Day 210: 14. october 2011. Libya news Do you know story about 300 and Battle of Thermopylae?
ثم الاعلان عن بداية ساعة الصفر لجمعة النصر في جميع انحاء الجماهيرية العظمي
الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر
هبوا ياحرار ليبي
Announcement of the zero hour- begining of an uprising

21h/ Sirte : 50 NATO mercenaries Were Captured! Destroyed 10 helicopters Since the start of the siege of Sirte! Also yesterday, an ambush in a pinching movement in Sirte Killed 150 renegades and no loss in Gaddafi. In addition, we Withdrawal Noted Numerous terrorists and NATO casualties today. More than 20 truckloads of supplies (ammunition, food, gasoline) Were Recovered yesterday by the loyalists. Today, an army of Civilians More than 500 men, Volunteers, WAS THEY created and lead year Against lightning attack! We Can Say That Almost HAS Gaddafi won the battle of Sirte and Tripoli Is Now green again! [Allain Jules ] -> 21h/ Gheryan: Gheryan green flags flying in all top destinations [Allibiya TV - Channel Libyan] Tripoli: A series of violent explosions shake central road to the airport also Palace bin Ghashir airport Asabieh market, Salah al-Din Al Furjan Update news Libya: Tripoli..urgent.. corporate media just starting to report what many have known for weeks-Tripoli is NOT under total control of NATO rebels..Tripoli now rising against the NATO rebles,heavy clashes all over Tripoli ongoing , to show solidarity with the Libyan People, MSM beginning to look very foolish with sticking to propaganda ..the truth is coming out of Libya now,pls.spread this news further..!G.T
21h/ Picture of the traitors cars burned by Tunisians in Sousse area, they burnt 25 of them in the early morning 
20h/ NATO Rebels attacks on Sirte, leaves much of city in ruins [ They are NOT LIBYANS THEY HATE LIBYA ] - >
20h/ In the nightfall a huge suprize waits the rats in all the places where they have spread their desease in Libya.[LibyanLiberal] 20h/ 1. Heavy sounds of NATO planes in Tripoli now, the mass demos are being dispersed by NATO bombs.. Abu Salim has become a NATO trashing zone
2. The truth about Libya - الحقيقة من اجل ليبيا
NATO mercenaries and its agents are asking for help in Sirte. #ArraiTV #Libya #Oct14th #بريسينج
ليبيا3. - NATO snipers spread all over the buildings Omar Mukhtar Street in Tripoli [Olivera Olja I.]
20h/ People of Al Hadba are out in the streets in response to the call of the people of Puslim [Grak_11]
19:30h/ Urgent:Grad rockets in city of #Misurata [Grak_11]
20h/ Rebel spokesman on RT Arabic: Heavy fighting in Abu Salim and Airport Area in Tripoli.
20h/ [this morning] HERO Muammar Gaddafi, speaking on the new satellite TV channel Al-MOKAVAMA and called for an uprising against the PNS and NATO troops. Almost immediately, the capital of Libya began street fighting. Supporters of al-Gaddafi seized a large stock of weapons that were supplied by NATO countries for military PNS. And then blew it up, according to Twitter bloggers from Libya. - > 19h/ Where is the leadership of the National Council is unknown. Previously, the main place of his home was a French warship. 19h/ Urgent!Tripoli, Abu Salim - NATO mercenaries are killing prisoners,because Libyans want to release them from prisons! Prisoners must be freed at once, from NATO mercenaries who are killing them in fear and panic 19h/ Informe Sirte:14/10/2011 los rebeldes han vuelto a su táctica utiliza especiales llamados "retirada táctica desorganizado", dijo la BBC su desorganizado, pero "tácticas" Rebeldes con táctica especial "retirada táctica desorganizado" dejó a muchos rebeldes heridos y detrás de los cadáveres y las armas. todas sus tácticas.
Report Sirte : rebels have again Used their Special Tactic called "disorganized Tactical Retreat" BBC said its disorganized but "tactical"
Rebels using special Tactic "disorganized Tactical Retreat" left many injured rebels behind and dead bodies and Weapons. its all tactical. [Rictvagencia Rede Internacional]
19h/ ALGERIA ISP - According Zengtena, the son of Libyan leader, Seif El Islam Gaddafi spoke on Libyan television Mokawawa El encouraging the Libyan people to take action to drive out the traitors and NATO Libya. -> 18:30h/ Urgent: Helicopter shot down, which hung in the center of the city of Tripoli and landed at the door .. it Azizia compound. was documented on video
18h/ Tripoli: Thick smoke over the western part of Tripoli. In addition to the settlement of Abu Salim, Gaddafi's supporters fired on rebels in other quarters. The size of the conflict currently difficult to assess.
