Samstag, 17. September 2011

#ALBA countries oppose #Libya rebels' #UN seat & Reason why: #Sirte Video Roundup Sep17

ALBA countries oppose Libyan rebels' UN seat

Posted: 2011/09/17
From: Mathaba
Members of The Bolivian Alternative for the People's of Our America, known as ALBA, totally oppose giving Libya's UN seat to the NTC. ALBA countries include: Nicaragua, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Antigua and Barbuda. Hugo Chavez predicts that a hot debate over Libya will occur in the UN General Assembly.

Countries belonging to a Latin America trade group oppose giving Libya’s U.N. member seat to the NATO-led rebels who fight the Jamahiriya government, the Venezuelan ambassador said in a Wednesday letter to the new General Assembly president.

Ambassador Jorge Valero wrote to General Assembly President Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser that foreign ministers of the countries in the ALBA group agree that Libya’s United Nations seat should not be occupied by “an illegitimate transitory authority imposed by foreign intervention.”



2) Sirte Video Roundup 17.09.2011






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