Dienstag, 13. September 2011

#Libya #Rat "human rights activists' " professional cruelty & #German #Anonymous call to save #BaniWalid



AeliciaJones @ AeIiciaJones libya human rights activist. . What mental disorder does she/he have?

What mental disorder does she/he have?
If you have hope that Human Right Watch Organisation is an independent organization
read these tweets of от AeIiciaJones http://twitter.com/#!/AeIiciaJones
Maybe she is not member of HRW, but she show common western style - be glad death of others people and keep smile during murder.
She had the audacity to call the Libyans, who are fighting for their country by rats. I hope to erase the grin from the faces of people like she.
aelicia_jones AeliciaJones


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