- The green flag was raised over the Police College in Al-Badri, and a peaceful march calling for God, Libya and Muammar Obs ... God is great
18h/ [BBC] We heard a rumour two days ago that "Muammar's loyalists will rise up on the 14th" but did not make much of it. Clearly it was not just a rumour. The fighting started after a demonstration by Gaddafi loyalists in the Abu Salim district of the city. -> 18h/ Resignation of the British Defence Secretary William Fox - > 18h/ 25 THINGS AN ARAB SPRING HAS THOUGHT US? - > 18h/ Today a wonder happened. The imperialist propaganda organization BBC told the truth about Sirte. The BBC accurately called what NATO’s NTC stooges do in Sirte and titled: Sirte being ‘destroyed block by block’. That’s exacty what the Northern-Atlantic Terror-Organisation NATO does with it’s predatory war of aggression against Libya: destroying the country, town by town, block by block, and massacring it’s people to plunder their wealth. - > 18h/ Libya: Black Friday for NATO - Pro-Gaddafi protests in Libya - Matrix in Germany
Hurry! Tripoli is in heavy fighting.
For now, the "Sunday" the Islamic world, will again be held nationwide demonstrations by the Libyans under the green flag against NATO and the NTC. These protests were also performed in the previous week with tens of thousands of participants. The mainstream of NATO - the heads of state and corporate media, including Germany of course - they just dead silence Just as today. - Germany - [ translate by Steffen S.] --> 18h/ Tripoli: South of Libya Opened the hell doors on NATO bandits. Tripoli is the hell itself right now [Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi writes from LIBYA] 17h/ Dr Moussa Ibrahim - MESSAGE TO ALL THE LIBYAN PEOPLE - > 17h/ More scavengers eyeing Libya: private security companies seeking to withdraw from Afghanistan, more interested in Libya now [Jordanian Al-Rai] Kabul - AFP - After geting tired of corruption, bureaucracy and government restrictions, foreign security companies will try to turn the page on the ongoing war for ten years in Afghanistan and go to areas more attractive for this type of business in the world today: Libya. Tony Johnson, general manager of Amtx Global PGS at its headquarters in Afghanistan
16:30/ N.N: my sisters now called me out of Tripoli. Tripoli is upside down, Ashaws Abu Slim is free, and Libyan volonteers and Army from Nasser neighborhood are in touch,there are a thousand violent clashes in the neighborhood of Nasser since Gerdan's Friday Market Haulo repression of demonstrators!
16h/ Sounds of airplanes heard over Tripoli
15:30h/ Helicopter was destroyed over Bab-AlZiziya, fell at the entrance,have been documented,video out soon #Tripoli
Tripoli : Whole Tribe of WershaFana Entered City,
14:30h/ Tripoli: a huge EXPLOSION shakes the capital, TRIPOLI, and specifically the MAZRAN street
14h/ UPDATE ON #Oct14th #Oct14 UPRISING #Libya :
- Explosion of warehouse belonging to NATO agents in the area of Sarraj,dense smoke in the sky
- NATO flying intensively in the sky of Tarhunah
- Bani Walid: 4 NATO mercenaries killed, 17 wounded, the rest are fleeing the front
- Tripoli: Brave resistance burned the headquarters of the Council of Shame in Abu Salim area The spread of NATO-servants snipers over the buildings in Omar Mukhtar Street in Tripoli
- NATO has problems with jammed signal
- Benghazi : group of brave youth destroyed 5 vehicles in Rulrhh area and killed rats
- Brave Madjer and Zliten people helping Tripoli to become free from NATO mercenaries
- Rishvana tribes surrounding Tripoli from the south and west side,preventing the entry of rats
- Youth booby trapping buildings and vehicles of traitors, NATO is sabotaged- not able to kill 'selectively' anymore.
- Update on #Libya #Oct14th Uprising ---Abu Salim area in #Tripoli completely liberated from #NATO servants.
- #Oct14th #Libya NTC Zintan brigade has killed dozens of NTC Belhadj brigade, Belhadj prepares revenge.
14h/ Tunisians destroyed 25 vehicles of libyan #nato servants, in sousse region
#NATO servants fleeing #Sirte , whole Libya has risen, NATO is sabotaged, their servants disoriented.
Protests in #Zuwara border & Tunisians entered and are helping libyan tribes of Zuwara to Kill #NTC rebels. South #Tunisia is extremely angry at rebels.
