involved in the fighting. Previous unconfirmed reports suggested that he has been shot by Zintan Mercenaries and was on his way to Italy...
5:22 PM ozyism
08/oct/11 Those who viewed the channel would testify that it was a counter to NATO propaganda, and provided so much information which was clearly hidden by NATO and their criminal propaganda outlets. Now the Channel has been brought down due to its popularity as an alternative news source. Link to Chan...
5:16 PM ozyism
08/oct/11 According to new reports, Libyan Defense Forces in Sirte easily managed to pierce through the Southern front lines, killing 30 NATO Mercenaries in the process, and unknown injured. Many reports show that Libyan Defense Forces have been pushing forward and then pulling back, a strategy which has worked perfectly against Mercenaries. Libyan Defense Forces push Mercenaries back from front lines killing many in the process, then traps are set and a pull back operation takes place. In each...
12:37 AM ozyism
07/oct/11 According to latest reports, protests have reached the capital, a worrying sign for US regime, at the same time protests taking place in 50 other cities. Thousands of protesters are heading towards Freedom Plaza near the White House, hundreds have already gathered and are planning to occupy the area and camp until the regime listens to people's demands. The US corporate regime has so far arrested thousands of Americans, and also violence against peaceful protesters have been reported. One protester said that “We're here today to say that we want to stop spending all our money on war,...
8:46 PM ozyism
07/oct/11 The US revolution is on its beginning phases and quickly spreading from New York to almost all states. Protests have been reported in almost all states, even Texas. Currently protests have been reported in New York, New Hamshire, Texas, California, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Illinois.... These protests have given many oppressed and silenced Americans the chance to stand up, and demand not only answers, but also direct change. Many Americans are calling for Direct Democracy, they claim that politicians work for money, and the vast majority cannot afford to buy a politician to work for...
8:28 PM ozyism
07/oct/11 According to new reports, at least 2 NATO Mercenaries have been killed in Green Square by Libyan Snipers. This comes as intense clashes take place in Tripoli between different NATO Mercenary factions, and unconfirmed reports that the Mercenary Commander in Tripoli has been shot by opposing factions. Qaddafi mentioned in his speech that NATO Mercenaries are vulnerable, the vulnerability is evident through the division between NATO factions, which makes the job of liberation easy once NATO leaves Lib...
8:20 PM ozyism
07/oct/11 According to new reports the NATO Mercenary commander in Tripoli has been shot by Mercenaries from Al Zintan Tribe and he is on the way to Italy for treatment. Many Mercenary factions have been fighting for weeks now, but NATO propaganda has turned a blind eye to it. Although CNN did report the conflict between different Mercenary factions, they refuse to mention the heavy clashes taking pla...
RESISTENCIA.INFO Reports of last days [Autotranslated from spanish to english]
Continue to fall selectively operational heads of the terrorist groups. In Sirte eliminated important Ziad Al Qaeda chief Ben Farj Albasha alias "The Lion ...
Comes news of demonstrations in several places, Al Manchiya and Tripoli, including with green flags. In Al Manchiya rats have opened fire ...
The miserable hordes pro NATO brutally besieged for weeks Sirte under the cover of the merciless attacks of the fighter-bombers and helicopters ...
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