Day 201: 05. october 2011. Libya news
24h/ A sensational interview with a Russian officer - a military adviser to Muammar al-Gaddafi -- Yes, photos of captured British soldiers apparently did not suffice. How it all happened? How did you know that this is the army of SAS, since the documents on military operations do not take?
- Photos will be. Themselves prisoners of war and the fact that public humiliation of the enemy army - it's arguments. War is war, and talks are always close by. The more trump cards, the easier it will dialogue. It was a subversive group about 30 people. Most of Qatar's army, 13 English and French. They carried out further exploration in the Bani Walid. Apparently, for the main forces. But the neighborhood of the city is not well known. Local reports that the group gads about town. We were able to carry out the operation and capture them. Katartsy were executed by the Libyans. They just hate the wild. As well, they say, came to the house of a Muslim to another Muslim and killed his family? So - "iadam" ("shooting, the death penalty") and a point. Englishmen and Frenchmen were separated, interrogated and brought to the shelter. Actually - and what they hide it? Recorded the names and personal numbers and the name of, photographed and transferred via e-mail to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain and France. They offered to give them the soldiers without any conditions, for example, anywhere in Libya. -->
23h/ A courageous Werfalla in Sirte has blew himself up among the ranks of NATO rebels giving death to dozens of them. He demonstrated that he welcomed them and when they have come closer he blew himself up. May he be blessed and may his courage be an example for others.[ Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow]
23h/ Italian oil company Eni said that its largest oil field, known as the Elephant, destroyed by the troops of Muammar Qaddafi, that will complicate a speedy return of Libya to the world market after months of unrest.
"Our volunteers went from a team of 10 people who accompanied him to a two-hour examination, where he took photographs of complete disorder" - said operations manager… Eni in Libya Mustafa Abugfiifa.
The field on which to start military action produces about 130,000 barrels a day, it was found destroyed, completely destroyed its airport, together with important and monitor key electrical appliances, he said.
"We can not promise that mine will work again until the end of the year. Gaddafi military destroyed all "- said Abugfiifa.[by Jazeera Chuibekova]
22h/ CNN’S ARWA DAMON AND HER PATHETICLY STAGED “INSIDE LIBYA” PSYOP [CNN & Co - CIA-NEWS NETWORK?] As originally reported by Abe de Vries in the Dutch periodical Trouw, the story went something like this: "For a short time last year, CNN employed military specialists in 'psychological operations' (psyops). This was confirmed to Trouw by a spokesman of the U.S. Army. The military could have influenced CNN's news reports about the crisis in Kosovo." - > Resistance Report:
20h/ We attack the NATO rebels with heavy weapons in Zwara, we hit them from every area. from alhmedat and la nwyel and safeyat. huge fight ongoing there now.[by: Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow]
7.Live On News : rebels are seen Crying and mourning on frontlines in several live video's. Reports of hundreds of rebels killed in traps.
6. #ARRAITV confirmed that Caller inside sirte said : Mautassim Gaddafi and General hassan are both alive and on Frontlines fighting.
5. Confirmation from that city of Yufra is now under green resistance control and its free from all NTC ALQAEDA rebels.
4.Rebel speaker Confirmed Tripoli: Khamis Gaddafi is in Tripoli and that he is planning operations to take back all of tripoli
@Steiner1776 No Rebels are at "center" at all only outskirts. Mautassim is alive and General Hassan are alive at frontlines.
3. Report from inside #Sirte caller : all elderly are in frontlines they cannot walk. they told us we want to die by bullets instead of youth
2. Caller from within #SIRTE says : corpses everywhere entire families are dead in their houses from #NATO airstrikes.everything is hit
1. #NATO is carpet bombing #SIRTE. the hospitals are being targeted with multiple strikes and Air system for patients was destroyed. [ by SomaliaSupport2]
20h/ NATO attack on Libya Beyond Genocide Libya, NATO Crimes In Libya ->
[by: Wadii Hadad]
18h/ Families fleeing Sirte bitter with new Libya - Those fighting in Sirte were volunteers and not Gaddafi soldiers. The world stays silent while Nato masters and a group of village idiots destroy and force their will on Libya.
17h/ Qatar accused of interfering in Libyan affairs- The tiny Arab emirate of Qatar, a leading supporter of the revolution in Libya, has been accused by western diplomats of interfering in the country's sovereignty.A senior diplomat said: "There is a question now about what foreign players like Qatar are doing in Libya - >
16h/ Sirte RESIDENTS EAT DOGS & CATS as food shortage is severe,no supply due to rebels policy to punish every supporter of GaddafiSirte -Latest reports show that hundreds of NATO rats are being evacuated from southern Sirte as they faced a devastating trap
16h/ According to Aerasa, a pro-NTC website from Derna, Belhadj was ambushed by a rival rebel faction form the Nafousa mountains
15h/ Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso. It was created in response to the bombing of Guernica, Basque Country, by German and Italian warplanes at the behest of the Spanish Nationalist forces, on 26 April 1937, during the Spanish Civil War.Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians. This work has gained a monumental status, becoming a perpetual reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace
14h/ The North Atlantic Treaty Organization confirmed on October 4, 2011 that it has conducted a total of 24,789 sorties, including 9,240 strike sorties, since March31, under Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR
Multiply the number of "humanitarian" strike sorties by the number of bombs and missiles carried by each aircraft and you will have an approximate tally of the number of lives which NATO claims to have saved under its "Responsibility to Protect" RP2.