13h/ Libya - University of Brak -destroyed and plundered by the marauding NATO GANGS THIS IS THE NEW FREE LIBYA CONGRATULATIONS ! TO THE NEW FREE LIBYA [STOP THE WAR IN LIBYA. WE DEMAND IT] -video [InomineX] - > 12h/ Tripoli - Libya's rival military commanders fight war of words -Abdullah Naker, one of several rival commanders: "Who is Abdulhakim Belhaj and who appointed him?" Naker asks. "We don't know him. We are the leaders, we are the revolutionists, we know everything." Naker echoes a much wider complaint that Belhaj is actually a stooge of the Qataris.
11h/ U.S. Congressman Wants Libya Rebels Investigated on "Crimes Against Humanity." - > David Shayler MI5 agent speaks in 2005 of MI6 and CIA in Libya, NATO Crimes In Libya - > 10h/ Tripoli: Brave Libyans trapped NTC/NATO: Bombing houses of NTC, it was key-Buildings. There were pictures, were NTC/NATO cars cannot move, because they stuck in water. Rebels have retreated to port and are hiding themselves in Fear of the large protests on october 14 protests. No rebels are seen in Tripoli 09h/ News from front by Allain Jules - Bani Walid: probably the biggest rout Gang of Sarkozy. Convinced that Sirte would fall, NATO / CNT sent soldiers junk, try to take over the airport. But once there, as if by magic, men who had escaped at the sight of drones have arisen. They were all killed and the patriots are left with the number of vehicles and weapons that they have concealed, before NATO bombing back.
Gdhames: wanked memorable renegades. Thirty tried to s' infiltrating into the city, with special forces to locate Muammar Gaddafi believed to reside.
All were captured or killed. What nationality are the Europeans? /Libye – Les dernières nouvelles du front (14-10-2011)/ [Allain Jules] -> 08h/ United Nations has recognized that it can not normalize life in Libya. [ WELL WE LOOK THAT EVERY DAY IN AFGANISTAN and IRAQ - Isn't it?] "The situation is far from being able to assume its stable, there are many security problems, fighting continued, there are violations of human rights and international humanitarian law," - said Churkin told reporters after the morning closed consultations in(Russian) /ООН признала, что не может нормализовать жизнь в Ливии/ - 07h/ Syrians protest against Libyan NTC recognition of Syrian rebel council - Demonstrators shouted slogans condemning the Libyan rebels' council and said that it's a NATO recognition of the Syrian rebels. -> 06h/ Sirte: NATO Mercenaries holed up in Police Headquarters - Libyan Defense Forces are out maneuvering NATO and its Mercenaries on the battle field, traps have caused huge casualties, and far sight strategies have destroyed the moral of NATO Mercenaries. NATO media outlets continue inventing lies to boost Mercenary morals, but all lies eventually get shattered. For example the lie regarding Qaddafi's son and his capture, after few hours of celebration the lie was exposed. [ozyism] - > 06h/ DemoNcratic Jalil said NTC bandits are going to give to Libyan people a severe lesson if they decide to demonstrate. This means death [SomaliaSupport2]
05h/ Libyan News Update Oct 14 - 1.00am GMT -
04h/ خبر مؤكد وعلى ضمانتي الشخصيه مشائخ واعيان قبائل اولاد ابوسيف بنسمه وراس الطبل وابوغرب يهدرون دم اي احد من ابناء القبيله يذهب مع ثوار الناتو الى بني وليد ومن يذهب فهو ليس من هذه القبيله الله اكبر الله اكبر ولله الحمد . 03:30h/ Musa Ibrahim bin Walid Radio:
Zero hour on Friday - I hope you get out on this night, and take the control of the cities and streets, I wish you a rapid advance ......
03:30h/ Latest- 'Thunder' Batallion has announced that they took control of the south road to Bani Walid. They also entered south of Tripoli. Clashes on the square expected in one hour
03h/Latest news on uprising---Supreme Commander of the Mujahid gave the signal for the uprising (AllibyaTV)
03h/ Uprising - How this uprising looks like up to now, Libyan people are destroying tires on the vehicles of traitors, detaining spies from the hotels, braking into prisons, blocking the roads, prosecuting Al Qaeda killers in their houses, which they are braking into.
03h/ Benghazi - [yesterday ]-18 Al Qaeda rebels were Killed and 62 wounded while they were celebrating the false news of the arrest of Mutasim Gaddafi, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
The medical source from hospital in Benghazi also said that 6 of Al Qaeda rebels got shot during the celebrations. The source said to "Cyrene news" - The death of those six was the result of gunshot wounds received by mistake, 25 people were wounded.
