Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

#Libya #Resistance Update #Sep28 - #NATO #OperationUnifiedProtector #NATOfail #RebelFail #NATOcrimes

Update on the war against Libya and Africa - September 28th

Posted: 2011/09/29
From: Mathaba
Roundup of news from and other independent sources along with commentary by Dennis South

Rats are rats

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 - 00:41

Hopefully this video relieves some tension. It is very well done and suitable to explain to children who the rats are in Libya and what they are doing, and that the Lion of Africa cannot be defeated:

Wednesday, 28.09.2011 - 00:58

Sabha, Ghadames, Ghat, Taha, Murzuk and other towns and oases, are under the control of the Jamahiriya.

The Tuareg published a communique in which they confirmed their full support for the Jamahiriya.  They also said that they would take revenge on the rebels for the atrocities committed against peaceful Libyans.

The rats are preparing a tank assault on Bani Walid.  Bani Walid is still being fiercely bombed by NATO, the white 'west' European, Canadian and United States armed forces, at the command of the governments of those countries, while their populations remain silent.  In general, the number of mercenaries is reduced.

In Sirte, mercenaries broke into the port at night and now await the landing of NATO troops.  Fighters in Tripoli are awaiting reinforcements from Tarragon.

Tunisian authorities released Dr Mahmoudi El-Baghdadi, the General Secretary of the General People's Conference of the Libyan Jamahiriya, who was arrested in Tunis.



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