The bombing campaign, which is now in its seventh month has been extended to the end of December.
The media is complicit in obfuscating the thousands of deaths resulting from NATO bombings. [by Michel Chossudovsky] - >
13h/ [Bullshit news ] NTC unveils Libya's "national army" - More than 500 [lol]new recruits marched behind a military band in Tripoli's Souq al-Jumaa district at a ceremony attended by a senior military officer to mark the end of their training for service in the national army.The NTC has previously said it would try to direct thousands of militiamen into police forces and ensure militias disarm after securing control of a few pockets to resistance held by Gaddafi loyalists.Visiting US Republican Senator John McCain called on the NTC last week to move quickly to get the armed groups under control.->
12h/ Libya - news from Front -Benghazi: Obeidi claimed the clan heads. Skirmishes took place today between rival factions. Thus 10 Islamists were killed
Tripoli: The green flag floating in some suburbs, where the CNT dare go there. In the souk Al-Thoulatha, large glass building in downtown Tripoli, clashes took place: 8 renegades killed. Corinthia Bab Africa Hotel, situated just outside the old town and along the waterfront has seen members of the CNT who were there to flee their rooms after an alert. They did not return ... Back in Benghazi?
Sirte: the city is still not fallen, despite the negotiations and the deadly bombing that only kill civilians. In the area pounded by the evil forces of NATO, emptied of its inhabitants, the renegades are involved in the theft. Nothing stays put. They looted everything, even clothing. Real thugs!
Bani Walid: deadly bombings have taken place in the city, mainly in an area where the soldiers of the Apocalypse believe they have located Saif Al-Islam. Once they stopped their usual killing, they directed their underlings to Benghazi to go to the scene. Entered without any resistance, they were simply rounded up and liquidated. There is talk of a hundred dead. The figures are not confirmed.
If after nearly eight months of the Nazi attack a nation is still standing, he must face the obvious. It is not tomorrow the day before. While loyalists effectively control over 50% of Libyan territory, it is quite fun even sad to read or hear that there is a victory for the CNT. No, for a small country like Libya, NATO / CNT is losing or has lost. This is the reality, without any propaganda ..[Allain Jules ] - >
10h/ Libya - News from Zawiya - *Transformation camp March 2 in a prison and torture center for the supporters of the regime legitimate Gaddafi. They suffered the worst treatment and violations of human rights, physical and psychological torture . *The NATO helicopters flying low over the fields Elharcha, Sabriya. Transformation headquarters property of supply of the city in a women's prison, 50 prisoners. *Preparation of lists of teachers loyal to the Libyan leader to expel them. * The traitors of NATO have paid the salaries of medical staff in hospital Zawiya, those who support the revolution of NATO on 17 February affect their wages against other touch from 23 to 70 dinars, whereas usually the minimum wage is 400 dinars***The rebels buried their dead in mass graves. ->
09h/ ALGERIA! IMPORTANT - An important message to our readers - Help us to help the Libyan people - The city of Sirte and Bani Walid suffer for several days under the blows of artillery shells of tanks and rocket launchers traitors of NATO and indiscriminate bombing of NATO pilots and Qatar.
A population imprisoned, starved, tortured, traumatized in cities cut off from the world under the eyes and the silence of the UN, the Arab League, NGOs, all states, ..