02:30h/ second hour of uprising- first British soldier dead at Abu Salim
02:30h/ Source: a telephone call from the Alhachan-----shooting near me, I can hear some heavy explosions .. and the reports of casualties .. As reported to me by a witness, a homemade bomb (Julatina) was thrown on people in a car and the claimed bombing sacrificed up to 4 persons.
02h/ الإنتفاضة بدأت في حي الأكواخ ...... الله أكبر كبيراً والحمد لله كثيراً وسبحان بكربة وأصيلاً
02h/ Update on uprising- the ambulance and an SUV packed with military logistics and light weapons of the enemy en route from Tripoli to Sirte was blown to pieces, in front of the Maya gas station and killed 6 enemies. It was done by the heroic Guerilla suicide bomber (Mohamed Nouri Abozyrebh) 33 years old.
Appeal: I ask our brothers outside Jamahyria whether they are Arabs or Libyans to join us in the uprising for major recovery of our rights on the 14/10/2011, to clear Libya inch by inch, House by House, to purify it from abomination and impurity. We also ask for popular peace marches in all countries of the world in solidarity with the free Libyan people, thank you .......... I hope for the publication of the call ----
01h/ First hour of uprising -
The Green resistance booby trapped entire building with explosives and made it seem like a warehouse. Rebels rushed to loot many died.[ SomaliaSupport2 Libya]
Day 209: 13. october 2011. Libya news 24h/ The reason why a Franco-German Tv Channel will broadcast a biased Anti-Syrian documentary tonightIn a few minutes, tonight (October the 11th) a Franco-German Tv channel, ARTE, will broadcast an Anti Syrian documentary called “Syria, in the hell of repression” (Killing licence in Syria). WHO’S BEHIND THIS CHANNEL?
Allibiya TV - قنـاة الليبيـــة
طرابلس اشتباكات مسلحة وبالضبط طريق الكوبري وحي الاندلس وصلاح الدين وابو سليم وبعض المناطق حول الهضبة وضواحي طرابلس مقتل سابعة وعشرين جرذ وجرح العشرات في كمائن وخطط تكتكية
23h/ Misurata Hospital arrived NATO rebels, Tonight in "the clinic building " was treated 22 wounded and 4 on kill time as a result of clashes in the city of Sirte 23h/ URGENT: Sirte Sirte die Sirte suffer burn .... Now , more than 40 Nato planes bombing Sirte,on the residential areas. There are hundreds of flexure of the martyrs and the wounded **Libyans are still very resistant, to customers despite the massive numbers ..... Sirte Sirte die tired ... Where are you, O poor Libyans [Support for the Libyan people]
عاجل:سرت تعاني سرت تموت سرت تحترق....الان اكثر من 40 غارة للناتو على المنطقه السكنية الثنية وهناك مئات الشهداء والجرحى ولا زالت المقاومة للعملاء شديدة رغم كثرتهم.....سرت تعبت سرت تموت ...اين انتم يا ليبيين؟؟؟!!!!
23h/ It is interesting to Bani Walid: team member Jado, led by Commander Younes Moussa, leader of the National Transitional Council (CNT) on this front, "received instructions for the collection of airport and its surroundings in order to make a military base. " But instead of supporting the brigade, other units proceeded to the city center. For men have entered into a ghost town Bani Walid, the expedition quickly turned into a nightmare. - > 23h/ Libya News Updates Oct 11 -> 22h/ BRAVE BANI WALID WOMEN - FATAL FOR NTC TRAITORS - > 22h/ NATO bombings, al-Qaeda and the Arab Spring - What occurred in Libya was no popular uprising but purely NATO’s war, `From the beginning the ‘rebels’ depended completely on the military, political, diplomatic and media power of NATO, without which the de facto mercenaries would not have lasted a month, holed up in Benghazi.’ A bloody sight. NATO’s leaders. Protecting to kill, killing to protect. - > 21h/ WHEN BLOOD AND MONEY ARE SPEAKING - Lt. Gen. Ralph J. Jodice II of the United States Air Force. - General Jodice said in an e-mail on Monday that the Qaddafi loyalists in Surt “still show a willingness to fight, which continues to threaten the civilians remaining in the city.” He said the fighters were “exploiting Surt’s built-up and populated environment; they have nowhere else to go, they are reluctant to lay down their weapons and are trapping civilians inside the city, preventing them from leaving safely. 20h/ WELL NOW IS CLEAR WHO ARE MERCENARIES - Libyan Rebels' Books Detail Their Fighters' Pay - About 80% went to salaries in the rebel-controlled areas, including 60 million dinars ($49 million) for defected personnel from Libya's regular armed forces. About 10% went to providing financial support to local governing councils and the remainder to mostly administrative costs of government.
Rebel militias were funded largely by other sources, such as sympathetic foreign government including Qatar, wealthy Libyans and anti-Ghadafi nonprofit organizations [???]. Those contributions may have amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars in cash, weapons, uniforms, vehicles and other aid[?], said Muraja Gaith Soleiman, the deputy minister of oil and finance who signed off the budget documents. - > 19h/ MESSAGE TO ALL THE LIBYANS - 14th OF OCTOBER- FRIDAY- UPRISING 
18h/ NATO-led traitors prove that they are painfuly incompetent. One of them blew him self up, acccidentally, in Bani Walid front - NATO Rebels 'get hit' - > 18h/ NATO confirms that everything is out of control. NATO wanted to declare its victory. NATO+NTC ALQAEDA fail so continue war. [SomaliaSupport2] 18h/ Sirte: 16 British paratroopers from 22 SAS Regiment out of Credenhill United Kingdom were captured in Sirte last night. All others in a squad 44 were killed while landing - > 18h/Sirte: while on Al-Dzhazire statement of storm of a city prepared, resistance hasn’t allowed it to realize. Unlike figure, there, actually, more than 370 Nato-mercenaries were killed and more than 1000 have got serious traumas. Thus, though the Red Cross evacuated the last of 100 patients who have remained in hospital Ibn Sina in Sirte, mercenaries have grasped the Philippine nurses who hid in a hospital cellar, and have sent them for treatment of wounded men in field hospital, on the western entrance to a city. Struggle proceeds, and the well-known final fight looks as a streamlet, despite deadly bombardments of the NATO which don’t stop even on mosques. More than 70 civilians have been killed. - >
17h/ 1. insider Report the rebels will make Revolution against the #NTC soon. as internal disputes increase many "fighters" preparing themselfs
2. caller in #Libya says : #Tripoli is on verge of collapse and is expected soon Everyone is change after the revolution has failed" [SomaliaSupport2 Libya]
3. A specialized sniper of the patriotic forces had killed the pro-NATO militar leader Ashraf Issa Barich in the front of #Sirte.#Libya #Libia
4. #Libya young girls & older women participating in the defense of #Sirte against the gangs armed by #NATO.They prefer to die that be raped [GuerrillaTweet Tweets Guerill@s
5. NTC freed corrupt officials from jails gave them top positions Salah Al-Karoom "jailed for life" and Kahlid abu-Zariba "major corruption" 17h/ [ HOW? WHY??? Item removed!! ] UN SILENT DESPITE NO GROUNDS FOR NATO WAR ON LIBYA - BUT - Item removed -Monday, 10 October 2011, 4:18 pm -Article: Frances Thomas
The Brotehr Leader Gaddafi - tribute - معمر القذافي
16h/ Ireland - THE LIBYAN-IRISH mercenary who led the main anti-Gadafy brigade into Tripoli in August has resigned from his position as deputy head of the Tripoli Military Council. Mahdi al-Harat came in Ireland. Fighters from some revolutionary brigades, mostly those from outside Tripoli who have remained in the city since late August, say they are not willing to recognise the council or Mr Belhaj. -> 15h/ Bani Waled - According to Ennahar news, in the last week alone, 500 NATO servants got killed and 2.000 wounded in BaniWalid front BaniWalid 15 rebels were killed some had Israeli documents and 50 rats injured. airport BaniWalid is controlled by green resistance.
The number of dead and missing NATO-led rebels from the city of GHERYAN alone in the front of Bani Walid came to 17 people on 10.10.
14h/ Hussein Aburas martyred under torture in prison in Thursday at Maqrif market five at the coastal road at headquarters Maqrif where he was 'imprisoned. Where his cousin was invited,''Mahmoud Taha Aburas (Zuwayth)'', rats brought him to the house and he was killed during his arrest: backed by children of Abashich and sons of Zelthom heavily armed and jailed, according to information received from inside the jail, source said that those who tortured this martyr to death are a group of Egyptians which were helping rats to torture Libyan citizens to death.