We ISP ALGERIA, Algeria (e) s proud of our origins, even if our government recognizes these traitors of NATO. , WE WILL REMAIN IN OUR POSITION. EL Walah ADIM, we will never recognize these traitors. GREEN FLAG THIS SITE WILL REMAIN UNTIL THE RELEASE OF THE CLAWS OF THE WESTERN LIBYA AND QATAR. /
08h/ The Sierra Leone chapter of the Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity has added its voice to those calling the military intervention by the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, in Libya as an attack on Africa rather than upholding human rights.“Africa is under attack and the foundation believes that the non-stop 24-hour bombardment and the accompanying destruction in Libya would have been averted if the purpose of the NATO mission was purely humanitarian and not economic and geopolitical in nature,” -> Nigeria: Three Locals Killed in Libya. The report identified those killed as, Ugochukwu Okafor, aged 33, Emeka Aloysius known as Mohammed,33, and Braimoh Robinson Garba 30.The report further quoted officials of the Nigerian Union in Libya as saying that the Nigerian government had abondoned its consular responsibility on stranded Nigerians in Libya."Despite the recognition given the NTC by President Jonathan, Nigerians and other black Africans were subject of attack by the rebel forces. - >
06h/ NATO assault on Sirte inflicts more Libyan civilian casualties - Ashiq Hussein, an immigrant Pakistani electrician who escaped with 11 of his family members, told AFP: “NATO struck one big building, Imarat Tamim, two days ago, with 12 or 13 bombs. The whole building with nearly 600 flats is razed to the ground now... Two of my neighbours died yesterday in a NATO bomb which hit their home. Maybe they have information that on rooftops there were Gaddafi men... But a lot of civilian buildings were getting hit. Also the incoming shells from NTC forces were hitting civilian homes.” - >
05h/ Foreign Ministry: Libya vows to free detained Ukrainians after completion of investigation- As reported, in September 2011, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry confirmed reports about the detention of 23 Ukrainians in Libya, one of which has already been released. According to diplomats, these citizens are civil engineers who arrived in Libya under contracts signed with a private company. ->
04h/ Saudi forces clash with pro-reform protesters. The Saudi demonstrators call for respect for human rights, implementation of further reforms, freedom of expression, and the release of political prisoners, some of whom have been held without trial for more than 16 years. ->
03h/ Russia and China veto UN resolution on Syria ->
NATO Mercenaries blown up in southern Sirte and UPDATES
05/oct/11 Sirte According to new reports Libyans lured NATO Mercenaries towards a roadside bomb by raising a white flag, destroying three Mercenary vehicles and its occupants in the trap. Fighting continues in Southern Sirte therefore it is hard to get more information from sources connected with Libyan Defense Forces. Bani Walid This comes as Libyans in Bani Walid are attacking NATO check points in North Eastern Roads which leads to Sirte. Zuara Intense fighting has also been reported in the coastal town of Zuara. Most NATO Mercenaries have left the town of Zuara to attack Sirte therefore...
US corporate regime allows Banks to use the SWAT team against Americans
SWAT teams are being deployed to protect banks across US, blocking some people from entering and withdrawing their hard earned money. This shows that the US regime and the corporations fear the Occupy Wall Street protests, the presence of SWAT team outside banks is evidence of that fear. They fear a similar revolution to Egypt where protesters occupied the Tahrir square for months, until the government collapsed and the head of the regime is being prosecuted as we speak. Banksters, corporations and the head of the corporate regime fears a similar conclusion to Occupy Wall Street Protests,...
Hundreds of critically wounded NATO Mercenaries evacuated from southern Sirte
05/oct/11 Latest reports show that hundreds of NATO Mercenaries are being evacuated by Ambulances from southern Sirte as they faced a devastating trap. The number of dead and injured is yet unclear because fighting continues, ambulances continue going in and out of front lines, picking injured NATO Mercenaries. Libyan Jamahariya Government has allowed Ambulances to take the dead and critically injured because Sirte hospitals are over crowded, over loaded and running out of necessiti...
Nato navy near Libya shrinking
If You compare with, You can notice that there are only 11 ships left patroling Libyan waters, while 2 days ago there were 12. A report from a 4th september shows that there were 15 ships back then. No information has been published on which country has decided to take back their ships, there were opinions that some of those might have been lost to the Libyan army. Meanwhile rebels are trying their last chance in capturing Sirte - in 2 days NATO leaders are...
Mahmoud Jibril victim of an assassination attempt (unconfirmed)

04/oct/11 New reports from Libya360 indicate that Mahmoud Jibril has been the victim of an assassination attempt during a press conference. If this is true, it would explain the media black out over Libya, very little information, other than the repetition of old ne...
British protesters ready to occupy London's Trafalgar Square
04/oct/11 Occupy WallStreet protests have spread outside US to other Western nations, Canadians and Australians are already planning similar protests and now it has spread all the way to London. Protesters plan to occupy London's Trafalgar Square against British aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Organizers said that “[We] will occupy Trafalgar Square on Saturday 8 October to show our opposition to war, representing the vast majority of people in Britain who have opposed Britain's involvement...
NATO Mercenaries surrounded inside Sirte city
04/oct/11 According to latest reports NATO Mercenaries have entered Sirte city from the South, but are surrounded by Libyan Snipers causing heavy casualties. NATO forces can't retreat from their positions because they would be exposed to Libyan snipers. At least hundred to two hundred NATO Mercenaries are trapped inside the city, no reinforcements have arrived yet. They are running out of supplies and asking for intensification of NATO terror operations. It is yet unclear why NATO has not sent in reinforcements, maybe they are preoccupied in the East, and intense clashes in Tripoli distric...
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