14h/ Tripoli - lady was arrested inside of a Bank then she was Raped and tortured by NTC ALQAEDA rebels.random arrest are common [ SomaliaSupport2]
14h/ Russian hacker infected US drones onboard computers. Nato command in Panic. There some rumours that also US nukes were infected ! [ SomaliaSupport2]
13h/ Sirte - In one operation, a prominent rebel field military commander was killed, while he was, accompanied by several other elements, trying to to sneak into the city of Sirte by sea. This announcement comes this time around from the "Cyrene'' newspaper which is close to new Transitional Council, they have revealed that an officer lieutenant who oversaw the special unit of the human frogs, was killed while trying to sneak via sea within the city of Sirte, he was traced and killed by the elements affiliated with al-Gaddafi. On the other hand, Green Brigades said that they were able to regain the control of Al Jawad, adding that the green flags symbolizing the Jamahyria are again flying over the city's buildings and streets, while the rebel forces continue to bomb from nearby locations.
13h/ UN silent despite no grounds for NATO war on Libya [very good article] - 12h/ Citizent of Sirte: --------- Hello, The day after the complicatins that my family have suffered while exiting Sirte area, they finaly reached to safety, praise of God, and told me of their suffering, because my brothers were heavily wounded in the front, they decided to leave Sirte, but the mother told me that she is in moarning, and I found out about the death of my uncle in front of the clinic building Atina while he was doing his job, as a result of the bombing of the NATO Apache devils. Our family house is also destroyed and there is a terrible destruction of the Sirte, my Lord soothes Bahlna..
11h/ Telesur released a video now, that shows a big loyalist convoy on his way to Sirte.New footage!!!! --> 10h/ Is TNC spokesman looking down on women in Libya? Check out what he says to women who criticise lack of democracy - “We can’t talk,” said a 50-year-old housewife in the Tripoli suburb of Jila. She said she and her loyalist friends do not dare reveal their views in public. “If I go out now and say I like Gaddafi, they will arrest me maybe, or shoot me.” Like other Gaddafi supporters in this article, she did not want her name used because she feared retribution. We waited 42 years, during which we couldn’t say we didn’t like Gaddafi without being killed or maimed for life,” said the spokesman, Jalal al-Gallal. If the housewife can wait the estimated two years for a new constitution and elections, “we’ll be bloody grateful,” he said.
-> 07h/ Libyan NTC recognizes Syrian rebel council. Libya’s ruling National Transitional Council announced on Monday that it recognizes the Syrian National Council as Syria’s legitimate government, AFP news agency reports. Libya is the first country to recognize the SNC since it was officially formed on October 2, in Turkey, by a group of Syrian dissidents. Other countries have yet to recognize the opposition council. However, earlier in the day, EU foreign ministers in their statement hailed the formation of the SNC as a “positive step forward.” According to AFP, Mussa al-Koni, a member of the Libyan NTC, also announced on Monday that the NTC had decided to close the Syrian embassy in Libya. - > 06h/ HASSADI brigade and Salabi Brigade are leading Attacks on civilians from Sirte! Both are Officially Listed as Terrorist Al Qaeda network organisations! NATO is helping AL Qaeda with airstrikes (hitting mostly civilians)
NATO’s TNC ground troops commit summary executions in Sirte
There is no doubt that the TNC ground troops, which were recognized as Libya’s government forces by Western countries, commit grave war crimes in their assault on the Libyan city of Sirte.
Many videos and" target="_blank">photos show TNC ground troops firing heavy weapons on the city of Sirte, targeting opponent forces and civilians alike. Doing so they are committing the war crime of using indiscriminate force against populated areas.
This crime became so common for the TNC troops’ behaviour that even NATO’s propaganda mouthpiece Reuters,0,305749.story" target="_blank">described this war crime in one of it’s recent reports from Sirte in detail:
Obaid pulled up in his pick-up truck keen to fire the multiple rocket launcher mounted on the back at Gaddafi loyalists holding out in the Libyan city of Sirte, but just as he was about to shoot, he stopped to ask which way to aim.
His comrades standing nearby loudly conferred with one another then pointed him to what they agreed was the right direction and Obaid fired four Grad missiles at the city.
They all cheered him and shouted “Allahu Akbar.” Smoke rose above the already wrecked city, but no one could say if the Grad rockets hit the target, or even what the target was.
But there are more crimes. Telesur’s reporter Diego Marin reported from Sirte, that one of NATO’s TNC ground troops said to him that that anybody they catch in Sirte with a weapon would be executed.
Media reports indicate that the TNC’s “government troops” are just committing the above mentioned war crime of the summary execution of prisoners of war. Like" target="_blank">people know from the past about the war against Libya the western mass media seem to be complicit again by trying to cover up the crimes of the TNC forces and, like they did during the entire war, they try to blame those crimes on forces loyal to the Libyan government again.
To understand this, one just needs to crosscheck the propaganda of different NATO mouthpieces. Just read" target="_blank">the Reuters report of October 12 describing that 25 bodies of executed people were found in Sirte’s “neighborhood 2″, some of them handcuffed:
The corpses of 25 people wrapped in plastic sheets were found on Wednesday in the city of Sirte by government forces, who accused militias fighting for deposed leader Muammar Gaddafi of execution-style killings. A Reuters team counted 25 corpses in plastic bags in a southern area of
Sirte called “Neighbourhood 2″. Five corpses shown to the team had their hands tied behind their backs and gunshot wounds to the head. They wore civilian clothes. A commander with the National Transitional Council (NTC) said the corpses had been there for at least five days.
According to the Reuters propaganda it’s pretty clear that the people were already dead for five days, and as the TNC forces conquered “Neighbourhood 2″ just three days ago, the people loyal to Libya’s green government are to blame for the murder.
However, when the Guardian – another NATO mouthpiece –" target="_blank">reported on the same corpses a couple of hours later, the story changed in significant details:
The already angry mood towards the loyalists hardened with the discovery, in three locations in the city, of 30 captured men who had been cuffed and executed.
According to government (editor: meaning TNC here) commanders the men had been killed on Tuesday.
It’s pretty clear that the Guardian wants to tell it’s readers that the crime was committed by “loyalists.” However, the Guardian forgot to tell it’s readers where the crime was committed and just said “three locations in the city.” But the Guardian reported now that the crime of the summary execution was committed just yesterday.
So what does this look like? Reuters reported that the crime was committed five days ago, because the location where the corpses were found was captured a couple of days ago by TNC forces. But in the evening it didn’t add up because the corpses were fresh. So the Guardian told they were fresh, but didn’t report where the corpses were found. The Guardian did so to be sure that readers couldn’t draw the obvious conclusion that this is a crime of the TNC forces, just as Telesur reported that they announced they would commit the crime. In contrast to the corpses of executed prisoners, Getty published" target="_blank">a photo of a TNC fighter who was captured by loyalist green forces as a prisoner of war. He doesn’t look very well, but obviously he was not executed.
It’s no surprise that the TNC forces commit grave war crimes in Sirte. Confronted with allegations of crimes and abuses of their forces even the top commanders of the TNC ground forces publicly declared that they have no control over their own troops.
NATO’s excuse for these crimes to happen while NATO is engaged with a UN mandate “to protect civilians” is more than lame. NATO claims it is a neutral force protecting civilians and therefore not reponsible for the actions of TNC ground troops. However, as neutral as NATO claims to be, NATO has chosen its targets very one sidedly. While the TNC troops fired with Howitzers from the distance in the direction of Sirte, NATO has not prevented them from doing so, but instead helped the TNC troops massacre civilians with airstrikes on the city.
And there is evidence that NATO is more to the TNC ground troops than a neutral force. In recent weeks there were many reports of TNC troops saying before attacking a city they wait for green light from NATO. That effectively makes NATO top commander of the TNC troops. This is confirmed by logic. Given the organizational weakness of the TNC troops, any other configuration than having NATO being at the top of the command chain of the TNC forces doesn’t make sense militarily.
But when NATO is at the top of the TNC command chain, then it’s NATO’s TNC ground troops committing the crimes and NATO’s commanders are fully reponsible for the actions of their troops and should be held accountable for their war crimes. The argument that the grave and proven war crimes were committed by outsourced ground forces operating under a different flag is not convincing since these forces are still under NATO’s control and command.
Thus the NATO criminals shall be brought to justice and punished for the war crimes they are responsible for.
Addendum Thursday, October 13th, 2011: The NATO propaganda outlets changed their story on the crime of the execution of prisoners of war in Sirte again. As it appeared that the executed prisoners of war were obviously people loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, journalist Rasmus Tantholdt from Danish TV 2" target="_blank">reports now, that the “rebels have a theory that it are Gaddafi’s people who have executed their own soldiers.” With this absurd statement the NATO propaganda efforts to blame these TNC crimes on Green Government loyalists should hopefully be regarded as completely exposed and debunked.

Sirte is controlling Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds with Libyan volunteers.
In the war there is a logic and it is dictated by real conditions on a place, considering the general background, i.e. position at the front still.
Here yesterday, after impressive defeat in Sirte, Nato-mercenaries should come to the senses, lick wounds and so forth It logically? Yes.
But happens improbable, suddenly in Sirt the most important arrives “revolutionary ” — Mustafa Dzhalil, the television and
circus under the name “storm of Sirta” begins a new, without having allowed even time to bury itself the companions of victims at night.
It is possible to bury with sunrise. If certainly it is Moslems. Homebrew mass-media and “experts” with the conclusion
that Sirte nevertheless — the end there and then have following got out today!
Though, a pier “Kaddafi” and so forth at them such “visions”, a version of idiocy. is a pity.
But give one after another.
The first. Mustafa Dzhalil wasn’t in Sirte. When during the same time have transferred live Dzhalilja walking about on Bengasi
then the television ARRAI-TV – attacked the NATO, through powerful “electronic jamming” by means of aircraft and till now TV can’t go on the air.
The second. Why nevertheless Nato-mercenaries poke their noses into a city in which them so have destroyed the day before?
In all Mutassim “is guilty”. It appears, on the party of Nato-mercenaries “deserter” who has in strict confidence told to Nato-mercenaries
has run away that in a city there were 700 persons of youth – self-defenses, and all the others are removed from defense and quickly “somewhere” are sent that a terrible secret.
Here Nato-mercenaries also have got to settle accounts with a defenseless city. Also what? And they have allowed to all to enter into a city from 3 parties and when have entered “gate” have slammed!
Last information was that there is a mass destruction of rabbits of Nato-mercenaries and their rests in a ring on east site of a city and to set free or to take prisoner gathers nobody.
But from 19 o’clock and communication has interrupted …
It is known that “3 ordering insurgents”, probably Mutassim are taken prisoner, after conversation with Englishmen “to smoke a hookah” with them now.
On other fronts:
Sebha: the Libyan army “escaping has thrown” rocket Skad on suburb Sabha. When “winners” have decided to examine a trophy, it …it has blown up, having broken off in shreds of 15 Nato-mercenaries and still there are invalids, i.e. wounded. Probably “the Tula master” appeared!
Battles of Bani-Walid: Nato-mercenaries have been attacked far in the country and 60 persons but that is important lost their life, is killed also the field commander from Egypt, with bodyguards accompanying it. The last have covered with “dot” blow from the rocket.
Misurata: there are difficult fights already for city clearing that is declared.
Bengazi: violent fighting in city boundaries between Green Libyan army and Nato-mercenaries.
From political news. In Mali congress of students and youth of tribes Tuaregov which have unanimously decided to enter under command of the Libyan front has come to the end. Well type, leaders have solved for us, but also we a pier of the same opinion.
Speaking about Tuaregh there has passed the information that they want to declare Muammara Kaddafi the Sultan!
Now it is necessary to M.Kaddafi “… to have three wives”!
Discrimination by Nato-mercenaries, even for the dead
Nato-mercenaries bodies, “Requiescat in Pace”

Libyan loyalists bodies, left near the trash bins

Nato Nato-mercenaries are looting every house and after burned it in the outskirts of Sirte
ALL the western part of Sirte are totally under Loyalist control and now the tried to clean the rebels who entered in the East front
More than 30 rebels lost their life in the South front of Sirte
228 rebels rebels have been captured at the local radio of Sirte
Some residentials area are occupied by the Nato-mercenaries in the East front of Sirte but the loyalist make them retreat form these areas
Situation in Sirte last night :…..
27 rebels lost their life in an ambush this night in Tripoli
USA is giving his last breath and try to attack all the country in the world which detained natural ressources
All the people fleeing Sirte must give their money and all things that have a value to have the right to flee the front
AL QEADA prison have 1000 prisoners , perhaps they will behade all of them.
For every rebels killed on the front , the rebel killed a prisoner
A lot of armoured cars are preparing for another attack
In Bani Walid , the Libyan army have 40 thousands thermal rocket and 20 have been launched and made a lot of causalties for the Nato-mercenaries.
Sirte is totally under control of people of Sirte.
The rebels don’t now anything about this plan
For the 14 october : an uprising is prepared in Tripoli and rebels are very afraid of that , thats why they do this media war against Libya
Jalil never enter Sirte and the city is still controlled by the Loyalists: this is a media war against the rebellion of people.
They are waiting night to clean the town of Sirte from the rebels where they enter.
3 Nato-mercenaries commanders have been arrested in Sirte
Libyan army abandon one scud missile with TNT on it in the outskirts of Sabha and exploded on a rebel brigade which killed 15 and wounded many.
Yesterday night , NATO landed troops by sea
He added then when our forces entered Sirte , we see no resistance and then suddently we were under fire from all direction. A rebel commander tell to reporter that : The control of Sirte will be very costly in lives
A depot of weapon and ammunition of the rebels has been near the airport
This morning some Nato-mercenaries infiltrate sirte by sea
Font: LibyaTV
NATO Crimes In Libya: Sirte receiving ‘heavy shelling’
Posted in + All - Archivio, War news
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